View Full Version : Porsha..

01-03-2007, 12:41 PM
Porsha has come into full call this morning, I thought it was going to happen with how she has been over the last few days. Problem is the vet was rather hoping that due to her illnesses and immaturity that she would hold out a little longer before calling as they don't really want to put her under anaesthetic unless they have to because of how she struggled to come out of it last time. I don't want her to have more than this one call as I don't want the stress of calling bringing on her 'other' problems. Have phoned the vet, waiting for the vet to get back to me..

01-03-2007, 12:46 PM
Understand your feelings and misgivings Fran. (((hugs)))
I've never heard of it so I don't suppose there is a 'delay the season/call' hormone pill like you can get for dogs is there? I remember we had to go to a vet practice in Scotland for this for Dolly when she suprised us by coming into season when we were on holiday.
If there was such a pill/jab it would give Porsha a chance to get bigger and stronger before eventually being speyed.
I'm not well up on cat hormones but I think they just keep coming into season throughout the summer if not mated, don't they?
Problems :? Sorry

01-03-2007, 12:53 PM
There is a pill, although I am not sure that it is entirely liscensed for cats?? However, I am under the impression that withholding the calls with drugs can increase the risk of Pyometra. Yes, now the days are getting longer she will just keep coming in and out of call if I don't do something :? I will have to go with the vet's decision on this one..

01-03-2007, 12:53 PM
I'm sure theres something you can get, a type of herbal remedy, that can 'cool them off' a bit..infact im positive cause if i recall we used it before with past queens.
I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, but its something that just calms their hormones down a bit.

01-03-2007, 01:32 PM
Poor Porsha, her troubles never seem to end do they Fran! Hope the vet can get her sorted out without too much bother.

01-03-2007, 02:46 PM
Another worry for you Fran but fortunately you seem to take them all in your stride;)
I hope your vet can advise you what to do for the best....

01-03-2007, 02:54 PM
I've just realised! I'm going to be having this problem soon with Teddie, but there is no way she is strong enough to be speyed yet!! Something to discuss with the new vet I think!

01-03-2007, 03:56 PM
There is a drug you can get to stop them calling - but I don't think it's really recommended as there are side effects.

I hope the vet has the answers for you, Fran.

Fingers crossed. :)

01-03-2007, 05:46 PM
I do not really understand calling etc... all mine have been done so to speak, I am guessing little Porsha will be under wraps now and being watched at those certain times :) x

01-03-2007, 06:27 PM
I am guessing little Porsha will be under wraps now and being watched at those certain times

The Meezers are always under wraps as they are not allowed outside anyhow :)

The vet is going to spey Porsha but she wants to arrange a day when the big chief, most experienced vet is there and plenty of staff available on stand by for complications :? It won't be until about a week after she has stopped calling. She agrees that the stress of calling may induce her other problems again and the risk of pyometra is too great to leave her indefinitely, so she's going to do it :? I'll let you know when I have a date...

01-03-2007, 07:02 PM
Dont worry Fran, Im sure she will be fine, your Vets sound first class.

01-03-2007, 07:13 PM
Dont worry Fran, Im sure she will be fine, your Vets sound first class.

I will worry, I know I'll be a nervous wreck that day but my vets are excellent so as far as I am concerned she will be in the best possible hands..

01-03-2007, 08:28 PM
Got to laugh, Clooney is the 'chosen' one. She's following him around like a little lap dog and flirting with him :shock: He just gives her a little kiss and then looks as her as if to say 'and what do you expect me to do about it?' :-D

01-03-2007, 09:13 PM
Aww, bless her little tarty heart!!! lol.

01-03-2007, 09:46 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Bless her, sounds like she is slowly settling Fran.....

Clooney to the rescue again! :D

01-03-2007, 10:31 PM
Poor Clooney! When Misty came into heat (the weekend before she was booked in to be spayed!) she flirted shamelessly with my Neuter Aby, rolled, called, assumed the position, etc.. and he just stared at her in disbelief and had no idea what she wanted...had to laugh at his expression! Seriously, Fran, hope all goes well with Porsha, she does sound as if she's in good hands; will send good vibes!

01-03-2007, 11:53 PM
Sending big ((((((hugs)))) x

02-03-2007, 01:56 AM
Hahah! Have to laugh at her romancing your eunuch boy!

Big positive thoughts going her way for surgery day. Your vet does seem to be on top of things though.

02-03-2007, 10:19 AM
Lots of good vibes Fran.
Remember how worried I was about Dinah's spey, given that her litter sister had died under anaesthetic? My vet was a total star, had all the emergency stuff ready but she was fine. It's a really quick op - you'll get the phone call saying she's OK before you know it.
Will they take a gut biopsy whilst she's asleep and open?

02-03-2007, 10:40 AM
Will they take a gut biopsy whilst she's asleep and open?

Hmmm, I'm not sure tbh. I never thought to mention it and neither did the vet but I will ask her when she phones me with a date. I think because she has responded so well to the Metronidazole with no reoccurance since she has finished the course the vet feels almost certain that her problems have been due to the Giardia infection or at least an infection of some sort. If you remember when she tested positive for Giardia, she couldn't tolerate Metronidazole at that point and she had to come off it and I think the infection perhaps layed low for a while but you've raised good point so I will definitely ask..

02-03-2007, 12:26 PM
By eck she's loud :roll: Think she is trying to call all the Tom's from the next City, don't know about just our neighbourhood :roll:

02-03-2007, 01:14 PM
Oh, this thread has just been making me chuckle!!!! It's funny how single-minded girls on call are!!! lol

Poor Cloony!!!! :)

She will be fine Fran. I know you'll worry anyway, but she will be fine!! :)

02-03-2007, 01:30 PM
I know what you are going through at the mo, Fran. Leila is in full call and it looks like she is going to bring Phoebe into call as well. Luckily Jilly, who is also in call, is at my friends with her boy. Just wait till she brings Bliss in!!!