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Phoenix's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 cats black/white and one tabby
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Somewhere or maybe nowhere
Posts: 4,296
05-05-2011, 10:42 PM   #1

Heaven/Hell joke

So a guy is walking down the street when a car blows a tire, loses control and hits him. He finds himself suddenly in a room with a receptionist and two elevators, one marked "Heaven", the other marked "Hell".

"Name please" says the receptionist. He says his name and she types it into the computer on her desk. "Elevator on your left, please," she replies, and gestures towards the "Hell" door. He sighs, resigned, and walks over and pushes the button. The door opens, he gets in, and the elevator descends.

After a few moments, the elevator jerks to a stop, the doors open, and four drop-dead gorgeous women in thong bikinis get in. "Going down, right?" one of them asks him. He nods dumbly, and she hits the Close Door button.

A few moments more, and the elevator doors open again to reveal a gorgeous foyer. The beach bunnies all get out, chatting gaily, and walk towards a set of bay doors that lets out onto a pristine beach with aquamarine waters and sugar-white sands. Now very confused, our boy exits the elevator as well.

A well dressed gentleman with coppery skin and reddish hair walks up to him. "Hello sir, glad you could join us, welcome to Hell." He offers him a hand. "You can can call me Lou. Is there anything I can get you?"

"I'm.... very confused," our guys says. "Where did you say we were?"

"Hell," Lou replies. "Don't worry, a lot of newcomers are pretty surprised."

"But" our guy says, "where's the hellfire, the lava pits, the tormenting demons?"

"Oh," Lou says, "they're over here." He leads our guy over to another set of double doors. He throws them open and behind it is a scene out of a medieval woodcut, complete with noxious fumes, gaping chasms, and screaming, tortured souls.

"So," our guys says, "that's Hell."


"Then what's all this?" says our guy, gesturing around.

"This is Hell too, sir" Lou replies.

"What's the difference?"

"Oh," says Lou, smiling sadly and pointing with a thumb, "that's for the Christians. They wouldn't have it any other way."

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