View Full Version : Guiness and Simon update

12-09-2007, 03:27 PM
Just taken them both to the vets. Simon is ok he has put on a little weight he now weighs 5.3kgs and the vet could see any problems. He escaped in the surgery when he was getting weighed and they had to go all over to catch him.
Guinness weight is now down to 16lbs. 8oz's. A couple of days ago i noticed a spot of blood when he had used the litter tray. He is now back on antibiotics and had an injection while he was there which he hated. The vet also said we have got to add water too there dry food which looks horrible and i dont think they like it as they dont like wet food but only time will tell. Guinness is feeling rather sorry for himself he is asleep on a basket of clean and dried washing i havent got the heart too move him as he as beign such a brave boy today.


12-09-2007, 05:33 PM
Aww poor babies. Hope Guinness is feeling brighter soon.

The food thing I wish I had some words of advice but am a bit clueless on it =/ I'm starting to think about it as well for Bubbles since she only has dried food and very occasionally wet for a treat. I'm concerned she isn't getting enough water although she seems to drink plenty.

Hope you get it figured out :)

12-09-2007, 05:43 PM
I hope Guiness will be feeling better soon Jane......

Have you tried the boys out yet with water added to their biscuits? If so, how did they get on with it?

I always add water to Cassie's food (thanks to Kazz's suggestion) but she has wet food and she loves it as it forms a gravy in her dish.

12-09-2007, 05:49 PM
I tried it out straight away when i got back but they sniffed it and walked away. Guiness as perked up a bit in the last hour and simon has gone to sleep in the carrier. All of the cats drink alot of water they love it i am always changing it so its nice and fresh for them though. What i cant understand is that they dont eat anywhere else, they only go to people who they know and they no not to feed them. They eat as much as kado and kay.


12-09-2007, 07:11 PM
Perhaps if you add a little chicken gravy powder to the water then put it on their food it may encourage them. Only make it very thin though just a taste. You never know it might work.