View Full Version : Injured tail

18-07-2007, 06:00 PM
The ginger nightmare herself has injured her tail somehow, she was very 'irratable' at about half past three and kept hissing at the dogs whenever they went near her back end, so I had a looksie..and about halfway up her big squirrel tail is what can only be described as a 'wound', thats 'sticky' and is weeping puss, and it seems she's made it worse by cleaning it like a mad woman. Lord knows where it comes from, but its really causing her annoyance/pain. Vet couldn't fit us in this evening as they are so busy today, she has an appointment for tomorrow afternoon and we have to bathe in salt water for now.
But she is not a happy moggy!

18-07-2007, 06:15 PM
I hope Bella's tail will be alright Luke....:?

This is the second case of an injured tail we have had in two days ..... Random's sister's cat also injured its tail:(

Let us know how she gets on at the vets tomorrow ......

18-07-2007, 07:24 PM
Sounds like its been a bite Luke, thats turned into an abcess...Hope she is feeling better soon.....

18-07-2007, 07:33 PM
Hope she is ok Luke, Jen just had to have hers amputated. :( She now is sporting the manx look though and has came through it ok. I hope Bella's can be saved. x

18-07-2007, 07:38 PM
This seem's like another bad week for Catsey Cats. Poor wee thing. I hope she's ok.

18-07-2007, 08:00 PM
Poor Bella! :( She must be in a lot of discomfort; I hope she'll be OK and won't lose that beautiful tail! Do let us know what happens, Luke ........

18-07-2007, 09:05 PM
Hugs and good luck to Bella Luke. Be very rigorous with the bathing and hopefully it'll all turn out ok. Good job you spotted it early enough as these things can be hard to identify.

18-07-2007, 11:36 PM
Well here's hoping it just needs cream or something, it seems just like a wound as if she has caught it on/in something..but has gotten quite weepy in the past few hours n she's a very unhappy mog. I've shut her in one of the bedrooms with me, away from the rest of the motley crew so they do not aggravate things.

19-07-2007, 09:13 AM
I do hope this wound clears up and the beautiful girl doesn't have to become a Manx, like Jennie.
I'm sure you'll let us know as soon as you can Luke

19-07-2007, 09:14 AM
Sounds to me like a bite that has got infected and abcessed. Amber had one of those on her tail a few months back - I noticed one day that she had a little scab on her tail when I was stroking her but I didn't really worry about it too much. Then about a week later I was stroking her, ran my hand down her tail and found a little lump. When I touched it she hissed at me and scratched me.

Took her to the vets the next day and turns out it was a bite wound that had abcessed - it burst when we shaved the area :smt078 the vet just gave it a good clean, a weeks worth of antibiotics to clear the infection, and I was to bathe it twice a day with either salt water or hibiscrub.

It soon healed up :D hope everything is ok with the vets!

19-07-2007, 11:03 AM
awwww poor Bella,good luck at the vets today Luke,please let us know how you get on xx

19-07-2007, 11:10 AM
I agree with the others, does sound like a bite. Hope it recovers quickly after the vet visit..

19-07-2007, 07:28 PM
Luke, how did Bella get on at the vet this afternoon?

19-07-2007, 08:48 PM
Sorry for the delayed reply, haven't been online this afternoon/evening.
Vet identified it as a burst abscess, and even could see the bite mark it most likely stemmed from. She had an antibiotic jab, and has to go back for another saturday and to continue to bathe in salt water. She actually has perked up a fair bit

19-07-2007, 08:54 PM
That's a relief!! At least she won't lose her tail...well done you spotting it early enough!

19-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Glad it wasn't anything more serious Luke....

19-07-2007, 09:02 PM
Yes, a big relief here too:) She polished a bit of rabbit off though..even gave one of the dogs what for when they went and had a sniff so she must be feeling a bit perkier.

19-07-2007, 09:05 PM
i hope her tail gets better soon