View Full Version : Your next cat

14-01-2007, 09:00 PM
Well as we appear to be going through a quiet patch :roll: I wondered who is planning another cat in the next 20 years or so..................:-D there again we could look into the future;) but seriously are you planning another cat and if so what moggie or pedigree, boy or girl, adult or kitten....come on spill the beans

14-01-2007, 09:03 PM
I'm not planning any others at the moment Kazz, but I have got it in the back of my mind that I will keep a girl from Lily's first litter when she has them!!!!!! :)

14-01-2007, 09:03 PM
Think I have enough for now Kazz :-D

14-01-2007, 09:08 PM
Hope this decision is a long way down the road, but cannot imagine being cat-less: think what I'd do is get two this time...a Bengal and a rescue moggy...as close in age as possible, and one male, one female....that's always been the best mix in my experience.....

14-01-2007, 09:11 PM
Im quite happy with my moggie girls to be honest, i've allways had the romantic notion of a big seal point tom siamese..but i really do not think i would have the time to devote to one:? As much as i love them they are quite demanding cats...
Would like, in the future-who knows when, a blue point/blue mitted ragdoll:)

14-01-2007, 09:12 PM
I certainly have enough for now, however can't imagine our house without cats. So in the future I would like a BSH or a Siamese, don't think I would ever just have a pedigree though, I love mogs too much!

14-01-2007, 09:20 PM
Just moggies for me, especially tabbies :)

14-01-2007, 09:20 PM
Loooooooooooong way down the road (please God!), then I would definitely have another exotic and moggy and squeeze in a little ragdoll!

14-01-2007, 09:36 PM
It would be moggies for me .......... if and when:(

14-01-2007, 09:48 PM
I have enough thanks!

14-01-2007, 10:20 PM
I would love another cat but the Diva and lack of space dictate otherwise. If we ever get this place done up, sold and have a bigger place I would give it serious consideration. It would have to be a rescue cat though, moggie or breed, adult or kitten, no real prefference. Just as long as I could give the animal a loving forever home.

14-01-2007, 10:28 PM
No plans for any more cats here for a long time (except the fosters cats of course)

14-01-2007, 10:31 PM
No plans at the moment, but moggies for me x

14-01-2007, 10:34 PM
OH says no more, hehe, wait and see!!

Although would just love Smokey to come back home!!

Should really do something about the fostering but trying to give Fluffy and Tom time to settle, which they are now doing quite happily!!

Angie and the gang

14-01-2007, 10:52 PM
I finish uni in the summer, so will be moving back home - closer to my family. My boyfriend and I are hoping to get a bigger place & plan on getting another cat in September/October time.

I want to get a female moggy kitten, so Oli will have a baby sister! We have already discussed colour, but have not come to a definate decision. Hugh (boyf) wants a mainly ginger with white kitten because Oli is mainly white with ginger. I want a darker coloured cat - i'm not too fussy. I know when i go looking for kittens the one i fall in-love with will be the one we take home! :)

14-01-2007, 11:06 PM
If I have another cat and thats a big IF, I think it would be a moggie although I am with Luke I like Siamese a seal point Tom, the old style as they are now called. But the IF gets bigger by the day.

14-01-2007, 11:09 PM
I have more than my quota now, and as they are all, apart from Leo & Chancer, youngsters, cannot see me ever having any more...

14-01-2007, 11:09 PM
If I have another cat and thats a big IF, I think it would be a moggie although I am with Luke I like Siamese a seal point Tom, the old style as they are now called. But the IF gets bigger by the day.
If i were to ever go for a siam, i think the old style would be it...they are how i have allways imagined siamese, as nice as the moderner types are. Interstingly enough many folk say, and i kinda agree, that the 'old style' siams aren't as highly strung as the moderner types..are a bit more 'hardy' too, in the sense of ability to go out, longlivity, healthwise etc. Ah to heck with it i will just have Het's Cleo, she's lovely!
All cats are lovely, moggie, pedigree, cross, alien-all the same to me:)

15-01-2007, 09:55 AM
I just adore persians . . . coupled with the fact that I prefer a more sedentary cat with indoor tendencies AND the fact that I'm a sucker for having everything covered in fur :roll: it would have to be persians.

I do think in the future I would go for rescues rather than bred kittens (as Fifi and Balie were). Simply because as a breed they are very misunderstood and people don't really like (on the whole) to invest in the time needed for grooming them etc. Therefore I suspect they can be harder to rehome that the average cat.

Colour would be immaterial, but I'd prefer a self or not too contrasting bi.

15-01-2007, 10:53 AM
It's not somethig I'm anticipating in the near future.
I guess the answer will be - I don't know. It will chose me one way or another - either by walking in when there is a vacancy or by presenting itself to me at the rescue. Hopefully a boy, hopefully past the kitten-let's-wind-myself-round-my-doddery-old-mum's-feet-and break-her-hip stage :roll:

15-01-2007, 01:24 PM
Not for a long long time, 4 is enough! :smt007

But it will be a meezer when it does happen! :mrgreen:

15-01-2007, 03:29 PM
Cats find me, not usually the other way round (as evidenced by the fact that I actively went out to find Sashimi, then got 4 more like she's some weirdo jack-in-the-box :lol:).

I'm pretty much the way I am. It'll be a long time before we're catless (we're currently discussing the possibility of keeping all 4 of the kittens), and then we'll see what we'll see. I can't imagine not having a cat, but I'm not the only person making decisions and wouldn't want to commit someone else to caring for a cat if they didn't want to.

15-01-2007, 03:56 PM
Not too many years ago we were a 6 cat household, but following our sad loss of Mizzie last year, we're down to 2 :cry: , so we're definitely thinking of getting one or two more.

As before they will be rescue moggies, probably kittens because the older two will be more accepting of them. OH has always wanted a ginger, but whenever we go to the rescue centre, we fall in love with who we fall in love with, if you get my meaning! When we got Des and Bubs we only went there for one kitten, but came away with the brother and sister, so who knows what we'll come away with this time!

17-01-2007, 05:21 PM
Not until Oliver is No longer with us :( and then it will have to be a House cat as I worry so much when ever ollie goes out dont care what Breed although I Lover Borderdawns breed of Cat:D

17-01-2007, 09:34 PM
I might be getting another cat in the not too distant future. When I do it will be a girl 6 month or younger as the vets said that is the age most likely to fit in with my two. as for colour I really like tabbie and tortishells or either and white. Also inthe far distant furture I would love a blue bicolour ragdoll or two!!
But at the moment my two are plenty.
