View Full Version : Which cat litter???

18-06-2006, 05:51 PM
I can't believe how many different types of cat litter there are?!?!?! It's mind blowing.

At the moment the kittens are on wood based granule things, so I'll stick with that to start, but then how to choose.

Are the super expensive Bob Martins Crystal things really better that Tesco Value stuff? How about paper vs wood vs clay???

What's the difference, which is best?

Please help this poor confused new ratty mum!



18-06-2006, 05:55 PM
well ive been using tescos valu for weeks now, and find it ok, its semi-clumping. dont smell too bad , and at one pund somethink im happy with it, cats seem to like it, it may be harse on the feet for kittens though.but worth it money wise to try it out.:D

18-06-2006, 05:59 PM
i get worlds best, cost me jsut under £40 every 3-4 months. Sounds a lot but thinka bout how many bags of value stuff you use in a week! it lasts ages, smells nice, is flushable, and the cats prefer it to anything.

I peronally, and it's only my thoughts, wouldnt touch value stuff, it tends to smell quickly, and gets spread all over the floor, but if it works for you good.

18-06-2006, 06:11 PM
We use the wood based litter at work, we can burn it and all the cats use it, we did try "worlds best" but some Cats refused to use it, we also on occasion will use the fullers earth, I use this at home.

18-06-2006, 06:25 PM
Here is a link to a previous discussion that we have had on cat litter.......I hope you find it helpful.....


18-06-2006, 06:58 PM
The crystal stuff does do a good job, I got some for Ziggy as thats what her breeder uses. But, although its good at absorbing and containing smell I found it quite noisey and I thought it was a bit gross as it goes yellow when they wee on it, yuk!

At the moment I'm using worlds best and I've found it really good, it clumps really well and is flushable which I really like. It is quite expensive tho.

Before that I was using the fullers earth stuff from Lidl and I had no troubles with it although I agree the cheaper ones do start to smell sooner.



19-06-2006, 09:40 AM
You'll probably find the one that suits you and the kits by trial and error.

19-06-2006, 09:54 AM
Whatever suits your purse. As you said there are so many. I did like the bob martin crystals until one night we were in the kitchen and C-Fur used it, It crackles, he looked at me as if to say "mum this is embaraceing you know when I pee" went back to catsan. I have used the wood one but found it stuck to there paws when it broke down.

19-06-2006, 11:10 AM
Same as Jac I use Catsan as the wood based goes to powder when they piddle on it and yes it gets stuck in the paws and is walked all over the place also if they lick their paws thats not too good for them,