View Full Version : Oppps My memory

12-10-2007, 06:53 PM
Opps sorry all; my memory is not what it was just remembered I have not told you the results of the scan are back.
I have wait for it.....drum roll.....Gall stones. On the list for an Op to have them removed should be in the next 6 weeks, unless they flare up again.

And I feel better.:-D Thanks for all your concern just hope the appointment does not come back for when the Supreme is but it is only day surgery so should not be a problem.

Thanks for all your concern Karen

12-10-2007, 07:01 PM
I suppose 6 weeks isn't too bad to wait Kazz........ unless you are in terrific pain, then they would have you in sooner. It's marvellous how they do it now with keyhole surgery, it's less invasive and you are back on your feet in no time....

12-10-2007, 07:39 PM
Good news!! Of course it's painful, but a relief to know that it's gallstones which can be zapped by a laser really quickly and by surgery which thankfully, is minimal. I had keyhole surgery about 5 or 6 years ago, and whilst you feel a bit odd for a few hours and need to take painkillers for a couple of days, you're effectively right as rain later the same day.

12-10-2007, 07:59 PM
That's great news Kazz! I think it's always a little easier putting up with things like that when there is an end in sight. Hope you continue feeling OK!

12-10-2007, 08:54 PM
It's good to have a proper diagnosis, let's hope there are no more flare-ups in the meantime.

12-10-2007, 08:56 PM
Great news! I too hope there are no flareups before surgery, and that you'll be OK for the Supreme! The surgery isn't what it used to be; my friend who had it was up and about feeling fine in no time!

12-10-2007, 09:00 PM
Memory.. Kazz who???

Seriously Kazz I hope you are fine and dont need surgery sooner. If per chance you are out of action for the Supreme we will all invade the hospital:-D How does that grab you?

13-10-2007, 09:35 AM
Day surgery? That's amazing!
Glad to hear you're feeling well - just take it easy till you get them sorted. x

25-10-2007, 01:24 PM
Haven't seen Kazz for a day or two - hope she's not had a flare up and been whisked in for her op. Anybody know?

25-10-2007, 01:32 PM
Think Erin sent her a text but dont think she has heard back. I do hope everything is ok.

25-10-2007, 01:56 PM
I'd missed this thread somehow :? I didn't realise it was gall stones. I hope Kazz is okay and can hurry back to Catsey :)

25-10-2007, 02:56 PM
Yeah I text Kazz yesterday and havnt heard back,hope she is ok.

25-10-2007, 04:31 PM
She hasn't been o since the 21st; hope all's well.....