View Full Version : White Persian Being Neglected

10-04-2007, 06:44 PM
Hello everyone, im not quite sure what to do about this. I recently had to go an pick something up from a house in Telford. The lady was really nice and had lots of animals including a couple of persian cats and loads of fish tanks from ceiling to floor in the lounge. All well cared for. I told her i loved cats, and she picked up this tiny, pure white persian cat and proudly plonked her in my arms. The lady said "shes ill, and we dont know why". Ive never seen a cat so thin in all my life. I could feel every bone in her body and she weighed nothing. She was absolutely crawling in fleas.

I remained calm, and quietly persuaded the lady to take the cats to the RSPCA, as she explained that she could not afford the vets fees, and because her husband works, she couldnt get PDSA help either. The house was tidy and clean but it was obvious that they had little money to spare having lots of children aswell. I have emailed her to ask if I can help to find this little thing a good home. If I dont hear anything, I will report it. Her other cats are in good health and I asked her how old and how long she has had the cat for. She said she thinks she is about 5 years old, she said she had the cat since january. She told me that she had had blood tests and that they did not reviel anything, however she said that the vets wanted more money to do lukeimia and thyroid tests and she couldnt pay, and she could not see the point in all the tests if she was going to die anyway.

I half think she is telling me a few lies, because vets would normally include lukiemia/thoroid tests in a blood test to find out whats wrong anyway. I also asked her if she had been vaccinated and said yes but the previous owners had no certificates. I told her that her other cats would be at risk and she said that they had been vaccinated. I said "yes but for lukiema?" she said yes because the cattery wouldnt accept them otherwise. Well I dont beleive that because mine go in every year and its not a requirement to have them vaccinated against lukiemia. I am so concerned as this little cat just sits crouched up, looking at the ground. She is also totally deaf.

Could anyone give her a home if i was to get the owner to hand her over?:cry:

10-04-2007, 06:52 PM
I really dont know what to say.

The lady can use the PDSA even if her husband works if she gets any type of benefit or help with her council tax or rent. Possibly she doesn't know this.

I wish I could offer more help.

10-04-2007, 07:20 PM
Polycystic Kidney Disease

What is It?
http://www.felinecrf.org/images/my_cats/harpsie.jpgPolycystic Kidney Disease, known as PKD, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease of the kidneys which is passed on by one or both parents - siblings may be unaffected. PKD affects around 6% of all cats, but appears to be more common in Persian cats, British Shorthairs and others with Persian ancestry. One of our Persians, Harpsie (in the washbasin), has PKD. The distinguishing characteristic of PKD is that cysts are present, usually on both kidneys, and as the cat gets older, these cysts often increase in size and multiply until eventually kidney function is diminished. The cat then develops CRF and eventually dies.

PKD is usually asymptomatic, but a PKD cat may exhibit polydipsia (increased thirst). If the disease progresses so far that CRF results, then the usual CRF symptoms will be present. Most cats with PKD appear to develop CRF around the age of 5 - 7 years but seriously affected cats with multiple cysts can fall ill as young as two. Stress or infection can accelerate this disease.

Much depends how badly the kidneys are affected - Harpsie above has PKD yet he is almost 14 years old and not yet in renal failure. He does, however, get frequent kidney infections; these are relatively common in PKD cats because the bacteria can burrow deep into the cysts. Many PKD cats show a slight heart murmur and slightly swollen kidneys before CRF develops, and male PKD cats are often susceptible to FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disorder).

Quite often PKD cats die from other causes before reaching CRF status. For those where the PKD does develop into CRF, then the usual CRF symptoms will be apparent, and the usual treatments can be used. CRF itself is generally considered not to be a painful disease. Unfortunately, this may not apply to cats who progress to severe end stage PKD: these cats may suffer pain from the cysts growing rapidly and occasionally rupturing. Sadly, nothing can be done for this, but you do need to watch for this occurring in a PKD cat.

The University of California at Davis (http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/vmnews/23-1/vmnews23-1p06.pdf) has identified the gene mutation that causes PKD, and is now offering genetic testing at a cost of US$40 per cat. The test can be run as soon as a kitten is 8-10 weeks old and is almost 100% accurate. You can obtain the sample yourself, it is obtained by non-invasive means so your vet does not need to be involved. Details of how to apply for the test can be found here (http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/service/cat/PKD.html). You will be sent the results via e-mail. Veterinary Diagnostics Center (http://www.vetdnacenter.com/feline-PKD.html) in Ohio offers a similar test for US$48.
In the UK the test is offered by the Animal Health Trust (http://www.aht.org.uk/) (click on Science, then choose Genetics, Cat, Feline Genetic Services, PKD) in Newmarket at a cost of £30 or by the University of Bristol (http://www.bristol.ac.uk/vetpath/lvd/lvd.htm) (click on Downloads on the left, then click on Polycystic Kidney Disease PCR submission form) for £35.
The only other way to diagnose PKD properly is via an ultrasound of the kidneys. Ultrasound is a reasonably accurate method of diagnosis if it is undertaken by somebody skilled in sonography, and ideally with experience of PKD kidneys. Repeated scans may need to be taken if the cat is very young as the cysts may not be visible at that time; it is often hard to detect PKD in cats less than nine months old. Cysts are rare in cats but not all cysts are necessarily PKD; research is still being done in this area. Some PKD cats may also show cysts in their liver.

If you have a Persian cat suspected of having HCM and are planning to have the heart examined by ultrasound, I would recommend having the cat's kidneys examined by ultrasound at the same time in order to rule out PKD. This was how we discovered that Harpsie has PKD - the cardiologist checked his kidneys when he checked his heart. So far Harpsie shows no signs of CRF, although the cysts in his kidneys are growing.

PKD is incurable (though see the links further in this section regarding research into two drugs which appear to slow the progression of the disease) and sadly, there are very few treatments available.

Potassium citrate/citric acid intake improves renal function in rats with polycystic kidney disease (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9644634&dopt=Abstract) (1998) Tanner GA American Society of Nephrology 9 pp1242-48 indicated that potassium citrate may help PKD rats; it is not known if this also applies to cats, but potassium citrate is an ingredient in Royal Canin's Persian catfood.

A soy protein diet may also help. Try to ensure that your cat leads a stress free life, free of infection and toxicity.

If the PKD develops into CRF, then the usual CRF treatments can be used. CRF itself is generally considered not to be a painful disease. Unfortunately, this may not apply to cats who progress to severe end stage PKD: these cats may suffer pain from the cysts growing rapidly and occasionally rupturing. Sadly, nothing can be done for this.

The PKD Foundation (http://www.pkdcure.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5284) reports on a drug called OPC31260 which appears to retard cyst production and thus progression of the PKD in humans. Trials are continuing. No studies appear to have been performed on cats as yet.
Effective treatment of an orthologous model of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14991049&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum) (2004) Torres VE, Wang X, Qian Q, Somlo S, Harris PC, Gattone VH 2nd Natural Medicine 10(4) pp363-4 reports on the use of OPC-31260 in mice.
Effectiveness of vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists OPC-31260 and OPC-41061 on polycystic kidney disease development in the PCK rat (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15728778)(2005) Wang X (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Search&itool=pubmed_Abstract&term=%22Wang+X%22%5BAuthor%5D), Gattone V 2nd (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Search&itool=pubmed_Abstract&term=%22Gattone+V+2nd%22%5BAuthor%5D), Harris PC (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Search&itool=pubmed_Abstract&term=%22Harris+PC%22%5BAuthor%5D), Torres VE (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Search&itool=pubmed_Abstract&term=%22Torres+VE%22%5BAuthor%5D) Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (javascript:AL_get(this, 'jour', 'J Am Soc Nephrol.');) 16(4) pp846-51 reports on research on rats into OPC-31260 and another drug called OPC-41061.

PKD Websites
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease in Persian Cats (http://www.cfa.org/articles/health/pkd.html) is an informative article by US vets Biller DS, DiBartola S and Lagerwerf WJ.
PKD FAQs (http://my.erinet.com/~lebordo/PKD/pkdfaq.html) - this site gives a good overview of PKD.
PKD Links (http://www.felinepkd.com/) - this site has many links about PKD, including the main scientific references.
PKD List (http://www.topica.com/lists/pkd-list) - a support list for people with cats with PKD, where you can obtain feedback on research into this disease and support on living with PKD. There are primarily breeders on this list, so much of the discussion concerns research and diagnosis rather than treatment.

10-04-2007, 07:23 PM
This may be of some help but the poor kitty would need a full blood panel done and ultrasound. Certainly sounds like the poor thing needs medical attention and it needs it NOW.
I know thats no real help to you and I really feel for the situation you are in. Fingers crossed for this poor babe. xxx

10-04-2007, 08:28 PM
Well if I havent heard anything from the owner by Thursday morning, I am reporting her. This persian cannot be left like this, there is no excuse for fleas in this day and age. Her other cats seem fine, but I dont think for one minute this woman has taken this cat to the vets.

Trouble is, I dont think the RSPCA are up to much these days, i hear all sorts of stories about them not attending complaints, and I dont want that to happen as this cat needs rescueing urgently.

10-04-2007, 08:38 PM
Can you persuade the lady to hand the cat over to you and then you can take it to the Cats Protection? RSPCA will just euthanise it, but CP will do all in their power to sort out the little cat's health problems and will attempt to rehome.

I am sorely tempted to take this little chap on, but I know that I will be met with (very) strong oposition from OH.

I do hope you're able to do something it sounds like the poor kitty really does need help.

10-04-2007, 08:39 PM
Also if this cat has fleas, the others will too and possibly worms.
Sadly I think the RSPCA may euthinise this poor one, but dont let that deter you from doing so as it may be a kind release for this poor babe.
Did you get my pm?

10-04-2007, 08:40 PM
:( poor little love, I hope someone can help soon x

10-04-2007, 09:05 PM
I have offered to take the cat and find it a good home, but I havent had a reply from her email. I will get intouch with the CPL, not sure who else I can call. I agree that the RSPCA will put her down and i dont want to risk that. The owner did mention that a few of her cats had gone missing, and that the CPL had visted her. You should see this cat it is soooooooooooooooo pretty.I am 100% sure this cat will have people falling over to own her once she is put right. IF she can be saved that is.

10-04-2007, 09:12 PM
Oh Jax - what a sad tale. I feel so sorry for that poor little girl.

I would truly love to help and offer to take her on, but I just don't think I can. :(

If you can get the cat and either hand her over to the CPL or another rescue I agree that would be the best thing.

Good luck with whatever you do and please do keep us posted.

Hugs to you and the little kitty. xx

10-04-2007, 11:25 PM
Oh Jackie, what a horrible situation to be in! I wish to God that I had the money to take the wee babe on, I really do! I agree with what has been said by the others on here. Try and get the cat yourself and take it to a vets yourself or the CPL if you can. I would avoid the RSPCA like the plague if at all possible, but if that's the only thing you can do then it may be best for the wee thing! Why not ring the lady and say that you would like to take her on yourself, and if she asks in future just say that she had to be pts if she wants to know how she's getting on. No need to say that you managed to rehome her, unless it is a case of bad neglect then she has to be reported. Please let us know how you get on (and if you get the wee thing, drop me a line and I'll pop over and see her if you like). In fact, if she's not near me and I dont know her, then you could always say that I have taken her into my house!

11-04-2007, 07:39 AM
Thank you Alex, it is awkward, its on Sutton Hill. I will give it a couple of days (ive heard nothing from my email as yet) and then I will ring her. I will ring the CPL tonight I think, do you have a number for them at all? I can get it off the internet but I would rather it be word of mouth. I have a feeling from what this woman said, that the CPL have been around before, but not to this particular cat. Ive offered to find the cat a good home but not reply to my email, although im not sure if the email is her daughters email and she could be deleting them. Honestly, she is the spitting image of your persian.

11-04-2007, 08:25 AM
I don't have any advice to offer but I am so hoping that something can be done to save this little one before it is too late for him :(

11-04-2007, 11:31 AM
I really hope something can be done for this poor cat, poor baby sounds like it is badly in need of some attention and love.....:(

11-04-2007, 08:22 PM
I know, Ive been a bit depressed about it all myself. Ive just sent this woman another email, if no reply by tomorrow I will contact the CPL. Do the CPL have inspectors?

11-04-2007, 09:09 PM
Jax - can't you just turn up on her doorstep and tell her that you'd be happy to take the cat of her hands . . . and then take the cat to CP yourself?

CP do act, but it can take time before they actually get around to doing anything (too little resource and too many neglected cats :( ) so it might just be quicker if you spin her some story about wanting to help her out??

11-04-2007, 09:13 PM
I'm more than willing to come along with you Jax! It's not Angie in Sutton Hill is it?? As that's the only person from freecycle that I've collected from there!

12-04-2007, 11:55 AM
Poor little mite. I hope something can be done. CP would be a better bet then the RSPCA.

12-04-2007, 10:08 PM
any word on this poor wee mite Jax?

13-04-2007, 11:11 AM
Hey Jax any word on the wee one yet????

13-04-2007, 01:46 PM
It is possible that it is PKD but the best way to diagnose this is via a DNA test. I have a swab and it costs about £18 if it is sent to Gribbles in Australia. The results are usually back within 10 days. If it is PKD and she is that poorly the best thing would be to have her put down as things will only worsen and probably quickly. I am willing to come and take a swab and pay for the test but it will have to be down sometime next week as I have kittens due after that. Let me know if you want me to do this.

(PM Fran to get my phone number as my PC is down at the moment and I don't get on very much.)

13-04-2007, 02:06 PM
That's lovely of you Kay. I hope Jax is able to take you up on your kind offer. :)

13-04-2007, 02:36 PM
That's lovely of you Kay. I hope Jax is able to take you up on your kind offer. :)

Anything to try and sort this baby out.

13-04-2007, 03:58 PM
Kay that is such a lovely gesture and a very kind offer. I hope it helps this poor babe one way or the other.

13-04-2007, 05:01 PM
Kay that's really kind of you. Has anyone had any word about this wee thing?

16-04-2007, 09:07 PM
awwwwww, ive just signed in to bring you all an update (for some reason I havent recieved your emails to the thread???

Firstly, Kay that is a lovely offer its a lovely thought but it wont be necessary.

Okay here goes.....

The owner assured me that she would take the cat to the vet. She said that she had and was waiting until Monday for the results of the blood tests. I rang the local CPL and told them about everything but they said they didnt have inspectors and only the RSPCA would be able to get the cat off the owner unless I could. Anyway, the lady at the CPL offered to check with the vet the owner had presumably been to. On checking with the vet, she said that they had not seen the cat at all.

I was so mad I rang the RSPCA and reported it, also asking them for an update on the outcome.

Today I received an email from the owner saying that the results had come back and that it was cancer, the cat had been put to sleep.

Obviously we know she never took the cat to the vets in the first place, so i have a feeling she is trying to put me off.

I rang the RSPCA for an update and they could not tell me as yet. I am awaiting the RSPCA officer to ring me back. Unbelieveable!!!

16-04-2007, 09:11 PM
A MASSIVE big thank you to you all for your support! especially Kay who is an angel to offer her services. I will keep you updated on what I find out, IF the RSPCA ever do get back to me, I will let you know. They were very interested and supportive to me when I reported her, now I Want an update, they dont want to know!

16-04-2007, 09:14 PM
OMG! What an utter b***h! How could anyone let a poor helpless wee thing suffer like that? I really hope that the RSPCA get back to you Jackie.

16-04-2007, 09:18 PM
Poor little thing, I really hope that the RSPCA get their act together soon :?

Kay - that was a lovely gesture, very kind of you :cool:

16-04-2007, 09:18 PM
Oh yes and before I forget, I did email her and offer to take the cat, and I rang her aswell, but she said she would rather wait and see what the vet says. You know, i am wondering if she told me the wrong vets in the first place that she took her too? She may have been trying to put me off even then.

Alex, its not Angie on Sutton Hill.

Sorry to everyone for the delay, I honestly only had the first 4 emails from the thread.

16-04-2007, 09:20 PM
well, my offer stands then, if you need any back up (I'll be the heavy crew lol, whack her with my stick while you grab the cat)

16-04-2007, 09:22 PM
I hope you can find out what has happened to the poor little babe. What a shame :(

16-04-2007, 09:30 PM
Poor little babe :( I hope you can find out one way or other what has happened to her......:(

17-04-2007, 09:50 AM
I will keep you all posted. Just as i posted my message to you all last night, I heard a thud outside and the car alarm went off. Some bast*rd had smashed my fellas car window and took the sat nav. Police were as good as useless, didnt even come out said they were too busy with someone tryin to comit suicide! Does it take the whole of west mercia police tho??

17-04-2007, 12:06 PM
good grief Jackie! hope you've had a better response from them today!

17-04-2007, 05:11 PM
:( poor little baby x

17-04-2007, 08:39 PM
Poor kitty - keep us updated.

18-04-2007, 03:33 PM
Hope you can get to the bottom of this, Jackie, and anything I can do just shout.
Just a quick point though, Persians do have a high incidence of cancer so it may be that she is telling the truth, possibly.!!

18-04-2007, 08:50 PM
Hi everyone, i did recieve a call from the RSPCA, and they are phoning me back, it was Paul Seddon who was the inspector, I will let you know when I hear.

Thank you for the advice Kay, i am hoping she is telling the truth as I dont want to see this little furbaby suffer if she had cancer.

18-04-2007, 09:14 PM
i hope you do get to the bottom of this because it is a really sad story please keep us posted