View Full Version : Update on Billy

19-11-2007, 12:12 AM
Just a little update for the people who've been so kind in reassuring me about Billy....

This evening he had a handful of finely chopped cooked turkey and a saucer of milk, which is as much as he's had in one sitting all weekend so I'm relieved about that. Fresh food and water are available to him at all times anyway but I just wanted to try and tempt him with the things he really likes ;)

The vet opens at 8:30 in the morning, so if he's not at least 90% better I've decided I'd rather go to the vet and be told its just 'one of those things' that will sort itself in a few days and look like an over-protective mummy than have him feel grotty.

*fingers crossed*

19-11-2007, 09:51 AM
Hi good news that Billy's eaten . . . how is he this morning, are you going to get vet?

Sorry I must've missed your earlier post (been unwell myself . . . )

Oh, and welcome to Catsey!

19-11-2007, 12:04 PM
I hope Billy is feeling better soon. We found after Bobby's accident tins of tuna and pilchards persuaded him to eat.

19-11-2007, 02:32 PM
Glad Billy is eating, sorry I must have missed the thread too (will go on a search now for it). And welcome to Catsey

19-11-2007, 04:38 PM
Excellent news that he is eating again, hope he carries on getting better :)

19-11-2007, 04:49 PM
Pleased to hear he's eating now; a good sign!

19-11-2007, 07:12 PM
I'm pleased to report we're on the mend :cat10

When I got up this morning (minus LOTS of sleep because I was worried about him) he had a good go at his breakfast but was still looking very fed-up so I decided to make an appointment with the vet - I'd rather look daft than have my boy poorly.

We went at 4 o'clock and while we were waiting, Billy decided to groom himself which is always a good sign and generally looked more perky. Typical! :cat5

The vet we saw was new to me but extremely nice, and a cat person to-boot. She took his temperature, listened to his heart and lungs and checked his mouth, and everything was normal.

It turns out he had his 3-yearly Leukaemia jab this time so the vet thinks maybe it coincided with his immune system being at its' peak and it reacted to the vaccine, so she's going to report the reaction to the manufacturer. She said that she could give him something to calm his immune system down, but if it was her cat then she'd be inclined to leave it alone and keep a careful eye on him which was good enough for me.

So what does he do when we get home? Marches out of the box, tells my mum all about the indignity of having your temperature taken then wallops his food down!! Does he realise I've practically had a nervous breakdown this weekend!?

That's my boy :cat27

19-11-2007, 07:23 PM
So pleased that Billy is back to normal again........ they can be such a worry to us can't they..:)

19-11-2007, 07:30 PM
Great news about Billy! Hope you sleep better tonight!


19-11-2007, 07:33 PM
Yay really pleased he's feeling better lol. HOW could you subject such a fine boy to having his temperature taken, you cruel mummy :lol:

Interesting about the Leukaemia shot tho, mine have a booster every year... ?

19-11-2007, 07:47 PM
Yay really pleased he's feeling better lol. HOW could you subject such a fine boy to having his temperature taken, you cruel mummy :lol:

Interesting about the Leukaemia shot tho, mine have a booster every year... ?

Haha, he was giving me 'headbutts' when she was listening to his chest but dad had to take over when it came to checking temperature because you need to get him in a gentle head-lock! (the cat, that is - not my Dad! :-D).

19-11-2007, 08:58 PM
Lol, cats do not like having their temps taken; can't really blame them! Glad he's almost back to normal!

20-11-2007, 11:08 AM
One of my old cats used to 'sit' when having his temp taken. It used to startle the vet who got worried about losing his thermometer ;)

When Bubbles was under for her dental, we had her microchipped and it has the temperature on it too so from now on she only has to be scanned instead of poked in the oopsie ;) I'm sure she's very grateful :lol:

21-11-2007, 04:40 PM
So glad to have the update on Billy and really interested about the microchip with temperature on it, Grete. Was this a "usual" microchip or did you ask for the soopa-doopa special version? What a grand idea!

21-11-2007, 09:08 PM
So glad to have the update on Billy and really interested about the microchip with temperature on it, Grete. Was this a "usual" microchip or did you ask for the soopa-doopa special version? What a grand idea!

When they asked if we wanted her microchipped they told us about both versions - the standard one was cheaper but the temperature reading one wasn't actually that much more expensive so we readily went for that one ;) Bubbles doesn't know how lucky she is *grin*

22-11-2007, 12:20 AM
Leila also has one of those temperature microchips. Our vets were promoting them at the time and it didn't cost me anymore than the usual one.

Glad Billy is back to normal they are a real worry.