View Full Version : Bottled Water

18-02-2008, 12:12 PM
It seems that if we gave up the current fashion for bottled water we could do a lot more towards 'saving the earth' than other energy-saving measures. Easy enough to get a 'sports bottle' and fill it from the tap. Lots cheaper for us all and sooo much less waste. Panorama is covering the subject tonight http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/7247130.stm
Interesting isn't it?
Restaurants here could make a start by just giving tap water automatically. One thing we could look across the pond for an example. As soon as you enter an 'eatery' you get a glass of water, and refills whenever you like. Might help a bit with people drinking too much alcohol too?

18-02-2008, 12:38 PM
Completely agree DM! Never could taste the difference between tap water and bottled. Waste of energy and money if you ask me.

18-02-2008, 03:44 PM
I suppose it's a sign of the more travel abroad that people generally do now - they get used to drinking safe bottled wated rather than tap water and don't remember when they get home to switch back. I actually have a bottled water bottle which I refill with tap water by my bed at night. That little habit goes back to my dear cat Smudge (GBNF) who used to climb up on the bed during the night and try and drink out of my glass, always ending up in her knocking it over! So habits do died hard!!!