View Full Version : Does it play a part in you liking celebs if they're animal lovers or not?

19-08-2006, 03:16 PM
Just wondered... whether it makes any difference to you how you see/rate a celeb if they like animals or not?

19-08-2006, 03:16 PM
I think I do - They get lots of extra points for being animal lovers :lol: I think this is because most animal lovers I know are quite sensitive, kind and caring people, with the capcity to care for and love something that 'needs' looking after. Good qualities in my eyes!

19-08-2006, 03:30 PM
I definately think animal lovers, celebrity or not, are more caring people. You can almost 'tell' whether some people have pets or not by their attitudes....they have a have a much harder, sometimes stubborn nature.......

Give me an animal lover any day!

19-08-2006, 04:05 PM
I agree with Mags, I prefer animal lovers x

19-08-2006, 04:38 PM
Yes, it definitely does make a difference to me too.

19-08-2006, 05:34 PM
I dont think it matters. As long as they do not mistreat animals. You are either an animal lover or not, but dont think it makes a difference to whether you are a nice person or not.

19-08-2006, 06:15 PM
No, makes no difference to me.

19-08-2006, 08:59 PM
as long as they dont see their animals as fashion assesories theres a few who do, and i havent got time for them. paris hilton for 1

19-08-2006, 10:23 PM
I'm not really interested in celebrities much, don't know if they're pet-lovers, pet-owners etc, but I did like seeing Alan Titchmarsh's cat in the garden when he presented Gardener's World!

20-08-2006, 09:23 AM
Not really - although I dont like celebs who keep getting these small pets, and making them the next craze.

20-08-2006, 09:32 AM
I do but I think the same even if the person is a non celebrity. I prefer to be around people who are animal lovers - I think if a person can show compassion and love for something they could easily control or harm then thats a great quality in a person.

When I was watching BB and Pete was in the diary room and he cried for that rat - I totally understood what he was all about and when he was in the secret room and he came into the diary room and he said every-one else is so happy for the beer and pizza and other stuff but he wasn't and he said what made him happy was drawing and being outside and animals - AAAAAWWWWH - that made me so happy because now I know there are people like me out there. And he tried to save the bee from the pool thats what I do as well LOL

20-08-2006, 11:22 AM
T think it makes a difference..All my friends are animal loves, thats why we are friends, have so much in common...

21-08-2006, 10:03 AM
as long as they dont see their animals as fashion assesories theres a few who do, and i havent got time for them. paris hilton for 1

You took the words right out of my mouth:D

21-08-2006, 02:46 PM
I do like celebrities more if they use their celebrity to help animals. I was never a Beatles fan but have great respect for the McCartneys for instance.

When I come across a snippet about a celebrity who does use their name to benefit animals I do tend to be more drawn to watching films / programs of theirs, [ subliminaly perhaps but it does happen ].

By the same token, those who I consider are cruel to animals directly or indirectly, ie if their hobby is hunting or they wear fur , no way will I spend a single penny to watch anything they have done or to buy their records or whatever because I will not have my money fund their cruelty.

Does that make sense ??

I know, I know, me not spending a tenner on a CD or a Vid / DVD will hardly stop them doing what they do, but if a lot of people were the same and made it known why they wont buy things or pay for cinema tickets on ethical grounds....if there is one thing those types cant stand, its not being popular / adored / fawned over - that would probably hit them harder to make them change their ways than hitting their overinflated bank balances.

Ok ok, I`ll take the rose tinted glasses off now then :oops: