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31-10-2008, 09:12 AM   #1

HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Morning all! It's started out wet but it's getting better, hope the rain stays off as I have lots of outside work to do. The frost battered the remaining begonias into submission and the troughs need cleaning out. I was lucky to keep them for so long

Have the whole day off, so need to organise my time, this morning food shopping and house clean, then outside and a quick visit to my friend to give her a b'day presssie. My grandson has a Halloween party to go to this evening so I said I'd go down and take pics of his costume. See you later

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31-10-2008, 09:20 AM   #2

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Morning PP,morning all.
Chilly but sunny here today, off out to work in a while, then the weekend off!! Im soooo tired,feel like Ive worked for weeks without a day off!!! Actually its been 10 days since a full day off so no wonder Im feeling it now
Work has been a little manic lately to say the least,am hoping for a much calmer day today,I dont think my energy levels are high enough to cope with anything to manic

Have a good day all

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31-10-2008, 09:32 AM   #3

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Morning all. Went to see the two greyhounds last night. They are lovely but sadly one is dog aggressive, shouldnt be too much of a problem though as they live in the middle of nowhere and i got very lost trying to find them.
Only got two dogs on today and 3 cockateils this evening but alot of running around in between.
I wont have any internet on my house sit and the mobiloe reception is rubbish too best take some books with me .
Going to visit the Doberman I walk this afternoon as he has had quite a time of things and is refusing to eat, he has lost 5 kilos in weight and may have to be hospitalised if he doesnt eat anything soon. He had been at a dog behaviourists kennels for some training and boarding while his owners went on holiday. Poor dog is now a shaddow of his former self and i am worried about him.
Anyway, I better get going. Hopefully catch you all later tonight.

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dinahsmum's Avatar
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31-10-2008, 09:50 AM   #4

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.


Happy Halloween, if that floats your boat.
Morning PP, Erin and Elaine - have a good day
The sun has returned and it looks a much better prospect than yesterday. Still pretty chilly as I put the rubbish out though. I've just remembered that the committee is doing a work detail at the allotment site tomorrow morning. Think I'll need to wrap up well before heading off to tidy hedges and paths etc. Brrr.
OH will be back tonight, so he'll be able to protect me from goulies and ghosties. As someone said earlier in the week, seeing as he's been near Transylvania, maybe I'll be a bit wary if he wants to nuzzle my neck I'll inspect his eye teeth first!

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31-10-2008, 10:29 AM   #5

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Bright, sunny and cold here. Having been out to pick up a prescription and visit the vet, I'm now grabbing a quick bite of breakfast before taking Dominik into town to get his hair cut. Then I'll need to go to the pharmacist to get medicines and also Fifi's E45 cream.

My brother's coming round later with the shutters for Dominik's room which were delivered to my office . . . they were much bigger than I thought so I can't fit them in my car. He's going to put them in his van instead.

I'll be back later

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31-10-2008, 10:47 AM   #6

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Morning all!

I found out on the news today that 'guising' is a Scottish word. And here's me thinking the whole of UK, if not also the USA, used 'guising' regularly! I'm guessing it originates from the word 'disguise' so you're in a 'guise' when dressed up for Halloween. And for that's not familiar, 'guising' means 'trick or treat-ing'

I'm afraid I won't be doing guising myself tonight, although may buy some choc for any guisers that come round. First Halloween in the flat, so I don't know what the kid population is like round here!

It's pretty chilly here today, BBC weather predicts -3 tonight And muggins here turned OFF the storage heater last night as we'd had it on 4 days in a row and I wanted to be economic. Due to the way it works, it only heats up over night, and emits the heat during the day. So won't have any heat until 11pm tonight

Deadlines at work are looming, and there's the potential they may be overstepped due to people above me not giving me the info I need to write copy for the marketing materials. It's getting a bit desperate, so I'm hoping it goes smoothly today and there's no unnecessary stress.

I'll be buying my book for the Catsey bookclub tomorrow, then heading home to my Dad's for a good roast lamb dinner and some quality father daughter time Can't wait for the weekend, I've taken Monday / Tuesday off - 4 day weekend

PP - have a great time at the halloween party!
Erin - I feel for you on the 'manic-word' side of things, here's hoping both of ours calms down
Elaine - have a lovely day with your pups. Poor Doberman, I do hope he gets better too
DM - good luck with the return of OH from the land of Dracula Just keep plenty of garlic on you!
Yola - I've posted on the other thread, but hope Fifi feels better soon. And I'm sure Dominik is going to love his shutters More pictures are in order!

Have a good day all!

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31-10-2008, 11:02 AM   #7

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.


Hello all off today not back till Monday......Yah.........a pretty horible day yesterday, someone at work I've known for 14 years was dismissed and I was his witness. So pretty horrible really.
Bright here but cold though, got lots bits pieces to do this morning. And a 60th birthday bash tomorrow evening - chap I work with his wife is 60.
Got to sort the house out for decorating tonight, Halloween you know.

Have a good day all. Oh will buy my book club books today to, I promise.

Ohh sorry just realised DM has already done the Boo thing.............Soz

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31-10-2008, 11:05 AM   #8

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Morning!!Cold, sun, wind & hailstones here this morning...My heating is staying on!!
Just the usual, today, cat boxer to clean, bedding to wash and a big dogs ears to clean out too...
Hoping to get the dogs out later...
Have a good one all.......

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angieh's Avatar
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31-10-2008, 12:53 PM   #9

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Really bright and cold here today - windy too. Bird feeders need filling again - we have a pair of nuthatches, though they are not responsible for eating everything!

OH has gone out to mow the lawn this morning! What can you do? He says he's just going to take the top off.........

After the excitement of the cake yesterday - I think I'll stick with a bit of housework today and some typing this afternoon.

Oh - has anyone used hemp seed shampoo/conditioner? I've had some delivered this morning - hear that it is good for hair loss and I can't afford to lose any more with this cold weather!!!!

Merlin is off his food again. I'll be boiling up some chicken later - he only seems to eat sufficiently if I hand feed him. I am happy to do that, but first thing in the morning is a bit of an organisational challenge! I was sure that he was picking up - seemed happier and more active for the last couple of days. I am not sure whether he is just being a fussy bunny.

Yola - I've posted in your Fifi thread - but just thought - isn't it interesting that you can use E45 on cats? I didn't know that - I always have a tube in my medicine cupboard.

Happy Halloween everyone - don't forget the garlic necklace dinahsmum!

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dandysmom's Avatar
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31-10-2008, 04:43 PM   #10

Re: HALLOWE'EN~ Daily thread.

Happy Hallowe'en, all! Should be good weather here for the little ghouls and ghosts tonight, only 10C now but a nice warm up predicted and lots of sun. We rarely get trick-and-treaters in my neighborhood for some reason... ....think a lot of them attend parties at the local school. Had to go to market today to pick up some items that were "out of stock" in my delivery yesterday; very annoying! They were there today..

DM: nice garlicky shrimp scampi for dinner tonight???
Meep: "guising"? New word to me.
Yola: I've posted in your thread, but more get well vibes coming.
Angie: hope Merlin's appetite perks up ..

Have a happy day, all, stay warm!

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