View Full Version : Alfie's first fight!

21-02-2007, 10:08 AM
Bet you are all sick of me by now but last night Afie had a fight with his "friend". All hell broke loose and Alfie flew through the cat flap strongly resembling Basil Brush and went straight up the chimney! He then came down and ran upstairs and lay there with his ears flat against his head.

Meanwhile Rosie cat strolled in looking totally unfazed as if to say "daft b***ers".

Holly my lurcher went completely bonkers so I let her out just so that the bully knew not to come back (she cannot get out of the garden so the cat was perfectly safe) although I did see him flying across the neighbours gardens.

Alfie seemed fine after that but I did feel a bit sorry for him but I suppose he is theoretically a teenager now but didn't think he would get involved in anything like this as he is neutered. No other cat has ever bothered Rosie.

Have any of your cats got into bother like this?

21-02-2007, 11:02 AM
Nope, mine are all indoors, but poor Alfie! Sounds like he got a bit of a shock, lol! Lots of extra tlc today I think!

21-02-2007, 11:51 AM
Poor Alfie; he's having a lot of 'life experiences' in a few days.
I've certainly had the 'electrocuted cat' effect and they've all survived to tell the tale. I think it's all part of Alfie's adolescence .... he thinks he's invincible but he's found he's not :) Poor boy.

21-02-2007, 12:08 PM
I'm afraid my little Bubs is a bit of a bovver girl. Heard yowling in the garden the other day, went out and she was having a stand off with a neighbours tom cat which was twice her size! I shouted at her, the other cat ran and she just went for it. Obviously defending her territory!

21-02-2007, 01:21 PM
Poor Alfie, his first encounter must have come as a bit of a shock!! :lol:

I take it there was no fire in the grate Rosie?? :shock::lol:

21-02-2007, 03:08 PM
Aww poor love. Must have been a shock for him!