View Full Version : Does your cats know any tricks?

08-10-2007, 02:08 AM
Maiah (my lil angel) doesn't know that many tricks at all. That and just being cute are more like her. She knows when to run to us when we say "Milky".... -_-;;

Anyways, Socks is our little Enstein (sp)

He knows how to flush the toilet (Doesn't know how to use it though)

He knows how to turn on the TV.

How to open doors.

But my Fav one is how he gives kisses like his Daddy.

When Kyle was still here, he use to put both hands on my cheeks, and give me a little peck on the lips as our goodbye kiss. Well, somehow socks picked up on that and now everytime I give my lil boy a kiss on the cheek, he (painfully) grabs both my cheeks with his claws and forces his lil kitty lips against mine. It's so adorable! Kinda weird...but he's so cute so it's ok!

Maiah's little trick is of, Sleeping, running to food, and meowing a greeting everytime you walk into the room.

As for Garfeild....he just sits there and looks at you thinking "...I'm going to kill you one day...."

08-10-2007, 08:31 AM
Awww how cute is Socks :)

Bubbles has a cute trait of dragging her favourite toy to you when she wants to play. It makes us laugh every time since it's about 3 feet of stick and fleece strip.

She's done it ever since we first got her at around 5 months and dragged the original one with her everywhere. She was tiny, it was huge ;)

She also fetches when you throw small toys for her :)

08-10-2007, 03:42 PM
Rover fetches sticks. :-) This is completely his idea, not something we've taught him. In the summer he usually builds a small nest with them under the stairs - maybe I need to move the bird-feeder...

He's harness-and-lead trained, good at "Stay" and comes when called (unless scared), and will leave food on human-plates alone for at least a few hours. The last is completely amazing as he's a right gannet about any sort of food (except dry-food). He'll do a sort of modified vulture-pose on my shoulder when I eat lunch at home to encourage me to finish up and FEED him! :D
He also gives wonderful hugs with front paws on both of my shoulders.

08-10-2007, 04:35 PM
Sultan used to get his kitty tease toy, long fishing-pole thing with a denim scrap on it, and drag it to me when he wanted to play.
Leia taught herself to knock on the aluminum bottom of the storm door when she wanted to come in from the porch.
Dandy fetched when you threw fluffy balls for him.
Sultan, Dandy and Leia all learned how to open the doors on the Korean chest. I posted a pic of Leia doing it!
Scamper, the ginger tom I grew up with would sit up on his hind legs and beg like a dog for a treat!
Clever, aren't they?

08-10-2007, 04:41 PM
Sultan used to get his kitty tease toy, long fishing-pole thing with a denim scrap on it, and drag it to me when he wanted to play.

Casper does this...:D

08-10-2007, 07:43 PM
This is really interresting and it's good to see you back posting socks. X

My last cat used to open doors and windows and he also used the toilet. (couldn't flush it though)
Denis opens doors, he gives kisses when I ask (not when I don't) so I know they are kisses. he just pecks my lips with his nose. He comes when called, he talks back when we talk to him (and this isn't just when he wants to go out or eat) also he fetches

08-10-2007, 08:26 PM
I taught Tucker to 'sit'. He will only do it if there is something tasty in it for him though! :lol:

08-10-2007, 08:47 PM
Hee hee, Random, who has trained who? :-D

08-10-2007, 08:56 PM
Hee hee, Random, who has trained who? :-D

LOL! That is a good point now I think about it!

*stupid human* :lol:

08-10-2007, 10:11 PM
Cats are very cleaver. However they are very stubborn unlike dogs who would do it just to get a "Good boy!"

lol I'm glad to be posting to ^^ It's been boring now that Kyle has left, but he comes back for Christmas so, It's not that long of a wait.

Socks dosn't really play with toys like he use to. He's a cat now T_T He'll sleep outside ontop of the birdhouse ( ......-_-;;)

He'll play when he's on his back and I'm rubbing his belly really fast. He's one of those cats thats always on his back .

Tried to play with Garfeild today...ended up with a scratched up hand lol He's to old XP

08-10-2007, 10:33 PM
Hehe Squeak used to make me laugh - She was an elderly cat so sedately moved around and was lying or sitting down all the time. Every now and again, she'd forget herself and just leap at a toy and go nuts for 5 mins. Then she'd look around a bit embarrassed and act all sedate again.

I forgot Bubbles' new trick of scratching the glass when she wants to come in and also you can have a conversation with her and she responds. One of her nicknames (that I forgot in the other thread) is Mippy or Mipster because one of her miaows is like little mips of sound.

08-10-2007, 11:00 PM
Bronwyn wakes us up by smacking either me or the OH in the face with her paw, starts off quite gentle and gets more violent if we do not respond.

09-10-2007, 05:59 AM
Bronwyn wakes us up by smacking either me or the OH in the face with her paw, starts off quite gentle and gets more violent if we do not respond.

Haha that made me giggle for a while! Obviously cos I'm not the one getting smacked ;)

09-10-2007, 11:27 PM
Persians are just too thick to learn any tricks.

09-10-2007, 11:30 PM
Merlin knows he gets catnip when he comes in, so he goes out the back door, runs around to the patio door and come in to get his catnip!

09-10-2007, 11:33 PM
Merlin is a clever boy!!!

10-10-2007, 09:28 PM
Denis bites my feet if he isn't getting his own way!! (not a trick that was taught as such but one that gets attention!) especially if I am in bed and he wants me to get up. He starts by getting in having a cuddle then biting my feet