View Full Version : The neighbours cat

21-03-2007, 03:11 PM
I'm sure I have said about him here before, but heres the story for those who can't remember...

Last spring/summer a cat started coming in the house, eating our cats food and at the time he had a big open wound on his neck, he was very scared and it took us weeks to get near him, by the time we could get to him the wound was nearly healed, but he still came everyday and ate tons of food like he was starved. Before sending him off to a shelter we decieded to see if we could find an owner and posted flyers through all the neighbours doors, a man phoned claiming him as his cat, I asked about the cats name and after a little think about it he said his name is Dominoe, I thought its a bit strange to have to think of the cats name, but anyway we couldn't put him in a shelter now he had an owner. Dominoe continued to come round and eat loads, then started spraying in the house, I had asked the owner to get him neutered because of this but he didn't.

Over October/ Novemeber Dominoe pretty much moved into the conservatory, he slept there all day and came in in the early hours to sleep/ eat more, our cats had been OK about it, but not happy really as Dominoe being unneutered sometimes picked on our cats when they wanted to go outside (catflap is located in the conservatory). By this time it seemed pretty obvious that hes not being cared for at home and wanted to move in, but with 5 cats already there just wasn't room for more, someone said they'd take him in but didn't in the end.

By December Dominoe was getting fat, bullying our cats more and more, our top male cat Rags was very unhappy and started a spraying war with Dominoe, Bones started weeing in the corner because he just didn't want to be beaten up on his way out the catflap and there was general stress about the whole situation.

Then Courtney died in December making things worse for our cats, we had to make the decision to shut dominoe out, December wasn't too cold and he was a big cat with another home, this sorted out our cats problems, all the weeing and spraying instantly stopped, we put down food every couple of days for him outside and sometimes he'd eat it other times not, but we never saw him, when he didn't come for food for a week we thought he'd moved on and stopped putting food out.

This week we started leaving the catflap open during the day again (our cats had stopped going out other than out the front for an hour at nighttime), the cats were happy going out in there garden again. I forgot to lock the catflap one night and Dominoe sneaked in and got chased out by Rags and Bones, they sit by the catflap and when he trys to get in they paff it down on his head.
He has lost a LOT of weight, since we shut him out a couple of months ago hes gone from being a big strong tom cat to a little scruffy runt again :(. He has already started spraying again, one of the scratching posts was 'got' this week and thats right in our house, he must have sneaked in during the day to get that.

I don't know what to do about him, I have to admit I kind of hoped he'd just go away and then it wasn't our problem, but when he turned up I was pleased to see him and felt bad for the sorry state hes in, if only he were neutered there would be a chance of him just intergrating into our family, but while hes spraying Rags just won't have it!
It seems like hes going to just keep coming here now, even when hes not aloud in for months and theres no food here for him he still comes round just to check. We want our cats to go out in the summer because they love it, but the only way to stop Dominoe is to lock him out all hours.

Before anyone says it I know I should have just chased him out in the first place.... and I usually do when other cats come in, but when he came in he had a BIG open wound and was very scared, skinny and messy, I thought he was homeless and wanted to gain his trust to get him some kind of vet treatment! Which by the way he never got for that open wound, when I spoke to the owner about it he said 'well I suppose I should take him' he never did, now there is a mass of scar tissiue there and it still has scabs on it, and no furr.
What am I going to do?! ... sorry for the looooooong post !

21-03-2007, 03:24 PM
I think I'd be inclined to *forget* all about the past and just pop this boy in a carrier and take him to your (or any) vets, saying you've found him as a stray and he needs veterinary attention.
Hopefully they will treat him and pass him over to a rehoming centre.
If anyone aske you (unlikely) deny all knowledge.
Sometimes you have to be economical with the truth.
Think of yourself and your own cats - remember the anguish Charliebubs went through wondering if William had infected her indoor cats with FelV - and he was fairly healthy looking

21-03-2007, 03:43 PM
Yes I remember that :shock:, will the vet take him off my hands if I turned up with him do you think?

21-03-2007, 03:43 PM
That's sooooooooo true DM. I know exactly what you're going through and how hard it is, Sam.

I agree with what DM says. I would try and catch Domino and take him to a vets or to a local shelter as a stray.

You really don't want the stress that I went through when the shelter I took William to told me that he had tested positive for FeLV. It's horrible waiting to get your own cats tested and just praying that they haven't caught it. I was very fortunate.

Do the best thing for yourself, your cats and for Domino. It's no life for him wandering the streets looking for food and shelter, especially as an entire male, as he will probably be getting into fights too. His owner should be ashamed of himself.

Good luck Sam.

21-03-2007, 03:44 PM
Yes I remember that :shock:, will the vet take him off my hands if I turned up with him do you think?

I don't think the vets will, but they will point you in the direction of a local rescue that will. My vets wouldn't even neuter William if I paid, as he was a stray.

21-03-2007, 03:45 PM
I'd be inclined to take him to my vet, get him health tested and have him neutered, that's if you are willing to take him on. If not, then I would hand him over to a rescue centre.