View Full Version : Which wormer?

21-07-2007, 11:29 PM
:mad: i dont know how many wormers i have got through now:mad:

right, so it was time for AJ and Raven to be wormed. i decided to try the drontal tablets this time as they didnt want the panacur favourites last time. we tried popping the tablet in their mouths but if we did manage to get it in they kept spitting it out. then i tried wrapping it in some chicken but this didnt work either. AJ finally had his in some food but Raven is completely refusing it.

also decided to try worming the kittens tonight as Rhino has a bad tummy(has the runs) so thought id better do it to be on the safe side-only they wont have theirs either! i have pancur granules for them and tried mixing it in some gravy. Hernandez seemed keen at first and then tasted the wormer and ran! Rhino turned his nose straight up at it:mad:

just wondering how everyone else worms their cats? any special technique or tasty food they might accept it in?

i was thinking about getting a liquid wormer and syringing it to them all but didnt know if they would just spit that out too-anyone tried this?

please help!!

22-07-2007, 01:27 AM
I do one of two things with Amber. I either use Drontal tablets, and a pill popper so they go straight down her throat, or I worm her with Profender.

Profender is made by the same people as Drontal, but it is a spot on treatment, exactly the same to administer as Frontline. If you do use Profender though, make sure you leave 48 hours between using that and any flea treatments :D

22-07-2007, 06:41 AM
I worm my kittens with Panacur liquid or paste. I've used Panacur favourites with my adults and most of them will take them no problems. I've used drontal too but don't have an issue getting pills down any of them. I just wrap the cat up in a towel so it can't get it's legs out, open the mouth, put the tablet right at the back of the tongue, close the mouth and then rub the throat until it swallows the pill. Good luck!

22-07-2007, 07:15 AM
Panacur paste. ;) Easy peezy lemon squeezy. ;)

PS - I wouldn't worm the kitten whilst he has an upset tummy

22-07-2007, 08:57 AM
I normally use Millbemax on my cats but when they were at the vets earlier this year they gave them the spot on profender. My vets, as some of you know are scared of Eva and all the fuss she makes which is why they used the spot on stuff.
I dont usually have too many problems giving them their tablet. It can take several attempts with Eva but we get there in the end.:lol: Bernie will take it from your hand disguised in a bit of cheese, smelly fish or chicken.

22-07-2007, 09:13 AM
i cant help their sorry

22-07-2007, 10:48 AM
i cant help their sorry
I give Cassie Panacur Palatable Favourites, she eats them straight from my hand...:D