See, now that is so strange because I have never heard of them in humans either. Apparently, it has nothing to do with rodents. Its when (now I could get the blood cells mixed up - I could mean red when I say white and vice-versa) but its when the white blood cells decide to attack an infection when there is nothing wrong. This makes his skin think there is an infection which results in too many white blood cells going to the surface - making the area itchy and irritable - making george lick - which then makes the area sore, and if worse it gets a secondary infection. He also has scabs on his ears, paws, neck and leg - which are no problem but they are all on his right side so he happily lets me pick them off
(then he has little bald patches lol) but again, these are because of the rodent ulcers. The steroids are just to dampen his immune system to stop the outbursts and by the look of the improvement of his leg theyre (fingers crossed!!!) looking much much better!
The vets also assured me that because hes dampened his immune system doesnt necessarily mean he will be suceptable to infection - which is less worrying!