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07-08-2011, 08:52 AM   #1

Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Good morning!

It was a nasty rainy night but the showers have made way for some fresh air and brightness. Had a lovely lie-in this morning, so a nice cuppa and a chat now

Went to a baby shower last night for my cousin's wife, Catherine, expecting her first around Sept 13th. She's 35, so a late baby for both, my cuz is 48! Miracle baby.
Well, it's the first time for me to go to a baby shower, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was all about giving gifts and sharing baby talk, TBH, wasn't looking forward to it much
But had a ball, the organiser, another cousin, baby's aunt, had planned games and stuff and we chatted and laughed for ages. Shame I had to leave early to collect Ceri and come home.

Still haven't named the new pottery cat, like Kazz said, it'll be a boy's name so get ya thinking caps on!

Now, to decide what's for breakfast, cereal, toast, egg&bacon- um, let's see. I got left over bananas so may make a smoothie. See you later. x

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07-08-2011, 01:47 PM   #2

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Hello PP and anyone else coming along. The babyshower sounds interesting and I would also have expected it to be giving gifts and baby talk - it sounds much more fun!

It is very windy here today - sunny one minute and showery the next. I've optimistically put some washing out- fingers crossed.

We had poached egg muffins for breakfast- very messy but lovely! I'm just doing domestic stuff (waiting or Tolly to finish his latest nap so I can hoover) and I'll go for a run in a bit.

Hope everyone is having a nice day.

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07-08-2011, 01:57 PM   #3

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Hi PP and CS! Banana smoothie sounds lovely PP - I had a liking for smoothies a couple of years ago, until I found out just how calorific they are! My favourite sort of eggs are poached - don't know why I don't have them more often really. I've just had my lunch of Ryvita, cottage cheese and celery salt and about to have my daily apple to keep the doctor away. That doesn't sound nearly as nice as a smoothie or a poached egg muffin!

Have had a lovely walk with OH and Monty. Went all kitted up for rain as we've had some heavy showers earlier but got back in the dry. Monty is asleep in his crate just now. I wonder if a little snooze might creep up on me later???

Going to make an apple crumble ...... and we have pasta bolognaise for supper tonight, so will have to try and leave a bit of room for the pudding!

Hope everyone has a great day.

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07-08-2011, 02:17 PM   #4

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Afternoon all! Lazy Sunday, must admit I'm struggling with the crossword a bit today but that might be because I'm a little distracted by a knuckle. Somehow, and I don't remember it happening, but I seem to have jolted one of my arthritic joints and it's been throbbing all day. It's on my right hand and I'm having difficulty holding the pencil and concentrating. Time to take the dog out perhaps.

Talking of said pooch, he's well and truly in the doghouse (ha! ha!) he has a habit of pinching things left on the coffee table when our backs are turned and this morning he sneaked off with a cd that came with yesterday's Telegraph, a few teeth marks on the cover but the disc seems intact, will try playing it later on. Pesky pooch!

The cats on the other hand are being angelic!

D'you know, I've never tried a smoothie! poached eggs on the other hand are a definite favourite.

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07-08-2011, 02:45 PM   #5

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Hi all...

Back from Hen Weekend - we had a fab time... It was probably one of the most civilised things of its kind - went to the deer centre yesterday (much to the bemusement of the staff there!), had a bbq on Friday while it was still sunny, and had an Indian theme to Saturday evening - eating Indian, both meal and sweeties, and dressing up in Sari's putting on Henna, and half watching Bride and Prejudice.

Think we had half a bottle of wine and a little Pim's the whole weekend!!! The fruit juices on the other hand ran out before the weekend finished. Though most people were taking away doggy bags as packed lunches so we coudl finish off the stuff (we were staying in the bride to be's parents summer home, and they were there with us a fair amount of the time...)

Much fun had by all.

Hoep everyone else enjoyed their weekends!

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07-08-2011, 03:28 PM   #6

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Hi all, mostly cloudy and humid here this morning; 27 C (80 F), no breeze to speak of. Had a lie in, down to get yesterday's mail and a suncatcher I'd ordered for the door, and of course the grass. Dinner tonight: broiled crab cake, cauliflower and curried potatoes, ciabatta roll. Never eat breakfast, just orange juice and milk.

Do you know, I've never had a smoothie either! They sound as if they'd be pulpy ....... CS, only cat people would understand that comment about not hoovering! Angie, apple crumble does sound yummy. MrsH, sorry about the arthritis; do you take anything for it? Squirrel, the hen weekend sounds great fun, as does your baby shower, PP, I too thought it would be boring baby talk.

Hope the weather stays nice, enjoy the day, all!

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07-08-2011, 04:12 PM   #7

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Just heard on the News that there is a weather warning out for the east coast of Scotland, around the Inverness area. Hope that our Scottish members are safe and sound.

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07-08-2011, 04:27 PM   #8

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Geography was never a strong point, is that anywhere near where Calismum is? I do hope she's OK, hasn't posted since early June.

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07-08-2011, 05:14 PM   #9

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

evening everyone, the weather is miserable here been raining all day and i didnt get to go on my flying lesson because of it but never mind. Went to my folks house and got the camping kit gathered together for when we are away in 2weeks time . Went to makro with my folks and OH and my mum bought us a few things :s including a table decoration we were going to buy for our new table but she is putting it away for our christmas.

Just doing some housework tonight when OH is out getting our dinner.

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07-08-2011, 06:10 PM   #10

Re: Sunday Galaxy Minstrels

Didn't CM talk about going to Edinburgh when they got the kittens neutered, or am I confused? If so she's not too close to Inverness I don't think... I do hope she's OK.

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