View Full Version : Peapod Update

29-03-2007, 10:02 PM
Hi there
For those of you who followed the distressing times we had losing Peapod's kittens I thought i would just update you on her.
She is doing fine and has recovered from the birth and losing the babies well. She was spayed yesterday at the vets and recovered well from that also.
She was very traumatised by all what happened at the vets and having to wear the lamp shade on her head. She was rushing around hysterically and generally putting herself even more at risk from something happening to her so I had to take the lamp shade off her (hoping she didnt pull her stitches out). Thankfully up to press she hasnt and will have to go back a week on Saturday for them removing.
They have also said she needs a lot of dental work doing once she is over this operation. Which involves scale and polish and around 5-6 extractions and gum treatment where they have become very infected. This they have just detected once she was under anesthetic for her spaying operation.
So its now concentrate on getting her recovered and built back up health wise and then the poor little lamb has to go back to the vets and be put through the mill having most of her teeth taken out. But its for her own health and good so it must be done.


29-03-2007, 10:05 PM
Glad Peapod is doing well Sarah, she has certainly been through an ordeal. I'm sure that once she has had the dental work done, that she will have a new lease of life :)

29-03-2007, 10:09 PM
Cats can and often do recover quite quickly. And sometimes, as Fran says a cat with bad and painful teeth will 'come back to life' once said teeth have been removed.

Hugs to Peapod . . . . :D

29-03-2007, 11:00 PM
<<hug>> to your both!

29-03-2007, 11:24 PM
glad peapod is doing well & ......I've said it before -but I'll say it again.... I just love the name peapod. :cool:

30-03-2007, 05:41 AM
Im so glad she is recovering sarah,those lamp shades are awful arent they?my dog was neutured a few weeks ago and had to wear one of those.it came of as soon as we got home!

30-03-2007, 08:48 AM
Best wishes to Peapod for a speedy recovery from her spey and look forward to shiny shiney teeth

30-03-2007, 09:28 AM
Good to hear she is doing well Sarah! Hope she recovers quickly from her op.

30-03-2007, 11:53 AM
Cuddles for Peapod on her road to recovery...... :D

30-03-2007, 12:49 PM
I'm glad she's doing well, Sarah.

Dental work isn't too much of an ordeal for them. Bernard had his scaled and polished and a couple of extractions at the end of last year and he recovered just fine and was pretty much straight back to eating dried food!!! :roll:

I think they often feel better for it really. :)

01-04-2007, 12:52 PM
Thanks guys
She is doing really well at the moment although she seems to feel she needs to replace her lost babies with either our young british or maine coon. She sits and washes them and chirps to them as a mother cat would her babies. I then caught her laying on the floor the other day washing Tilly and letting her suckle from her. Thankfully i stopped it in time before she really got going.
Has anyone else experienced this kind of behaviour from a cat who has lost her babies or just been spayed and is it normal?
I am trying my best to keep her apart from the younger cats in the household but she becomes unhappy if she is segregated completely and wanders around crying looking lost. She only perks up when they come back in from the cat pen and follows them everywhere bless her.
