View Full Version : Alergic to Cats...Possible to Cure?

30-06-2007, 05:47 AM
My Boyfriend, Kyle, comes over alot. He's the one who found Socks and he never had an animal before, so he fell inlove with it and attached with it. However, he had to give it up to me because his mother absolutly hates Cats..and he's alergic to them. He said he didn't use to be alergic. He use to cuddle up with his Grandma's all the time. However, one year he became alergic to them..So everytime he comes over and plays with socks... His eyes get red and watery, his nose runs and he's sneezing like crazy. I just want to know, can you get Amune to these things? Is there any kind of cure? Cause he wants so much to play with Socks and the new kitten arriving.

Thanks ^^

30-06-2007, 08:03 AM
I am allergic to cats and yes eventually you do become used to the pet and your symptoms aren't that bad.

There is no cure but if your boyfriend took some anti-histamine before he came round - that would help him a lot.

30-06-2007, 08:16 AM
I'm afraid I can't really help, though I'm sure that others (like Emm) can give some great advice.

Just wanted to add that I can relate a bit. Y'see, I have a mild allergy to cats, but specifically Persian or part-Persian cats, and other long-haired cats.

My cat Tiger was part-Persian but a normal short-haired cat, if a little fluffier, and being close to her meant insane itchy, swollen, watery eyes. But she was my baby, damnit, so I happily rubbed my face in her fur all of the time.

Now my kitten is a semi-longhaired kitty, oh what fun it'll be when he grows up. :roll:

The fact is, any little thing that your boyfriend can do to get over the allergy at least a little is totally worth it.

30-06-2007, 08:24 AM
I know a few people who have cats and are allergic to them, their advice is always to be sensible, wash hands after stroking/playing with cat, try and keep cat and hands away from face. One girl I know uses some sort of petal spray to groom her cat and says that helps. I'll see if I can find a link for it.

30-06-2007, 08:27 AM

30-06-2007, 08:42 AM
I am a bit allergic to all my animals - so I take a one a day anti histamine.

Works well.

30-06-2007, 09:07 AM
thanks for the link I'm going to get some for my cats and dogs and see if that helps :D

30-06-2007, 05:10 PM
I think you can become immune to a certain extent to your own cats. I'm fine with mine, but I do get a reaction if I cuddle someone elses cat. Maybe I'm only mildly allergic!:?

30-06-2007, 10:28 PM
I used to be really allergic to dogs and cats - as a child it was quite bad and I had an inhaler from the docs :shock:

Over the years, living with animals, I just seem to have built up an immunity. I am now totally fine with cats, but I do still have an allergic reaction to some dogs.

It's never put me off having them - I'm such an animal lover, I have just always lived with it.

I think an antihistamine before your boyfriend comes to visit should do the trick. Eventually he may become immune to it as I did. :)

30-06-2007, 10:52 PM
I have a condition where most things (from house dust to pollen) irritate the lining of my nose, which then swells up and I cannot breathe out of my nose at all if I do not take my medication. I take specific antihistamines and a corticosteriod which comes in the form of a nasal spray (a little like becanase, and a stronger antihistamine a little like the 'one a day' tablets you can get).

These are prescribed to me though and you are not ment to take these, especially becanase and the likes for more than about a week or so without being prescribed it so I wouldn't reccommend these on the long term, but if they worked on the short term then see your doctor and he may well prescribe something similar anyway.

30-06-2007, 10:57 PM
Here's a link that I think you might find very helpful...from Stanford University...

01-07-2007, 12:06 AM
Thankyou all so much :D I'll defently tell him about all of this ^^

01-07-2007, 02:40 PM
i hope your boyfriend cures his allergy soon