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03-01-2010, 07:59 PM   #1


Got bitten today and have had to go to hospital for a tetanus jab as been 12 years since my last one. How did I get bitten, by trying to help?

I dropped a friend off in the local park as he is taking up running... ...yes in this weather. Anyhow I was in the car park, on the phone actually dog walkers all over and a car pulled up next to me and two women (40's) and a man got out of the car with two of the most unruly/noisy/uncontrolled dogs I have seen. (honest) one was a border terrier size and coat but could have been anything as his coat was black and tan and the other possibly a parsons JR, anyhow the two dogs were on extending leads and set about rushing towards and having a go at anything that past them the two women tried to reign them in one hurt her hand on the "extending" bit of the lead because she held that instead of retracting it. a right rigmarole but everyone walking dogs were putting their dogs on leads even though these to were on leads the women or the man when he had a go seemed incapable of stopping the "rushing" other dogs. There were baying/nasty barking all the while too.
Anyhow then all hell broke loose an elderly man with two well behaved mongrels. About knee height size. He saw the women and man and put his dogs on lead although they were not bothered at all. But he was approaching the car park too. Anyhow the one woman was messing with the lead and trying to put gloves on I was in the car and had full view in front of me, she let go/lost grip on the lead and the terrier charged for the man and his dogs, for a second it circled them and the woman walked slowly over and I thought "all noise no action" about the dog then the terrier attacked the dogs....the threw/fell on the terrier not sure if he did it on purpose or because the extending lead was round his legs...he dropped the leads, and one of his dogs dashed frightened to death toward the main car park myself and a man who was walking a husky with a lady (lady and husky stayed away) tried to calm the petrified dog. With little success, the elderly man was shouting at the women. He came over to get his dog me the husky owner and the old man were talking when I saw (they had back to the women) the woman bloody well lost the lead again....now I don't think this was intentional at all but she was shaking herself but hey hold the flipping lead) the terrier rushed again. The husky owner a younger man lifted one of the old mans dogs into the air away from the terrier and the terrier got the petrified dog again....this time the old man fell over hit in the "back of the leg" by the extending lead handle. I tried to grab the old man as he went down only to have the terrier bite me...
Police were called as the husky owner and the man with the women got into and argument and the old man hurt his hands and knees this time hitting the tarmac. He broke his glasses at some point to. He was in shock and needed an ambulance.

So I have had tetanus....and feeling sorry for myself too.

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03-01-2010, 09:24 PM   #2

Re: Ouch

GG! Hope you are feeling better now Kazz - did you have stitches too?

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dandysmom's Avatar
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03-01-2010, 09:31 PM   #3

Re: Ouch

OMG, what a scene! Hope you're not hurting too much, take care, (((hugs)))!!

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03-01-2010, 09:31 PM   #4

Re: Ouch

Oh my word!!! What a dreadful situation. Some people should just not be allowed to go near dogs, never mind own them. I hope you are ok and recovered from your shock Karen, and the poor old gent as well x

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Kazz's Avatar
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03-01-2010, 09:35 PM   #5

Re: Ouch

Yeah got stitches

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03-01-2010, 09:44 PM   #6

Re: Ouch

Blimey Kazz, how awful for you and the poor old man...People like that are dangerous....

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04-01-2010, 02:39 PM   #7

Re: Ouch

Have been contacted by the police, they were called because of the disagreement between the "man" who was with the two terriers, and the other man who helped the old man, the disagreement started after the terrier got loose the 2nd time.
However they never got past more than words, I'm not sure who rang the police. ut I have given my statement such as it was.
The ambulance was called by the lady who owned the husky whose husband was helping, because the old man was in shock and tears.
Also had a phone call at 12.35 from the elderly man's son seems he has broken his wrist (I know his hands were cut and grazed from the fall onto the tarmac) but he could have broken it when he fell/dropped onto the terrier the first time he hit the ground hard and it was icy/hard the grass. He had torn trouser knee's too. As well has other things, but he has a broken wrist and a dislocated thumb on his other hand. He has a large bruis forming on both his knees and I have found out he is 67 the chap and has dialasis due to kidney cancer.
They took the dog Lucy (who is 15 by the way and almost deaf hence maybe why she was so scared) to the vet who tried to contact the terrier owners by phone but it went to answer, the vet has tried again asking them to contact them. To settle the bill as the one lady did say they will pay the vets bills if there were any in the presence of the police and us and ambulance men.
The dog called Lucy apparently has a slight bite on her ear, which needed stiches but the blood it appears was mostly mine vets cost £97..which included out of hours visit on a Sunday. I think the terrier owners are getting off light. Given the old mans injuries as well.

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04-01-2010, 04:24 PM   #8

Re: Ouch

Dear god, the poor man and his dogs. I know you'll mend well Kazz xxx
Another good reason why I dont want any more untrained and unruly dogs on my books. I despair of people, I really do. It's not a pleasure to walk dogs like that but it's not their fault either.

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angieh's Avatar
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04-01-2010, 04:32 PM   #9

Re: Ouch

Poor old man - why does it always seem to happen to the most vulnerable people? I do hope that his injuries heal well and his dog's too.

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04-01-2010, 05:09 PM   #10

Re: Ouch

I hope the poor old man sues the dog owners for his medical expenses and pain and suffering! Sounds like an open and shut case to me with all the witnesses!

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