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Shelley123's Avatar
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22-06-2020, 04:55 PM   #1


Hello everyone,
Just back from work, a good day, I successfully delivered 3 zoom sessions.
Pamela, is your mum eating the same amount of food she used to do ?
How worrying for you, I hope she's sorted soon.
It's good that working at home can continue for you.
Dinky, very sorry to hear about the Willow/Miracle incident, hope things settle down.
Eric is doing ok, he likes the care home and being looked after, not sure yet what he'll do.
I saw my dad yesterday, he came for a meal and a catch up.

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pamela81's Avatar
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22-06-2020, 08:09 PM   #2

Re: Monday

Hi Shelley, glad to hear your zoom meetings were a success! Its always a good feeling when things go right.

My mum isnt always managing to eat a full meal but she has lost nearly 3 stone which is an awful lot and she doesnt look healthy for it. I haven't told her that though as it would hurt her feelings but even she is a bit worried about it.

I was put for a run tonight. Was going great until just over 4mile in I started feeling very queasy so had to abandon and walk the rest of the way home. Thankfully my friend is fine with that. No idea why I ended up feeling that way.eay night for me I think

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