View Full Version : Weapon of choice?

16-07-2006, 06:14 PM
Today either Jason or Molly caught a pigeon and tore a load of feathers off before we got to it. :(
We brought the cats in and left the bird where it was in the hope that it would fly off once it was over the shock. Half an hour later it was nowhere to be seen so we assumed it had gone. :D Wrong!!
3 hours down the line they had found it again and were teasing it. So, back in they went and on examining it more closely we thought it had a broken wing and was obviously suffering, we had to "dispatch" it. :shock:
Neither OH or I relished the deed but eventually decided that a large stone swiftly administered would be best. As we sneaked up on it (after much heart-searching I must add) the pigeon took fright and.... yes you've guessed, it flew off!!!
In case of similar murderous attacks in the future, what do you think is the most humane way of dealing with mortally injured prey?

16-07-2006, 06:30 PM
I would never like to see a bird suffering but I'm ashamed to admit that I could never be the one to put it out of it's misery.....:(

Good on you and your OH for getting the courage to help it on it's way.........and good on the pigeon for deciding it wasn't ready to go yet!!:D

16-07-2006, 07:10 PM
Horrid situation - I think I'd take it to the vet for despatch (but I'm lucky in living close to the vet). A smaller, mortally wounded creature (sparrow/mouse/frog) I'm shamed to say I would leave it to the hunter to despatch. Nature is cruel.

16-07-2006, 07:10 PM
my 2 where notorius for bring in birds, and normally they where dead,but one day (day b4 we was moving) we found a live bird in the kitchen, loads of feathers pulled out, so we borrowed a cage from my neighbour, put some seed n some water in there for it, and left it in a dark quiet room, well as quiet as u can get with 2 cats trying to batter the door down all night, (thugs)the next morning we was up early and took a look well said bird was still alive, so we took the cage out side, and opened the door and it flew off lopsided mind u, but it was fine just stunned.the cats where not happy we had taken their toy away from them. but the cats had 2 bells on there collars, i recon they crawled up to their prey with one paw holding onto their collars, cheeky cats.
and i would of got OH to do the deed if needed be, we have a big club end lump hammer.

16-07-2006, 07:11 PM
A shape spade would be as good as anything I imagine. Sever the head or as close as you can get, but a decent sixe lump hammer or the stone would be just as good and quicker than lingering in pain.

I have to say though I would rather despatch an animal quickly then leave them to suffer. Act first cry later

16-07-2006, 09:22 PM
If I have to dispatch an animal - occasionally had to - I prefer a spade. It's big enough to not miss and heavy enough to do the job efficiently.

It's unpleasent, but I prefer that to leaving an animal to suffer.


16-07-2006, 10:33 PM
Well done to the brave ones you can do the deed. Me, I just couldn't I would have to take to the vet. Having said that we have rescued a few birds over the years and quite often after a couple of days quiet in a cardboard box or similar and they are much better.

16-07-2006, 10:46 PM
I have only had half played to death with worms so far, and I usually just chuck them back in the garden!!

I would not be able to finish off anything nice like a bird or a mouse I am afriad.

16-07-2006, 10:55 PM
I couldn't kill a half dead "anything" :oops:

But if I could & I was big & brave - to twist a birds neck is a simple / quick method. But something I could never do.

If mine get a mouse - I leave them to kill it.
If they get a bird - I will rescue it if they are just playing / teasing it, or leave them to kill it if they are being rough with it.

Nature is a funny thing.

This evening some ppeople came to see the kittens.

Nice family, lovely well present children.

they walked over to see Smudge *my Smudge - not rescue Smudge*- to find she had a baby mouse in her mouth. :oops: not the best start / introduction to cats :roll:

17-07-2006, 12:33 AM
I'm afraid I couldn't have done the deed myself. I would have left it to my cats to sort it out :? If it appeared uninjured then I would try and get it out of harms way and let it fend for itself..

17-07-2006, 10:21 AM
Violet had a baby sparrow this morning, was playing with it - but it had already died, not sure if Violet had or something else and Violet had just found it.

Dont think I could of killed it myself, think I would of tried to rescue or let nature take its course x