View Full Version : Another Cat or Dog??

Molly's Mum
05-02-2007, 10:16 PM

I'm in need of some advice RE Molly. As some of you know Molly is very timid and it has taken 2 years for her to get used to my granparents who visit occasionally. I'm wanting another furry friend to join my mad house but I can't decide which would be better for her a Cat or a Dog? I looked after my friend's puppy last year for 2 days to get an idea how Molly would react and it didn't go "well". She ran upstairs and hid for most of the time and ventured down once to get food and loo break and then went back up wide eyed. From then on she starved herself as far as I'm aware.
This made me very nervous about getting a dog but I love walking and have met friends through showing so I really would love a dog but Molly comes first so what do you guys think? Or there is the possiblity of getting a Pedigree British Shorthair as a kitten.

Haz & Molly xxx :)

06-02-2007, 12:05 AM
I have both cat and dogs and they all get on really well but I have Persians who are extremely laid back. As Molly is so timid perhaps a kitten would be the better option. Whichever you choose take things very slowly with the introductions. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

06-02-2007, 03:46 AM
What about an adult cat, perhaps calmer than a kitten would be? Or an adult dog, for the same reason. My dog and cats are best pals.

06-02-2007, 10:30 AM
Only you know just how nervous Molly is and how well or not she will react to a new member of the family. Any new introduction would take time but if you have a particularly nervous cat then this could take even longer. I agree, if this is something you have set your heart on doing then probably an older cat or dog that are used to living with other cats would be the best way to go...Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Molly's Mum
06-02-2007, 06:33 PM
I will try and get a video of her when my Brother's friend comes back on Thurs and see what you all think then. What breed of dog should I consider with Molly?

06-02-2007, 06:40 PM
The descision on if Molly could live alongside another animal is yours - only you really know what she's like.

What sort of dogs do you like?
Large or small?
Long, short haired or wire haired?
Do you like and have time to groom?
Have you any dislikes dog wise, most people do?


Molly's Mum
06-02-2007, 07:55 PM
Thanks Kazz. We own a Rabbit and she loves her, they play tag and chase each other and Molly protects her ;)

I love Cocker Spaniels, Cavaliers, Retrievers.
I don't mind really with the hair type but not Long ideally as Molly moults 24/7 :roll:
I don't mind grooming, would like to show the dog if possible.
I don't like Greyhounds, whippets, or toy breeds excluding the Cavie :lol: (sorry If I offended anyone!)

Haz x