View Full Version : Alex - how's Teddie?

30-11-2006, 06:02 PM
I hesitate to ask, but I hope that no news is good news?

30-11-2006, 06:23 PM
I have been thinking the same DM....

*tentively asks how Teddie is??*

30-11-2006, 08:59 PM
Yes me too at least someone had the courage to ask.....

30-11-2006, 09:09 PM
Still got everything crossed her for Teddy xxx

30-11-2006, 09:30 PM
I hope the improvement is continuing Alex.........

30-11-2006, 09:40 PM
So do I :)

30-11-2006, 09:53 PM
Obviously lots of good vibes coming from here for Teddie...is she improving ?

30-11-2006, 10:39 PM
Hope she is improving....:D

30-11-2006, 10:49 PM
I hope she is okay too, been thinking about her.

01-12-2006, 09:36 AM
Any news ? x

01-12-2006, 11:31 AM
I know Alex said she'd been feeling unwell. I hope both her and Teddie are ok . . .

01-12-2006, 10:29 PM
Hello everyone:D Sorry I haven't been on to appease your worries, but as Yola pointed out I haven't been too good this week, but am feeling somewhat improved today, so here I am:-D

Little miss Teddie waves a paw to all who are showing concern for her wellbeing and so far................she is doing extremely well. I have been increasing the amount of the JW she has been having and there have been no problems (fingers tightly crossed), and tomorrow afternoon she will have her last piece of white fish mixed in with it!!!! She is only doing a poo about once every 2 days, so I will have to monitor that when she is on the JW alone, but things are looking very positive. She feels heavier when I pick her up, so I think she has put some weight on, and she is now coming up the stairs on a regular basis, when she never went anywhere other than the hall, dining room, living room and kitchen before. But all in all, she is much improved in her manner and toilet, so we will remain quietly optimistic for the time being!

01-12-2006, 10:35 PM
That's wonderful news, Alex! And glad you're feeling better also; missed you on here...didn't get to wish you Happy St. Andrews Day!

01-12-2006, 10:36 PM
Best news ever Alex, so pleased she is improving, and fingers crossed it is the turning point for Teddie...

Plesed you are begining to feel better...You have been missed...:)

01-12-2006, 10:39 PM
FAB FAB FAB!! Hope you feel better too Alex!

01-12-2006, 10:55 PM
Wonderful news about Teddie, Alex ........ it's good to know you are feeling better too :D

01-12-2006, 11:04 PM
Brilliant Alex!! I am so pleased for you and Teddie :D I have a voucher for money off JW cat food, if you decide to keep her on it...I'll send it you x

01-12-2006, 11:07 PM
I definitely think she's going to be kept on the JW and the boys will be put on it too. The best thing is, it hasn't actually cost me anything for the food yet, as my local pet shop has had trial packs of the food on the counter which were free, limited to one pack per customer per day, so I explained to them about Teddie and how I had had to buy so many different foods which went to waste, and they have let me take a few packets at a time, so for once, it hasn't cost me a fortune to try her on a food, and it actually seems to be working for her!!!

02-12-2006, 12:36 AM
Alex - I'm delighted both you and Teddie are on the mend. So good of your petshop to help out like that. Restores your faith in humanity a gesture like that does :D

02-12-2006, 09:08 AM
Brilliant news Alex, sorry to hear you havent been well, hope you're on the mend now xxx and all fingers crossed for Teddies continued improvement xxx

02-12-2006, 12:22 PM
Good news all round. I hadn't realised you'd been poorly Alex but I'm glad to hear you're on the mend too.
I think James Wellbeloved will send you samples if you contact them ..... I'll have a google and get back. It's a good food, used to use it a lot

There ya go http://www.wellbeloved.co.uk/welcome/
but it's not too expensive anyway, is it? And all those cranberries for urinary health!

02-12-2006, 03:14 PM
Thanks DM, I've just ordered my free sample. It's duck though, but hopefully it won't make any difference to her. Got to give her some variety in life poor baby! Il ike the cranberry exttracts in it too, especially if it's going to be a completely dry diet they are all on, though hopefully at some point down the line I can try introducing some wet back in (they do seem to enjoy it more).

02-12-2006, 06:54 PM
Great to read you are both on the mend - yippeeeee :) x

03-12-2006, 03:23 PM
Am so glad to read you are both back on the mend, and you can get JWB from Smylee pets at a couple of quid cheaper than the RRP, but you do have P & P on there, unless you live near them, they are Norwich based I think.

03-12-2006, 03:59 PM
I may have spoken to soon guys. For some reason she has had a couple of loose stools, last night and this morning. I'm hoping it's just a case of she's managed to eat something she's not supposed to ie the girls have a habit of dropping their dinner on the dining room floor.

03-12-2006, 04:01 PM
Oh Alex, hope it's just a temporary setback :( Can you give her a dose of the paste?

03-12-2006, 04:06 PM
:( I hope it only something minor Alex ....... is she totally on JW now?

03-12-2006, 04:11 PM
There is no paste left, she has been on the protectin probiotic for the last week. Yes Mags, she is completely on the JW now. so whether it's that or not I don't know. If she is no better tomomrrow morning, then I think I'll try the fish again.

03-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Fingers crossed.

05-12-2006, 10:41 PM
I'm persevering with the JW for the time being with her, in the hope that it's just the change over that's caused this little upset. I am also giving her the canikur granules and these seem to have made a difference over the last day. The poo's aren't as solid as they had been last week, but they aren't runny and pastey either. So will keep her on these for the next few days too and see how we go. One day this will all be behind us, right?

05-12-2006, 10:50 PM
Right Alex :cool: Fingers crossed it's a temporary glitch x

05-12-2006, 10:53 PM
Let's hope that in time, when her tummy adjusts to the JW, things will be normal......

07-12-2006, 12:46 PM
Aww, fingers crossed this is just a temporary blip.

07-12-2006, 03:14 PM
The canikur granules appear to be helping her, but I'm seriously considering taking her off of dry food altogether as I think it's this that is upsetting her tummy (although the vet says this isn't possible!). On the HiLife and the fish she was fine, but as soon as I give her dry food she starts to get the tummy troubles. She was fine on the i/d too, again a wet food. Has anyone else had a cat that has had trouble with dry food, and what do you guys think I should do?

07-12-2006, 04:55 PM
Personally all my 3 are fine. But I have heard that it is relatively common for dry food to irritate the stomach lining and cause problems. For your vet to say that isn't possible is a bit hasty therefore, So it could be that - worth trying it don't you think?

07-12-2006, 05:00 PM
Mmm, I've said before that I'd stick to plain fish for a month. But I have the luxury of a lifestyle/family/etc where that would be relatively easy.
I've been there and done that with children and relative lack of cash (plus pressure on time) so I fully understand your wish to get all your felines on the same regime Alex.

If you want to try another mainstream dry foodhave you thought of Burns? Yet another food! They're good at answering email queries, as best they can. http://www.burns-pet-nutrition.co.uk/

07-12-2006, 08:05 PM
It could be the dry - JWB isn't supposed to, with being hypoallergenic, but cats can have allergies to rice, or it could be the flavour of it, as cats can have allergies to certain meats. I would try wet food and see if she is any better, and I really dont think much of your vet!!

07-12-2006, 09:11 PM
I think you should go with your intuition...you know her very well...and stick with the moist food for a while...can't hurt ..... anyhow, fingers crossed for you!

07-12-2006, 09:42 PM
Right that does it, my vet is out the window. I'm sick of him not telling me things and then coming on here to find out otherwise!! The reason I took her off the fish DM, was speaking to my vet (him of the vast knowledge), and him not wanting to keep her on the fish as she couldn't be on it forever! I spoke to another friend today who said that she had a cat that only had white fish the whole of it's life as it's stomach couldn't tolerate anything else, and it lived to the age of 12!! So I think it's back onto the white fish for her tomorrow and on that for the month DM suggests, then slowly introduce a wet food to her.

08-12-2006, 12:15 AM
I really wouldn't know how to advise you Alex, except to say that I would be inclined to stick to the fish for a while and let her guts totally settle and recover. I think if I were then going to try a dry diet in the future then I would be inclined to go for one of the more premium ones like as DM has suggested the Burns diet and would stick to chicken/white fish varieties and avoid anything that has the darker/richer meats in. I really hope you finally manage to get this sorted out Alex x

08-12-2006, 09:22 AM
Poor you and poor Teddy. So sorry to read her tummy is upset again. Have to agree with the others, you know her best and know exactly how she has responded to the foods you have tried. Stick to what helps, it might not be forever but it certainly seems its gonna take a long time for her tummy to adjust and settle.
I would probably feel the same way about your vet as you do. I have said it many times before, Vets and Doctors have a difficult job but there are some who seem to bluff their way through, not listening to the owner and patient alike because they are the "professional". We put so much trust in these people that the least they can do is listen.
I wish you and Teddy well once again, it must be very stressful for you both not to mention frustrating.
All my love and best wishes xxx

08-12-2006, 01:16 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone. It is extremely frustrating Elaine, and I've taken the vets advice every step of the way so far, and still having problems. So from now on it's my way!! She is back on the fish and will be for at least a month, then will be introduced to a wet diet, a good quality one, for at least another month, and then perhaps, slowly introduce some dry to her. It will be a pain in the neck constantly cooking fish, not to mention the reek of it through the house, but if it's what I have to do to make my baby well, then so be it!

08-12-2006, 02:34 PM
Awww Alex, I'm so sorry to hear that she's got poorly again. She's very lucky to have you to look after her though and cook her fish dinners!! lol

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for her.


08-12-2006, 04:28 PM
((((((hugs)))))) I think you both need one x

08-12-2006, 05:22 PM
thanks guys. She's not as poorly as she was before, it's more that she has started to have loose stools again, and the only thing keeping it from becoming the runs is the canikur granules. She's still lively enough at the moment. One thing I have noticed is that whenever she has the runs her eyes become really weepy and I have to keep cleaning them! Strange. She is enjoying being back on the fish, so we'll see how it goes.

08-12-2006, 08:22 PM
Alex, can you not just cook a big batch of fish and then freeze it in portion size (in bags??) and then just either pop it in the fridge for the morning or defrost in a microwave??

08-12-2006, 08:36 PM
Funnily enough Emma, that's exactly what I did tonight, lol. I wasn't sure about doing this but after speaking to a friend, she assured me it was perfectly safe. So I cooked enough fish to do her until monday morning and have stuck it in the freezer. Voila, no more squalling Teddie in the morning waiting for her fish to cook, poor baby, lol!

08-12-2006, 10:47 PM
Cant see that it would cause any problems Alex :) It will certainly make it easier for you :)

Good luck, and give the little girl a kiss from me ;)

08-12-2006, 10:49 PM
Duly kissed, with a hug thrown in for good measure!

08-12-2006, 11:30 PM
And a cuddle from me too, please, Alex! And a hug for you; this has been so trying for you both....

09-12-2006, 10:44 AM
Teddie thanks you for her hug Eileen!

10-12-2006, 12:49 PM
Fingers crossed Alex, bet you can't wait for it all to be over!!

10-12-2006, 09:27 PM
Well, Teddie did a lovely poo this evening, a work of art it was (I could probably have entered it in the Turner Prize, lol). So it is definitely the dry food that is causing the problems, and so they are all being thrown out the window (or actually fed to my stray cats). The next test is from tomorrow onwards when the antibiotics stop. fingers crossed again.

10-12-2006, 09:43 PM
Crossed fingers here, Alex!

10-12-2006, 09:44 PM
Everything crossed here too Alex x

10-12-2006, 10:08 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: You sound so pleased Alex, I'm surprised you haven't posted a pic!!! ;):-D

Fingers crossed here for when the ABs stop.... x