View Full Version : Daily thread - Monday 12th June

12-06-2006, 07:02 AM
Good morning.
We have
The gardens will enjoy, and it has taken the fierceness from the heat.

The news is that there is no news really. Mini is almost back to normal - just a tiny bit quieter than usual but bright and alert - and the kits are fab.

Hope everyone has a good day.

12-06-2006, 07:39 AM
Good morning DM, morning all!

We had terrific thunderstorms last night but today is bright, sunny and the air is a lot clearer.

Nothing special planned other than shopping, housework etc......

Enjoy your day!!

12-06-2006, 07:42 AM
Ooops sorry - double daily posting again :oops:

12-06-2006, 07:59 AM
Ooops sorry - double daily posting again :oops:

Great minds and all that!

I'm in absoulute agony!!! My back was feeling so much better, I moved too quick on Sat and now I'm back to square one again.:roll: Oh well,

There's more air about this morning, it rained last night although it's off now. Getting ready to take Ceilidh to nursery.
After that the world's my oicter (know that's spelt wrong but brain wont think)
Think I'll pop round to Sean Connery's for a coffee and **************:oops:
He he can wish eh ladies.

12-06-2006, 08:01 AM
Think I'll pop round to Sean Connery's for a coffee and **************:oops:
Well - it could sort your back out Jac .... but I'd avoid the chandelier trick! :lol:

12-06-2006, 08:03 AM
Well - it could sort your back out Jac .... but I'd avoid the chandelier trick! :lol:
But that's the best bit!!!

12-06-2006, 08:04 AM
Morning all,

Yep thunder & lightning early morning here too. Mau Mau got out the bathroom window and was out calling for her till 1.30 a.m. then not long after it started to rain etc.....found Mau Mau outside the back door like a drawned rat at 7.00 a.m. again, I am guessing she jumped out of the tiny bathroom window - she hates rain etc.......so the poor thing must of been hide somewhere.

No real plans except wake up today LOL x

12-06-2006, 08:30 AM
Morning all, hubby got in at 10:30ish last night from his weekend away. Not long after he got in it started to rain quite heavily but no thunder storm.

It's overcast here at the moment and a lot cooler. Nothing really planned, just ordering some bits for the Scooby (yep yet another Subaru in our driveway :roll: ) and some air conditioning bits for a couple of customers. After that it's just the usual washing, drying, housework, blahblahblah.....

12-06-2006, 08:32 AM
Morning all, its raining here this morning, but really warm, looks like it may clear up....Not sure what I am doing today....Have a nice day everybody.......

12-06-2006, 08:47 AM
Morning all, bright yet thunder storms and raining..
There is an odd feeling in the house today-just very 'still'
Enjoy your day all!:D

12-06-2006, 09:01 AM
Morning all, raining here but no thunder storms at yet. Hubby has taken the day off work since it is my 40th birthday :shock: Feeling very old today :( Got some lovely pressies, will tell more later ;)

Hope you enjoy a lovely day and hope the weather brightens up for every one :D

12-06-2006, 09:27 AM
No storms here, but started of with slight drizzle this morning. Now it's bright and sunny again. We have a new member of staff started today; a telesales assistant for our sales guy. Hopefully that will accelarate our sales effort!

Hubby has gone for a 1st thing appointment with my herbalist about his suspected IBS. The tablets which worked for a bit stopped working and he's been in agony again :( . I hope she's able to do something for him . . . she's really great!!!

I have a client in at 10.30 to discuss a new website we've been commissioned to do and then my friend is coming up as we are doing her brochure for her and she'll sit with my designer and finish it off (needs to be at the printers tomorrow).

Apart from that? Rough night. I slept in the spare room with Domi as he was woken by fireworks :mad: and refused to settle again. I spent all night in one position coz he kicks like fury (didnt' want him to kick bump), so have a bruised back and a very stiff neck/shoulder AND am tired. :roll:

12-06-2006, 10:16 AM
Morning all,
Has been raining here! but still warm.

Have sooooo got a hangover this morn! Not had one for a while. Feeling a bit :cat36 . I blame my mate.

Oh n the taxi driver last night ripped us off! 20 quid for a 15 min ride to get home! its usually about a tenner.
Plus he said give me the money first. (N like an idiot i blinkin gave it to him!) But i just wanted to get home, coz my mate was really drunk, n was walking around town trying to draw money out the bank, which the machines where all closed!) so...
Once my mate got out, he said to me that he cant take me home, its too far! I was like 'not for bloomin 20 quid its not!' he was like 'yes, its too far!' (he was foreign! so then i stopped talking. (i was well angry inside) then he said 'ok ok ill take you home!'
N i got home save, but i wasn't half scared!

12-06-2006, 12:57 PM
Happy Birthday Fran. Hope you enjoy your day as much as I enjoyed mine Sat.:D

No rain here but look like clouds moving my way over head. :) However I am going to finaly cut the front grass keep going out there to start and then doing other things. :roll:

The girls Sal and Tess are awaitng the rain and grateful I think that its not quite as hot hot. Cleo seems a little brighter :D

All in all a good day and this is the first day of my holiday.:-D Getting my hair cut today too :-D

12-06-2006, 11:23 PM
Nite all.....sleep well!:cool:

12-06-2006, 11:27 PM
Nite Mags, sleep well...Chat tomorrow..........

Nite all.......Hope everybody sleeps well..............