View Full Version : I AM SICK of being walked all over

01-02-2006, 03:29 PM
Ok, I am going to rant on here!

I am so fed up of these headaches that I rang docs to see if I could get checked over. I have had A deep rooted headache all day, nothing easing it off.
I got the receptionist who asked what's wrong. I said that is between me and the doctor thank you! ( I get so annoyed when receptionists ask cos it nothing to do with them)

she said, if i dont tell her she cant give me an appointment!
I said, politely as i could, that that's rubbish, I am entitled to see a doctor under the patients charter.
So she say ( she said this i said that lol)
"dont go quoting it at me, i do know it"
So again I politely remind her I dont have to tell her what is wrong, I am within my rights to see a doctor without telling her and I want to see one.

She wouldnt budge. In the end I told her I am having constant headaches. She said " and you want to see a doctor cos you have a bit of a headache?"

This mad me mad, I said " it is NOT a bit of a headache, it has been nearly two weeks now and I cant shake it off and I want something done about it. I had a stroke recently my blood pressure is high and I am worried".
Her reply " take two aspirin you dont need a doctor for a headache"

I wasnt going to give in, So carried on stating I felt I had a right to see a doctor. She took my details,and said "you got two appointments next week, one with a nurse on 13th one with a doctor on 15th , and you still want more?"

By this time i was mad so i said " no , i tell you what, I'll wait the two weeks and if in the meantime I have another stroke or anythintg else happens i'll sue you personally"

She hung up!!!

boy am I going to complain over this one!!!!!!!!!

01-02-2006, 03:44 PM
Just phone again and ask to speak to the practice manager.

Have all the details in front of you - possibly the thread you posted above - and just explain the situation quietly and calmly and request either an urgent appointment or to speak to your doctor.

Next time you see your doctor ask them if it's possible to have a note put on your file that means you get to see the doc without the third degree.

Don't be walked over; just state your case and don't be put off. Remember being assertive is not the same as being aggressive.

(When you see the doc tell them about your new health regime and your diet/weight loss plan too - just to show you are not expecting everything from them without making an effort yourself.

Go girl!
Assertive, not aggressive.
Deep breath...................do it.

01-02-2006, 03:46 PM
hi CJK
phone her back and say u want to speek to the doc or the practis manager and make a complant about her
its nothing to do with the woman why you want to see the doc for. please dont let this drop a bad head can mean so manythings

01-02-2006, 03:57 PM
I already written a letter to the practice manager lol. I usually write letters of complaint instead of phoning as then I have a copy of what is said etc.
I know it only a headcahe but the receptionsists shouldn't even ask what it is about. Itmay well be just down to my new diet, but it driving me down now. Grating at me all the time. I'm tried and grouchy cos of it.
I stayed calm with the receptionsit as long as i could, then I got a bit more stern lol.
It was the same when ryan had a really abd sore throat, he was crying all night, being sick etc. the recptionist then told me it cant be that bad if it only started yesterday evening, give him calpol and get soemthing over the counter. two days later he got so bad I insisted he was seen and we were told by the doc he had streo bacterial infection, he was quite poorly by then bless him,never known him to be so ill acutally. he didnt eat in 5 days, didnt drink more than to wet his mouth in two days!

I cant switch though, cos there such a shortage you cant get registered. like the dentisit, i not been in 7 years cos i cant find one taking on NHS patients.

01-02-2006, 03:59 PM
To get a quick appointment, when they ask what's wrong, say you're vomiting blood :roll:

01-02-2006, 04:01 PM
lmao @ DM,thatd get them going wouldnt it!

01-02-2006, 04:35 PM
I used to get regularly asked 'is it a medical emergency?' which used to make my blood boil coz I'm not a doctor to make that kind of assessment.

I did make a massive fuss - including writing to the local paper. Since then my surgery has undergone some major staff training and their attitude has changed 180 degrees and they don't ask that question any more at all.

It does pay to complain - you have rights, infact we pay for their services which I find sometimes it's useful to remidn them of . . .

I know these (excuse me) cows on reception are just acting as gatekeepers for the docs but sometimes they just take it too far.

In order to get a quick appt I would telephone your complaint through CJ, but I would follow that up in writing just to ensure they get the message loud and clear. Your headache might be the result of your diet change but it could be the symptom of something more serious. They really do need to see you soon to confirm this.

Good luck girl!!! ;)

01-02-2006, 05:14 PM
Even I, as a lowly mother and office worker, and not a scientific professor, knows that a headache lasting more than a couple of days should be classed as serious and should be treated as such. It is probably just down to the diet, but the people at your surgery are unaware of your diet change so they should take it seriously.

01-02-2006, 06:15 PM
you should of said something like why are they the new Doc to her
i really hate ppl like this
writing the letter is a good idea but i would also phone today aswell as it might take a few days to sort out other wise and u still need to see the Doc

01-02-2006, 06:16 PM
ps i hope you got the ladies name

01-02-2006, 06:58 PM
That is awful CJ, don't let it go! That receptionist needs sorting out Fast!!!!

01-02-2006, 07:01 PM
That is awful!!!
Bloomin dangerous as well!! She def needs sorting!!!

01-02-2006, 07:05 PM
I know which one it is, have dealt with her before, seh the sameone who said my son doesnt need to see a doc.
rang them up and guess what? practice manager away this week, but i go tomorrow at 2pm!

01-02-2006, 07:18 PM
At least you are being seen fairly soon.

01-02-2006, 07:55 PM
I hope you get this sorted out as soon as possible CJ.....a headache that lasts as long as that is not normal......
Good luck!

01-02-2006, 11:36 PM
make sure u bring this up with who ever u see

02-02-2006, 12:41 AM
This is`disgusting CJ and I really hope the receptionist gets it in the neck!!

I had headaches for a week before I was diagnosed with meningitis.....so headaches should definitley not be ignored by taking a couple of aspirin. Especially with your medical history! Ooooh I would take them to the cleaners over this :shock:

02-02-2006, 03:56 PM
in between the panick of the day i managed to get to the doctors. My bp is 150/94!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

she wants to see me again tomorrow, see if it comes down, cos i explained about having a hectic day, worrying about baby bunnies and rushing around up the big hill to vets, down again, then up another big hill to docs.

She said rest as much as i can and see how it is tomorrow

02-02-2006, 03:58 PM
I hope things will be better once you have rested CJ.......

02-02-2006, 04:02 PM
Really hope you are able to rest and that your BP comes down. Hope the headaches are settling..

02-02-2006, 06:11 PM
Hope your resting CJK!

What an absolute nightmare for you

02-02-2006, 06:38 PM
did the doc say anything about the bad head?
hope your bp is down in the morning

02-02-2006, 07:09 PM
Take it easy and dont do ANYTHING!

02-02-2006, 08:39 PM
i dont plan on going anywhere for few days but kids r misbehaving really badly today which dont help.

sore head this am but not now. doc said head may be bp or migraine, but if carries on she sort something else out