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24-10-2006, 03:16 PM
Where your cats totter off too?
Clementine was a house cat in her adolescant days, with supervised access to the garden-mainly because i was paranoid about something happening too her, then one day the unthinkable happened and she went out and didn't come back for some time...so we quickly decided when she returned that she was to be allowed to do her own thing, as it was obviouslly what she prefered, and i don't, now, particually mind her going travelling-she seems so much more happier and contented, and as someone once said to me on here (if i recall) it is best for a cat to live a natural life, and the old addage 'quality not quantity' is wise to hold to thought when concerning cats-but thats a subject for a different thread!!

I was sitting here today and thought, how fabulous it would be to know exactlly where our cats go when out and about. I have a vauge idea-Clem stays pretty close to our cul-de-sac, but tends to go riiiiiggghht down past the council buildings, odd clutches of houses (such a jig-saw where we live!) and then out onto the fields and by the river-its her favourite place, its a way from home (kind of) but i couldn't deprive her of it, and would much rather her go that part then towards the other end of the cul-de-sac and wham onto quite a busy main road:shock:, in a way though she's allways steered clear from that sorta area-strange how they almost "know" about certain parts?
However Clem is probably the exception, as most of the cats we have owned have wandered somewhat far and we have never had any idea where they wandered too! We once had a grey tabby who used to cross the road (the main one i spoke of earlier) with the greatest road sense one could think of! We also had a ginger n white tom, Sherman, who freqeuntlly would bring us collared doves home that were so obviouslly filched from someobodys dove cotes yet we couldn't think of where they could be from.
So yes, i do think it would be fascinating to know exactly where our cats go off too, do you?

24-10-2006, 05:57 PM
I would still like to know where Cassie goes every evening Luke!! :lol: She rarely leaves the garden during the day but come 5.30 - 6.00pm she is off for hours!

I really would like to track her and find out what my timid little girl is up to!:D

24-10-2006, 06:05 PM
Its strange..Clem has a habit like that, every night come half past eight (and i mean to the dot!) she wants to go out, but she is back at nine oclock every night-i think she does one last rounds of 'her' territory for the night just to make sure 'all is well'
Could it be the same with Cassie?
I think all of catsey would love to know where it is Cassie is so in love with!:lol:

24-10-2006, 06:23 PM
I would love to know where Chancer goes, he disappears for hours, then suddenly turns up...I know where Casper and Oliver go, into the little woods opposite my house...

24-10-2006, 07:59 PM
i always say this to my oh i wish i had some
sort of tracker on my little lot:D :D :D

24-10-2006, 09:21 PM
The police can put those little tracking devices on cars so they can tell where they are,,,wonder of they're small enough to fit on a collar?!! (Just kidding, probably need a huge monitoring device...) But it would be nice if cats could tell us where they'd been...but probably would choose not to! Yes, where does Cassie go every night...??? :smt017