View Full Version : cat playing with dog - issues!

27-02-2007, 02:44 PM
well it seems the cat has started to sort of play with indie. well, at least it looks that way. He will gently bat her with his paw and bite her ears, but then all of a sudden he will attack her.

A minute ago he was doing this and indie was just sitting there quietly letting him do it, and then all of a sudden he went into all out attack mode and attatched himself to her head, biting down and clawing her hard. Needless to say indie went a bit mad growling back and i grabbed hold of her to let the cat run away.

Im not sure what to do, indies got a very soft mouth so she doesnt bite, but i wouldnt want to risk it. Does anyone know why he does this? he seems fine one minute, then the next he decides to attack her. Shes got 2 large cuts in her chin from his claws now.

27-02-2007, 02:45 PM
Oh dear Jenny - that's not good news. :(

I'm afraid that I don't know that much about dogs, but I'm sure that the others on here will be able to offer some advice.

Perhaps you should keep them separated for the time being?

27-02-2007, 02:49 PM
Looks like he is getting brave and trying to show who is boss....him or Indie

27-02-2007, 03:30 PM
I am sorry I cannot help, hopefully will be able to later when they come on x

27-02-2007, 03:39 PM
Hope they will work out a pecking order soon.
Bentley will 'play rough' with Dinah - biting her 'fetlocks/ears/cheeks etc - but he hasn't drawn blood. She just accepts it, with a sad look in her eyes - 'What'd I do?'
I don't know whether I can offer any advice, except don't leave them alone but I expect you'd worked that one out yourself.
I know bengals have a bit of a reputation - maybe there's a bengal owner who can halp?

27-02-2007, 03:43 PM
My kittens do this with my Labradors but not once have my Labradors even looked like retaliating, they just sit and take it but my kittens have never injured my dogs. I would seriously not leave them alone together unattended until you can sort this out..Good luck!

27-02-2007, 07:00 PM
ben shows regie great respect, only cause when we first got ben he shoved his nose on barnaby, barnaby the old grump gave ben a right wallop, so now bens bottom of the pack LOL

27-02-2007, 11:58 PM
well it just got a bit worse this evening. A friend of mine came round and he was sitting with her, i had given indie a bone which i think set her off as she all of a sudden flew across the room to him, and cos he was cornered she was went mad. I actually thought she was going to kill him. I pulled her off and he seems none the worse for wear.

to my advantage she has a very soft mouth, she doesnt draw blood or apply presssure. but that might not always be the case.

im going to contact a behaviourist i know tomorrow and see what she thinks is best.

the problem i think i have is indie is incredibly possessive over everything and is very high strung, so she gets very frustrated/angry very quickly.

hopefully this lady will have some advice and i will try get her round to assess the situ. Its harder to work things out when its your own animals, but i think the main problem here is that indie is just too spoilt!