View Full Version : shakira may be a boy!

30-01-2006, 01:21 PM
Just had an email from "her" current owner, who says she thinks all the cats may be boys. I am quite upset over this really.
I have MR d provisionally booked for his chop in 5 weeks time. I miss my little girl cat and really wanted another girl. I have three boys already so didnt really want another.
I know this may sound really stupid, but I had my heart set on a little princess for me. twix is my hubbys boy, oatmeal is ryan's and Zorro is such a turncoat he goes to anyone who feeds him or loves him alittle. I sooo wanted a little girl to pamper, the only other girl cat we had was PTS at 4 months old, due to congential abnormalities and various medical problems.

Not sure where i stand about getting my deposit back, am just hoping it wasnt all a big scam now.

30-01-2006, 01:35 PM
This is really wierd!
Surely a breeder should be able to sex kittens?!?!?!?!?
You should check this isn't a scam. Have you paid a deposit? I was just reading a thread on another site about a kitten scam.

Maybe it is all for the best. Forget this sham-Shakira, wait until Mr D is totally better and then pick up your new girl kittie straight away?????????

Don't like the sound of this..............................

30-01-2006, 01:50 PM
I dont know why but people must see me coming. I going to get in touch with that person on the link, and ask them who it was selling kittens.
I know it can difficult to sex kittens, but as you say surely a breeder can tell! Something def sounds a bit fishy here. I ahve paid a deposit, via direct bank transfer, so if it comes to can trace the bank details etc, so have proof it was paid to her.

Maybe it is a genuine mistake, or soemthing. but I am now getting worried I have been scammed!

I was jsut so stunned by the pictures of "her", and fell in love with her from the pictures, that I didnt want to loose out on her.

I wont be too upset if i get my deposit back, as you say i can then wait until 100% sure Mr darcy is fine, and get another.
I am not sure if I actually would end up getting another though, If this is a scam it's going to really put me off. And shelters wont let me have a youngster cos I ahve elliot. I wanted a youngster as a friend for MR Darcy.

Maybe it will all work out ok, even if I dont get a new cat. soemtiems things just arent meant to be, but i hope i've been stupid and fallen for a scam!

30-01-2006, 02:33 PM
Where did you find this "breeder"? Have you paid alot of money? I would get intouch with her and tell her you feel abit worried about the situation. You have paid your deposit in good faith for a little girl, if she cant supply that then you would require your deposit back. The tradeing standards would quite possibly back you on that too. It may be worth giving the citasine (sp) advise centre a call.
When you pay a deposit it is to "hold" something for you, which the supplyer can provide. It is non refundable if YOU back out of the deal. Not if you cant be supplyed with the goods, then under these circumstances the supplyer has to refund you. I would say you have a good case if she hasnt got any females, which you have paid a deposit for.
Let us know how you get on. Good luck.

30-01-2006, 03:17 PM
well, she has seemed ok so far. but it is a bit worrying really.
I agree though Jac, if i paid for a girl then she should refund my money.
I know it may sound daft, but i did have my heart set on a little girl, not to breed or anything, cos both my big boys are choped, and Mr Darcy will be too as soon as he is well enough to be done.

Will have to see what happens. My husband said could it be possible that as girls seem more popular than boys, that she is having trouble selling the boys so was hoping I would say I dont mind, and take a boy. I guess that's a possible, i know they had two boys advertised until recently.
apparantly she going to the vets tonight to get them sexed, IF i do still get a "girl" from her I will also ask my vet to sex her to be sure, cos I cant tell myself.

Never again will I buy from somebody I dont know, who isnt either a registered shelter, charity or registered breeder. I just feel sorry for the non-pedigree's of the world!

30-01-2006, 04:50 PM
IT isn't that unusual for breeders not to be able to tell when the kittens are tiny - and I think long haireds are harder to tell anyway. HOwever, if you really want a girl, I would wait - as cats can live to 20, I don't think it is worth it. And yes, CJ, cats shouldn't be purchased unless they are from a registered breeder or a shelter (have to say I wondered when she got the 2 breeds mixed up, and I would be questioning someone who let those kinds of cats breed, they are not doing it for the right reason)

30-01-2006, 08:12 PM
My C-Fur is non pedigree, mother marbel bengal (slapper of dumfermline) father possibly a siamese. Never met the girl who owned his mum, but a friend knew her. Didnt pay a penny for him and never looked back.

30-01-2006, 08:25 PM
well, I konw a lot of people say moggies shouldnt be allowed to breed, but they are/do, and soemone has to love them!

30-01-2006, 08:28 PM
Didnt Shakira come via the "Freeadds"? do be carefull, I hope it turns out ok.

30-01-2006, 09:44 PM
well,lady jsut emailed me, theyre all boys, she requested my bank details to transfer money back. Never mind though, can getone at a better time when Mr d is all better, if i bother at all now.
Cos no shelter will home one with me due to elliot, I now have a total of £180 in the "cat kitty" as i call it ( a jamjar i shove pennies in for buying the cats things with).
Will treat them all to something special.

31-01-2006, 09:49 PM
CJK it isn't as uncommon as you think, breeders mistaking the sex of a kitten. I have done it and my vet even missed it at the first vaccination but picked it up at the second one. Deposits are usually non-refundable unless the breeder cannot supply the kitten which is the case. Let us know how you get on.