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Shelley123's Avatar
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11-06-2021, 07:40 PM   #1


Evening all.
Hope everyone's OK.
I've been busy at work this week and been feeling rather tired.
We had a great time in Scotland and Howard has successfully fixed the floor.
My dad and his friends are there now and we will go again at the end of July.
Last night we went for a lovely meal at an all you can eat restaurant called Mr Basrais, all nationalities of food to choose from, I had Chinese, Indian then Italian.
Dinky, pleased to say Mrs Swan was off the nest.
Not seen the other pair yet as I've not been to that pond.
Curried sausages sound yummy.
Pamela, hope you are feeling OK after your jab.
Sounds like you have had a good and productive week off work.

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pamela81's Avatar
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11-06-2021, 07:52 PM   #2

Re: Friday

Good evening everyone,

Shelley you beat me to it starting a daily!!

Glad you had a lovely time in Scotland you certainly had lovely weather for it. You will be glad the floor is sorted that will be a relief for you.

Dinky, did you look after the grandchildren for Brienna? If you did, i hope you had a lovely day

I have had a lovely week off, got a new bike on Tuesday and took it on a run with the ladies group last night and it ran great, really happy with it. I went for lunch with my friend today in town which was lovely and she has inspired me to apply to do an evening course in accountancy. Steven and i are talking about opening our own business in 3-4 years so it would be a huge advantage to be able to do our own books and if we dont open a business it gives me more career options as well.

Tomorrow we are going to look at a car as we lose teh company car in August due to Steven starting a new job so we need a car to take pets to the vet, go shopping and visit family.

Have a lovely weekend everyone

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