View Full Version : Vet visit report

01-03-2008, 08:33 PM
OK - so this is the story. My 2, Fifi and Balie had their vet check + vaccs today. Fifi's got something wrong with her hip/leg/spine as she's limping and has been for a week. The vet wants to put her on painkillers to see if it's arthritis (metacam I'm guessing), but she won't do it until we rule out any thyroid/kidney abormalities. So a fully set of bloods is in order + an eye test because of her recurrent conjunctivitis. We have a specialist opthalmic vet at our practice who will do the test when her bloods are done.

Once we know she's not got kidney probs we'll try the painkillers for a week to see if they help. If they don't then it's xray time, checking for fractures (which she doubts), or (gulp) potential tumours. But we're a little way away from that.

Balie on the other hand is OK health-wise. We are having major issues with his inappropriate toiletting (poos) on carpets in the bedroom/landing on the top floor. There is no change in the pattern of things, nothing in his routine has changed either. There are no health indicators for this. He was a bit of a rogue poo and wee-er when he was a kitten but apart from being caught short a couple of times there's not been any problem.

The one thing that HAS changed - and here's where I'd like any advice if anyone has had similar experiences, is that I have introduced dental biscuits into their diet. Same brand as that which they're used to, Royal Canin. The vet thinks it unlikely but there might be a slight possibility that this is affecting both Fifi (physically) and Balie (mentally)!

Fifi is 10 1/2 and Balie's 11. Any thoughts?

01-03-2008, 08:38 PM
Can't see how the biscuits would cause these problems myself. :?

Just a thought though, with Chico arriving soon, will that upset Baile and potentially make the toilet habits worse?

01-03-2008, 08:41 PM
Kel - I've just started a new thread on that. My thoughts exactly. I've thought of nothing else all day.

01-03-2008, 08:41 PM
So sorry to hear of Fifi's problems, Yola, I hope your vet will soon be able to find the cause and start treating her as soon as possible.

That's very strange regarding the dental biscuits...... I've never heard of that before:?
Do they have them every day?

01-03-2008, 08:44 PM
Mags - they have their usual Persian mix with some of the dental bics mixed in. They are much larger than the usual biscuits. They've both had other RC biscuits in the past (like the intense furball that I used after Darcy's intestinal blockage) with no ill effect so I'm really doubting it IS that to be honest. :?

01-03-2008, 08:49 PM
It does seem unlikely to be the biscuits but as our pets can't tell us anything, I suppose they have to consider all options ..

01-03-2008, 09:51 PM
So sorry to hear about your problems with Fifi and Balie Yola. I guess you have probably tried all sorts of strategies with litter trays, and I know it must be extra difficult with 2 small boys in the house too. I have heard several stories recently (not on Catsey) about people's cats/dogs inappropriately pooing and weeing.

Merlin sometimes does this (other than when he's ill) and I have always put it down to the fact that I have forgotten to clean out his litter tray - even if it looks reasonably OK to me.

01-03-2008, 09:53 PM
I agree it's unlikely, but if it were me, I'd stop them just to be on the safe side......

02-03-2008, 11:54 AM
Hi Yola, I don't have the experience with Persians or even cats yet to make an informed opinion but my dog had dental bics and she got awful diarrheoa with them. Hopefully Fifi's limping is a simple case of arthitis, not anything more major, but Balie could be having a sudden urge reflex from the bics ?? maybe.

02-03-2008, 12:34 PM
Hi Yola, I don't have the experience with Persians or even cats yet to make an informed opinion but my dog had dental bics and she got awful diarrheoa with them. Hopefully Fifi's limping is a simple case of arthitis, not anything more major, but Balie could be having a sudden urge reflex from the bics ?? maybe.

Maybe it would be as well to stop them and see if there is any improvement?

02-03-2008, 01:55 PM
I dont know what to suggest really Yola but if you think there may be a link between the buiscuts and your cats health/behaviour then it might be worth cutting them out and observing.
Talking of observing, I know this may be difficult, having two little uns and work, but it may also be worth noting down anything about the behaviours, a sort of diary, to see if you can find a trigger for them.
Wishing you and the kitties all the very best xxx