View Full Version : The reason why I haven't been on..

20-02-2008, 01:38 AM
As you know, I had to get Maiah and her eye surgery completed, and that cost a lot of money so I had to sell my computer. Well, I got it back lol (Grandparent's spoil me) Well, something else had just happened, and it made me so mad that well, I might not use to nice of words.

Some a hole left out anti-freeze and Socks, being the little rascal he is, got a hold of it. We did find out who the a holes were and it was construction workers that left the bottles just laying out so we did file a complaint and we will be taking them to court (It's illegal to leave it out) and there were bottles littered around the area. Also, they will pay half of the bills to get Socks better.

It was 1:00 in the morning when I saw Socks stumbling around and I rushed him to Murfespuro (which is 30 minuets away from where I live) but I got there in 10 minuets (Whoo for breaking speed limits!) and yes I did get pulled over, but the cop let me go and escorted me (He was a cat lover XP )

So, I got there and they rushed him in with my jacket so he could sleep on it, and they told us it was antifreeze.

On the good news, they let me spend the night there with him, and they did a test to check on his kidneys. His heart was doing absolutly great, and they said he was the healthiest cat they've ever seen (besides the whole anti-freeze stuff) his kidneys and his liver were great, but they're afraid he might have a little brain damage due to the fact he stopped breathing on them a few times.

It's been 1 day and 14 hours now and he's eating soft foods (He's a pig so of course he'll eat) and he's playing with his IV cords. So, the vet told us he has a 70% chance of living due to his fast recovery, but will keep him 2 more days just to make sure.

The recovery will cost 700 dollars+ so I plan to sell all my games, stuff I don't need, and get a refund on my plane ticket to see kyle (Which he understands)

but he is doing fine now and I'm praying it stays that way. Sorry again for not being very active. It's been crazy down here. We just lost both guinea pigs to a common cold they had.

20-02-2008, 02:59 AM
Oh Socks, how terrible! Antifreeze can be a real killer; so glad the kidneys and liver haven't been too damaged! I'm praying that there's no brain damage; please do keep us posted on his progress! And how did Maiah's eye surgery go? No wonder you haven't been on lately with everything going on...(((hugs))) and take care of yourself.....

20-02-2008, 09:39 AM
Oh no, how awful :( You really have been through it just atm! I think the moronic construction people who left it out should pay all of socks' recovery costs :(

Hope he comes through OK, he sounds a very strong kitty! Sending healing vibes and hugs to you both *hugs*

20-02-2008, 10:16 AM
Hope he comes through Ok. He sounds a lovely kitty. Give him a hug from me.


20-02-2008, 10:32 AM
Socks, I'm so shocked to read your account of what's been happening. Poor you, poor Socks and poor Kyle also - being far away and not being able to help out!

I hope with all my heart Socks pulls through and makes a full recovery. I think you should sue these cretins for every last penny AND then the stress and worry factor. :mad:

20-02-2008, 11:20 AM
Sorry to hear you have had such a rotten time. Healing vibes going to socks. I hope he makes a full recovery. Great that the cop gavce you hand an escorted you so socks could get there in time. I hope that you manage to prosecute (sp) the workmen to.

Best of luck and take care of yourself


20-02-2008, 12:33 PM
Healing vibes for Socks and hugs for you (and that policeman!). Sorry to hear what a bad time it's been for you.

20-02-2008, 01:02 PM
That's awful Socks!:( I hope Socks makes a full recovery and there is no brain damage ........ I agree with the others that those construction men should pay for all his treatment, they should have known how dangerous it is to leave anti-freeze lying around.

How did Maiah's eye surgery go, was it successful?

Glad to see you back, take care... :D

20-02-2008, 05:51 PM
How awful for the wee man...Hope he is recovering and will be back to normal soon...Thoughts and Hugs with you...xx

20-02-2008, 07:40 PM
Hope Socks is feeling better after his ordeal. Stupid builders! Hugs for Maiah too (xox)

20-02-2008, 08:03 PM
Hope Socks is back home with you quickly. Poor little man. Some people are so irresponsible. It is horrid that this has happened to Socks but what if a child had got it. Give him a great big hug.

How is Maiah eye after surgery? Give her a love as well.

20-02-2008, 08:24 PM
Nice to see you back.
How awful for Socks (and you), good for acting so quickly though and I hope he is feeling a lot better soon, please keep us updated X

21-02-2008, 06:27 AM
Maiah's eye surgery went well, Her eyelid is still covered over her eye, but it'll go away over a year's time ^^

We just got news about Socks, and he is playing with his IV cords and already trying to pick the locks of the cages (He's causing alot of trouble for the vets) but so far he looks like he's going to make a full recovery (They're going to take him off the IV so see how he reacts, so anything could happen)

Yes, Everything seems to be going smooth now, but still keep Socks in your prayers, He'll be in mine.

love you all!!! :D

21-02-2008, 12:32 PM
Pleased to hear there has been some improvement with Sock ........ loads of healing vibes being sent to him..:D

More healing vibes also being sent to Maiah, I hope her eye makes a full recovery too..:D

Looking forward to hearing that Socks is back home with you where he belongs.. x

21-02-2008, 04:56 PM
Good vibes coming! Thanks for the update, hope he can come home soon ......

21-02-2008, 11:31 PM
Glad to hear Socks is keeping the vets busy. Hopefully he will be back with you soon.

I am sure Maiah's eye will heal completely given time.

22-02-2008, 11:10 AM
We just got news about Socks, and he is playing with his IV cords and already trying to pick the locks of the cages (He's causing alot of trouble for the vets)

Lol that reminded me of when Bubbles had her dental surgery, the Vets rang me and said while she had a lovely singing voice, would I like to come and get her early ;)

SO glad Socks is recovering so well, still sending healing vibes for him :)


23-02-2008, 04:29 AM
thankyou for all the vibes! Socks made a full recovery and is right now running around the house with Maiah. Lol the vet wanted me to come get him early because he had a "colorful but slightly bothersome personality" hehe X) that's my baby boy :D

So, I went to pick him up and as soon as he walked into the room he made that "Pdrrrr" noise and ran over to me and just let me hold him until we got home. As soon as we got home, he ate ALOT and drank ALOT. then within the hour, him and Miaha were chasing eachother around and knocking over stuff. I missed him sooo much X) It's bad when you actually want to hear a big bang in the morning lol.

The vet said he is a very lucky kitty. Having antifreeze in a kittens body like his should of killed him in 30 minuets, but he lasted for 2 hours before they could of started the treatment.

So..he made a full recovery, but he is really wanting to get 'friendly' with Maiah. Maiah is good at defending herself when she dosn't want to get 'friendly'.

but yes, he's doing fine now ^^ Thankyou all VERY much! I don't know what I would of done if anything had happened to him.

23-02-2008, 11:24 AM
Yay I'm SOOO pleased for you both!! *hugs* all round :)

23-02-2008, 04:17 PM
Brilliant news Socks .......... cuddles to them both! :D

23-02-2008, 05:02 PM
I'm really pleased Socks is well again, what a very lucky kitty. Love and hugs to you, Socks and Maiah. :D :D :D

23-02-2008, 05:16 PM
Awww, great news! Cuddles to them both and a (((hug))) to you; what a nasty ordeal!

24-02-2008, 02:22 PM
Glad he is back to his 'naughty' little self.