View Full Version : A nation of animal lovers?

26-07-2006, 11:33 AM
Not according to the RSPCA. Whatever you might think of them, they are at the pointy end of rescuing animals who have been victims of cruelty . . . and despite our love of vet programmes and our crying over kittens and puppies not 'making it' it seems this country still has a long way to go to overcome willful neglect and downright cruelty. How sad.

Today's report demonstrates that the problem is worse then ever :( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/5213718.stm

26-07-2006, 11:59 AM
Partly in keeping with the trend in the rest of society, partly probably due to ignorance as very few of us live on farms with animals these days. I wish there was more I could do to help. : /

26-07-2006, 12:42 PM
I think not enough values are taught these days. We live in a throw away sociaty, with no care for man nor beast. This is reflected in that article. Makes me sick.

26-07-2006, 12:49 PM
Yeah its on the lunchtime ITV news now - it makes you wonder doesn't it cruelty seems to be prevalant these days weather towards animals or our fellow man.

People stabbed in the street, innocent people beaten up and filmed by mobile phones - animals starved, thrown from balconies. The lack of respect for animals becomes a lack of respect for humans and surely thats a downward spiral.

Its a strange world yet I am certain still the majority of people are 'good' its just we hear of the 'others' more.

26-07-2006, 01:00 PM
I am certain still the majority of people are 'good' its just we hear of the 'others' more.

Well it isn't newsworthy to say that everyone is behaving themselves and being nice to everyone else. Mores the pity really :roll:

What gets me is that more and more of these things are just plain sadistic, which make me think people are getting some kind of twisted kick out of their activities :(

26-07-2006, 01:04 PM
I wonder if its because we see so much violence that people become insensitized to cruelty/hardship?

I mean the news today the 'war' hundreds of civllians dead and dying hurt. The Tsunami last year - we see 'close ups' of death and suffering everyday in our own front rooms. Thats just the news.:shock: Never mind films.

26-07-2006, 01:37 PM
You're so right there Kazz.

Everything shown is so violent, even young children's programmes feature a lot of violence and just because it's a cartoon they think it's alright. We become so used to seeing the violence around us that we don't take much notice these days. It's 'the norm' :(

26-07-2006, 02:12 PM
Too much violence generally, people become immune to the suffering of others, it's an everyday occurance on the T,V.,-- wars, murders etc, the list is unending, and for most of us it Happens to someone else, not us.

I cannot remember the exact quote but Mahatma Gandhi said something along the lines of - the Greatness of a Nation can be judged by the way it treats its animals - sadly it doesn't say much for a lot of our Nation does it?

26-07-2006, 03:39 PM
I don't think we can blame the violence on telly. .. Seems to be more the live-in-your-own-bubble lives we get in towns and cities. No-one cares what you do (or daren't say) , people too busy to take time to get to know their neighbours... May be a lot of tittle-tattle in the old stylee village life, but there were always consequences for your actions - good or bad. Nowadays, if you don't get caught, it doesn't matter.

26-07-2006, 09:10 PM
I agree; a lot of it is the "me first" attitude, and parents not taking responsibility for their childrens actions. And, as was pointed out, people generally are reluctant to confront others because they are afraid of violence being turned on them...and in a way you really can't blame them. When I was growing up if one of the neighbors caught me misbehaving, you can bet it would get to my mom & I would get what for!!!

26-07-2006, 09:15 PM
Maybe thats the point - do you know your neighbours?

26-07-2006, 10:05 PM
Yes, Kazz, I do. I may live in a big city but our neighborhood is almost in a way like a village...we water one another's lawns when they're away, take in packages if they're not home when it comes, shovel one another's walks in the Winter, keep an eye on suspicious looking people...I am VERY lucky to live where I do!!

26-07-2006, 10:15 PM
That really is nice to know you live in such a close neighbourly area Eileen.....

27-07-2006, 02:31 AM
Thanks, Mags! I grew up (well, from 5 to 35) only about 8 blocks from where I live now; that neighborhood (Burleith) was tight knit & friendly also. I cannot really imagine living anywhere else in town...not only is Glover Park (where I live now) neighborly, but almost everything you want or need is within walking distance or a short bus ride away...and the bus is 1/2 block from my door & goes directly to the Metro! Only problem is that it's a side street in a hilly area so often doesn't get plowed for a day or so in a bad snowstorm. :roll: