View Full Version : One extreme to the other age wise.

24-11-2007, 07:16 PM
Took the girls out today (two SBT's) Sal is 5 Tess is 3 as we left the car park we bumped into a couple with an elderly Staffie he was they said 14, grey muzzle, eyebrows, in fact almost a completely grey head. He was well and truely an old gent. The couple were saying how lively my two were by comparison and I felt "sad" as I recalled my older Staffs no longer with me.
As we came back to the carpark we bumped into a chap with a Staffe pup about 4-5 months old a proper and total nutter
he was at the end of his lead standing on his back legs to get to my girls who stood by and watched him Tess (3) came to me and nudged my leg as if to say "I don't do that do I, I'm a good girl " then ruined the effect by flopping down and chewing on my lace - in boredom because I was talking yet you kow I never see where she chews the lace I think she just sucks it. :)

Sal has just settled down to wait, in proper staffie stance of back legs straight out head down.

The pup had a bit of a play on lead with the girls then the chap said this was the first time he'd meet adult Staffs with him and was aprehensive but now felt more confident that "the majority" of adult Staffs would not hurt him.
I told the chap it depended on the dogs themselves but as he was a pup he should be okay...but be careful with other males especialy as the pup grows. But the majority of Staff owners know their own dogs and learn to read the signs if people walk the other way "realise its due to a reason"

So after letting the pup have a bit of a run around after my girls individualy (did not want to risk my two running with an unknown to them pup, as they are in effect a "pack" ) the chap was over the moon and said he thought the pup was fast till he saw "grownup dogs" as he put it cover the ground.

So the two extremes today old and young and do you know what I prefer the middle ground where I am now 3 & 5 year old Staffies, I don't miss the pupiness and I do not look forward to the doddery stage I am happy where I am.


24-11-2007, 09:37 PM
What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing that.....

24-11-2007, 09:39 PM
brought a smile to my face that did Karen.

24-11-2007, 09:47 PM
You can kinda tell I am getting stir crazy can't you back to work tomorrow... :)

24-11-2007, 09:47 PM
That's lovely Karen! I just love staffies, they have that 'cute' look all their lives.

I have to say that I too like the stage I am at now too, 2, 2 and 5 years. Mind I wouldn't say no to a pup in a couple of years. :-D Puppies are always lovely, but I do like the routine and being able to relax when they are older.

24-11-2007, 10:24 PM
Aww thats a lovely story Kazz. I dont think you should go back to work, I think you should stay off and have more adventures with the dogs:lol:

25-11-2007, 01:01 AM
Awww that was a really nice story Kazz :)