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08-02-2022, 04:19 AM   #1

Tuesday Daily.

Good morning ladies,
Tuesday afternoon here and it's a coolish day, but no rain. It's been raining heavily over the weekend though, and lots of flooding on the West Coast and in the North island. None here in Christchurch though.It's a good thing that it hasn't been hot, because there has been no word from Paul as to when he can come and put these blinds up. Honestly that man ...........I could shake him. I don't really want to ring him because I know he's busy, but I wish he'd give me an approximate date.

I haven't assembled the new computer desk yet ,as I don't know what to do with the old one. Guess I'll have to dump it eventually It's a shame because the cats love climbing and sleeping on it. Wonder what they'll think of the new one ?

Dickens isn't well again, and has stopped eating . He's in and out of the litter box all the time and I don't know what set him off again. He was going so well. I think this is just going to be an ongoing thing with him. He's still having his pills every day, but if he seems to be in pain tonight ,I'll give him some metacam.

My cousin's dog is also not well again. The totally raw diet that the dog is on has not helped. The vet gave her antibiotics this morning and wants to see her again on Thursday if there is no improvement. Personally if she were my dog, I would want blood work done and a scan, because this dog has had tummy trouble for months now. My cousin's vet seems to think that because Cinder is an elderly dog, then it's to be expected. Total crap I say !!! Anyway, it's not up to me as it's not my dog, but I really wish my cousin would take her to another vet for a second opinion.I know my Michele would never say that a dog was too elderly to treat/make comfortable.

Janna managed to get her booster vaccine this morning, rather than waiting until Friday. I was going to go up to the mall with her and have some blood tests that I was meant to have last month, but decided to stay with Dickens instead .I may get the tests done tomorrow.

Snodgrass will have to go back to the groomer as he's getting all matted around his back legs AGAIN. His fur is like sheep's wool, and he won't let me brush him around his back legs anyway.Another Brazilian for him, I'm afraid. He won't be happy.

Fish and couscous salad for tea tonight and an ice cream soda to follow. Nice and easy for me.

PAMELA, did you get your snow at the weekend ? I love the snow, not that we get much of it in NZ, but there's something so magical about it. I hope you managed to find a few bargains at the Bring and Buy sale at the weekend, and also found a nice computer desk at Ikea. I have a lovely Ikea cabinet in the bathroom and I adore it. They make lovely furniture. I'm pleased that Harris is behaving himself with Skye. The water bottle and cushions must have done the trick. I hope young Harris is better at night too, and not keeping you awake. How is your dad getting on ? I hope that with each day that passes, he's feeling a little better.

SHELLEY, I'm so pleased that you are still writing the story of your Great Aunt. What a project you have given yourself, but how very fascinating for you. Tom and Jerry are lovely names for cats. It's funny how certain things make you recall incidents from the past - sort of like deja vu. What sort of a dog was Max ? I bet he sorted out those two fighting cats with his barking.

Well I'm off now to fold some washing, check up on Dickens,and see about tea.

Have a super Tuesday ladies.

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08-02-2022, 08:53 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Morning Dinky, you beat me to it this morning starting a daily

Sorry to hear your cousins dog is poorly again, i agree, i would be getting a second opinion to see if anything else is going on.

I do hope Paul gets in contact with you, you have more restraint that me! i would be calling him. I think you should build your new table. I think the cats will love it!!

Poor Dickens, i do hope it is just a temporary setback with him and he is back to eating soon. Have yu tried giving him baby food when he doesnt eat? Its one thing i could get Harris to eat when he was off his food when he was poorly!! Poor Snodgrass having more mats, i do hope the groomer can see him soon.

We got sleet at the weekend but it didnt really come to much to be honest. The bring and buy ended up more just of a coffee meet up although i did get a leather motorbike jacket for free from one of the girls and it was almost brand new as she had only worn it once!! I just need to buy a back protector for it now. I can use it without but now i have the bigger bike i would rather have it. I also went to Ikea with one of the girls after the meet and got just a simple longer desk that i built on Sunday and it has space for everything i need

Harris is behaving himself at night now. He is tending to sleep curled in with me whilst skye is on my legs as always. He is only really going out in the mornings just now and not really asking to go out later which is unusual but if he wanted out he would let me know.

Shelley, your writing sounds really interesting. Max sounds like a character as well!!

Have a great day everyone, i am just going to get ready to start work at 8am. Long days now as work until 530pm except on a Wednesday when i am off and a Friday when i finish at 430pm

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08-02-2022, 09:06 AM   #3

Re: Tuesday Daily.

Morning ladies, a quickie before I set of for work in 5.
Max was a huge crossbreed with a very gentle character but he didn't tolerate the cats having fun.
I nicknamed him Cromwell.
Dinky, hope Dickens is better again soon and Cinders.
Pamela, glad Harris is behaving.
Your biker jacket sounds great.

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