View Full Version : This is the longest time ever spent away from Tigger...

20-03-2007, 10:21 PM
Hey, hope your all ok.

Soz to keep postin things about Tigger!

But ive just relised this is the longest time ive ever spent away from tigger (2 weeks and 2 days) in 16 years!!!

:( N im on my own as well coz my mum n dad are in spain... So im even lonelyer!

20-03-2007, 10:26 PM
Janey, I'm so sorry....:cry: and with no family there to comfort you..I know it's easy to say, but do try to concentrate on remembering the happy times, and know that Tigger isn't in any pain or suffering now. (((hugs)))

20-03-2007, 10:27 PM
But you're not really away from him he'll never really leave you. You have him safe in yourheart and meet him in your dreams.

You made the best and only descision. The right one, the one he always knew you would make when you needed to because you love him, and because you love him you let him go on ahead.


20-03-2007, 10:28 PM
Come and chat to us. Someone's always here.

20-03-2007, 10:30 PM
I know it was the right thing to do, its just really hard coz i ve had him since i was 6.

Im coping alot better than i thought i would though. Its just lonely at ngiht coz he use to share my bed with me.

20-03-2007, 10:35 PM
Janey, have you thought about getting another cat? There'll never be another Tigger, bt you have a lot of love to give, and somewhere out there is a cat that needs a loving home ........????

20-03-2007, 10:42 PM
I agree with DM janey why not go and have a look at some available cats or kittens and see how you feel when you see them. It may be that you're not ready right now to share your life with another feline friend but on the other hand it could be just what you need to occupy your time.
Your memories of Tigger will never go and you will never forget him but the pain and the heartache will go one day and you will find yourself thinking about him and smiling, talking about him and laughing and remembering him and feeling happy not sad. It just takes time for these things to come and the sadness to subside but it does i promise.
Stay strong and give the new cat some thought besides Tigger wouldnt want you to be so unhappy i shouldnt imagine :)


20-03-2007, 10:44 PM
Oh Jane {{{Hugs}}} I do know exactly how you are feeling right now, little comfort I know :( but Tigger is still with you, he really is x

20-03-2007, 11:30 PM
Jane - that's so sad - you must be really missing that lovely boy so much. But the others are right - maybe you need to fill that hole in your heart with another furry friend? It won't be a betrayal of Tigger he will be the cat you always will have that special relationship with, but maybe he'd want you to channel the sadness into love for a new companion?

Don't worry about going on and on and on about Tigger. We are all here to help you through this so get it all out of your heart and down on 'paper' and hopefully it'll help you feel much better. Hugs.

20-03-2007, 11:52 PM
((((((hugs)))))) Tigger will always be there with you x

21-03-2007, 12:46 AM
But you're not really away from him he'll never really leave you. You have him safe in yourheart and meet him in your dreams.

Kazz, you're so right about that! My darling Teddie who I lost 3 years ago at the age of 20 (I'd had her since a kitten) regularly appears in my dreams and it is now strangely comforting. Mizzie (who I lost last November) appears in them too, and whilst I found it upsetting at first, I'm now finding comfort in that too (although there's a momentary minute of sadness when I wake and realise it was JUST a dream :cry: )

Janey, I couldn't contemplate getting another cat when I first lost Mizz, but then I still had Des and Bubs to love. However, I am now feeling I would like another kitten (or two) to complete my family.

I know how absolutely awful it feels to lose such a loving friend. Look after yourself, and do what feels right for you.


21-03-2007, 09:29 AM
Thanks everyone, i can only get another cat when i move out of my mums, she doesnt want another one. N i dont want to bring another cat into Tiggers home..! I wouldnt mind getting another cat at this moment in time but its a big no no.

Im going baby sittin my cousins 3 cats this friday to sunday, so ill see how that goes. She's had a tabby cat for about a year n half and her friend has just givin her 2 persian cats for free!, cos she is pregnant n cant look after them... So ill just see how i feel when i see n look after them.

21-03-2007, 09:54 AM
Oh Jane I really feel for you and understand your feelings. As every one has said, Tigger will always be with you. Its funny how we become so intune with our animals and they with us.
The pain of loss can be great but you havent really lost as Tigger has taught you soo much and his teaching will be with you forever as will his beautifull memories.
Sending you a big hug xxx

21-03-2007, 12:08 PM
Jane how about possibly offereing some help at the local CPL. Maybe a little kitten socialisation (I know Smudgley asks for that) or similar.

As people say the right cat will come along at the right time.


21-03-2007, 03:15 PM
You will know when the time is right for you to get another kitten/cat, Jane ......I expect the memory of Tigger is still too raw at the moment ;)

21-03-2007, 03:40 PM
Janey, 2 weeks is not long, it must still feel so raw... I know how you feel I lost one of my babies 3 months ago and I promise it will feel better soon, just take one day at a time, the hardest part of having cats is that one day they have to go.