View Full Version : It made me so mad!

09-07-2007, 01:20 AM
We have a mart that's close thats called "Petsmart" and it's a place where you and your animal can walk in and shop. Well, I took Socks and Maiah and the lady stopped us at the door and said "Sorry..but we can't let you in with those two." I asked why not and she said that they didn't allow cats in there. However (don't get me wrong, I love Dogs.) there was a woman who walked in with a Chuwawa (sp). She pointed at that "We don't want your cats getting hurt.." I tried not to laugh, but this thing was smaller then Socks...and another thing, Socks and Maiah don't jump out of my arms, in fact, they were Sleeping...Not to mention this Dog was in a carrier. So, I put Socks and Maiah in my purse and walked in lol.

Then, I bought this Cat toy that was on sell and brought it home for the kittens, opened it up and half of it was missing!!!! We went back to the store, showed the receat to them, and they denied it...I asked for another one since this one didn't come with all of it and they said "sorry, but, it's a 12 hour return policy" I was like "......@(#$*%(@*#%(@#*%@#" you know? Lol Kyle had to drag me out of the store while I was going on a cussing frenzy ^_^;;

Anyways, we finally got all politics on them and we did get our money back -_-;; Of course, my cussing fit didn't get us anywhere, Kyle, who took Government for 4 years in highschool pulled out the whole 12-hour policy and found all the flaws in it lol.

Well, thats about the whole story for my little adventure.

09-07-2007, 07:53 AM
wow what a day you had

09-07-2007, 07:55 AM
PetSmart (also called Pet City and Pets at Home at various times here is the UK), does not have the best reputation for either customer care nor animal care - I have experienced the former and I think someone else here has knowledge of the latter.

I now take my business to independent pet shops.

I can fully understand why you were so angry, but your OH was right, swearing won't win you the battle, might make you feel better but being cold and logical and standing your ground usually will.

09-07-2007, 10:06 AM
As Yola said they have had various different names here and not the best rep for the animals they sell. In fact a tv crew went under cover and did an expose on then. Remember how the killed hamsters that got too old:evil: . My boys bought two Male hamsters from them. Kept them in separate cages and within days they had babies:shock: .

09-07-2007, 03:29 PM
Not a very good experience for you:roll: I can understand you were annoyed but swearing only makes matters worse...... it is better to stay calm and reason with them - you will get a better result that way ;)

Anyway I'm glad you got your refund in the end!:D

09-07-2007, 04:19 PM
Not a pleasant experience at all for you! I was at a Petsmart once; didn't like the condition of the animals nor the salespersons' attitudes; have never been back. But I do agree that, while swearing can make you feel better, a calm and firm attitude will do more in getting results!

09-07-2007, 06:14 PM
rotten day, but glad you got your money back!

10-07-2007, 01:29 AM
Ya, I know swearing isn't exactly the way lol, but XP I've been trying uber-hard to not do it so much. I live in a small town that only has 1 petstore, and it's all about Dogs there. So, the only place we have is 30 minuets away. Ya, I saw Petsmart on the news and it was almost for the same reason. Somebody didn't feed the kitties and one of the Cats had kittens and it almost died due to lack of Nuitrition. So, Petsmart might be closing soon. However :D They are building another petstore and it's almost right next to my house. *Goes to apply for Job*