View Full Version : Update on the kittens bellies

05-09-2007, 05:23 PM
So my vet left a message for me this afternoon teling me the results had came back on the kittens feacal(sp?) tests. he said that there is no sign of any sort of bacteria or parasites or well anything!:D so as you can imagine im hugely relieved but now im completely clueless as to what is causing the kittens problems:?

he mentioned ringing back and discussing their diet later on so will let you know what is said. the kittens are on burns chicken and brown rice adult food at the moment, but when they first came to us they were on whiskas kitten food and their bellies have been the same on both foods:? im worried about changing their diet again incase it upsets them even more but then what choice do i have?

anyone have any idea what sort of food i could try them on? i was thinking of getting the burns kitten food incase the adult one was just too much for their bellies. dont really want them going on any hills foods or anything like that as i dont like using anything that has been tested on animals. guess il have to wait and see what the vet suggests!

05-09-2007, 05:26 PM
Ask your vet about giving them Canikur. Not really a medicine, more a means of giving them some 'glue' to stop the constant diarrhoea and give their guts time to recover from constant hurry, hurry, hurry.
Just something to break the vicious circle.
Good luck

05-09-2007, 05:52 PM
I've not really been keeping up with your previous threads but has your vet tried giving them something such as Promax / Pro Kolin. Basically speaking they are a form of pro-biotic which also coats, protects and soothes the gut and so helps to stop diarrhea.

Other than that I've not really got any suggestions except dietry requirements but you would really need to speak to your vet about that as I may be talking total nonsense and may not be dietry at all :-D

05-09-2007, 06:04 PM
You might remember I had a lot of problems with Porsha's tum. I found Promax to be great for helping to bind up her runny tummies. Also I have found Royal Canin Sensible 33 to be the only food that doesn't give her the runs, it's designed for sensitive tummies. Of course what suits one cat doesn't aways suit another, so it might be trial and error until you find something which suits them. I'd certainly take them off kitten food as the higher protein in it could aggrevate their problems. Good luck do let us know how they get on.

05-09-2007, 06:18 PM
So there tummy's were like this when you got them...did the person you got them off mention how long this had been going on? or if their tummy's had always been like that....Just wondering how far back it goes back.

05-09-2007, 06:32 PM
I think their tummies need a break....why not try them on something like fresh chicken or fish....I think thats what worked for Alex with Teddy.... give their tummies a chance it may be something they grow out of....They don't drink milk do they....?

06-09-2007, 09:03 AM
Also other foods which I have found to be good for sensitive tums is Royal Canin Hypoallergenic which is good for IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), Royal Canin Sensitive is also quite good, as is Royal Canin Sensitivity.

Have another chat with your vet and see what they recommend :D

09-09-2007, 12:16 PM
Cant believe that i forgot to update this:shock: right well spoke with the vet and all he suggested was putting them on i/d for a week and then weaning them onto some kitten food.

i decided to email burns to see if they had any further advice and they have been extremely helpful. i explained the whole situation and they suggested feeding just egg/chicken/rice for a few days to give their bellies a break and then very slowly weaning them back onto the adult food. they sent a digestive problems article to me that was very helpful. they also said that if the adult food causes the same problems they will send me a sample of their kitten food to try them on.

so far so good!:D they have been eating scrambled egg for the last two days(mixed with water not milk) and they are doing solid stools at the moment:D gave them 3 pieces of kibble each this morning so will see how their bellies react to that. il definately keep you all updated on whether this works or not.

oh and no, they do not get any milk. my older two very occasional get cat milk and sometimes drink the soya milk at the end of our cereal bowl :roll: but the kittens have never had anything except their dry food bless them.

can i just say that i cannot fault burns at all-their food is fantastic(you should see how shiny my cats fur is:shock: its blinding! lol) all the cats are healthy other then the kittens belly problems. they really care about the animals they are providing for which seems to be rare these days:( oh, and they dont test on animals like 99% of animal food is:evil: definately recommend them for anyone who hasnt tried them already!(promise i dont work for them by the way:lol: )

09-09-2007, 01:01 PM
Aww I'm glad they are feeling better :) Nothing worse than seeing them in discomfort and not knowing how to help :(

09-09-2007, 01:43 PM
So pleased their tums have improved.......long may it continue! :D

10-09-2007, 01:02 PM
That's better news and it's nice to hear that you are pleased with Burns. I think their food is good too - all our pets have it.

10-09-2007, 01:45 PM
Mine have it as well as James Wellbeloved. (just for a change, oh and wet food. Not that they are spoilt or anything:oops:

Glad it's working for you though. It must be a worry.

02-10-2007, 04:33 AM
Cant believe that i forgot to update this:shock: right well spoke with the vet and all he suggested was putting them on i/d for a week and then weaning them onto some kitten food.

i decided to email burns to see if they had any further advice and they have been extremely helpful. i explained the whole situation and they suggested feeding just egg/chicken/rice for a few days to give their bellies a break and then very slowly weaning them back onto the adult food. they sent a digestive problems article to me that was very helpful. they also said that if the adult food causes the same problems they will send me a sample of their kitten food to try them on.

so far so good!:D they have been eating scrambled egg for the last two days(mixed with water not milk) and they are doing solid stools at the moment:D gave them 3 pieces of kibble each this morning so will see how their bellies react to that. il definately keep you all updated on whether this works or not.

oh and no, they do not get any milk. my older two very occasional get cat milk and sometimes drink the soya milk at the end of our cereal bowl :roll: but the kittens have never had anything except their dry food bless them.

can i just say that i cannot fault burns at all-their food is fantastic(you should see how shiny my cats fur is:shock: its blinding! lol) all the cats are healthy other then the kittens belly problems. they really care about the animals they are providing for which seems to be rare these days:( oh, and they dont test on animals like 99% of animal food is:evil: definately recommend them for anyone who hasnt tried them already!(promise i dont work for them by the way:lol: )
I've been reading this thread and I have a new kitten who's had diarrhea (worse at times) for about 2-3 weeks now! Ever since I brought him home... he's been de-wormed and on anti-biotics and we've switched him to vet recommended food for ibs and still... diarrhea! he loves to eat, loves to drink, plays constantly with his brother who is 2 months older and is happy go lucky! I cant figure it out! I noticed you said you tried scrambled eggs with water did that really work? is dry food better than wet? i've tried both!! HELP PLEASE!! thx :)

02-10-2007, 09:57 AM
Hi Bikini - welcome to Catsey and I'm sorry that your first post is with a problem. And it seems to be a very common problem with new kittens. Trouble is that we are often so anxious to do the best for them that we switch from one regime and one food to another in an attempt to help .... and the very act of switching makes matters worse.
If it were me I would feed kitty (what's his name?) to just boiled chicken or white fish, with plenty of chicken/fish broth for three or four days till the diarrhoea stops. Then reduce the amount of chicken/fish and introduce the food you want to give in increasing quantities over three of four days. Watch all the time, and if the looseness seems to be returning go back a step.
Don't give milk.
Good luck - let us know how he goes on, eh? (Sorry, that's my pathetic attempt to make you feel at home here)

02-10-2007, 01:40 PM
Welcome to Catsey!

Dinahsmum has given excellent advice and I agree with her, just give boiled chicken or white fish for a few days or until the diarrhoea subsides.

I hope kitty improves soon, please let us know how he gets on..

03-10-2007, 02:51 PM
I too agree with Dinahsmum and Mags. Chicken or white fish very slowly introducing one food. If you change their food quickly or too often it can cause upset tummy's. All changes need to be very gradual.
Hope this solves itself out soon.