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pamela81's Avatar
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27-08-2011, 09:28 AM   #1

skye blue saturday

Morning everyone,

Just been to pick up Harris and Skye who put up a fight whilst trying to get them into the carriers!! Dont think they wanted to come home!! Thats them home though and settling back in, thankfully didnt take them too long Skye is still a wee bit timid, hence the thread name.

Just doing washing today and taking my camping kit to my mums to put in the loft. Also need to defrost the freezer and buy some food!!! Tonight will just be spent chilling with the monsters and letting them settle back in

Hope you all have a great day,

I also bought them a present last night which they will love


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angieh's Avatar
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27-08-2011, 10:40 AM   #2

Re: skye blue saturday

Morning Pamela! And those to come along later ...... Nice blue sky Saturday morning here just now, hope it will last as I have Monty's vet bed in the washing machine and it's the sort with the rubberised back to stop it slipping and can't be tumble dried so hoping to get it dry before bedtime tonight!

Thinking about Eileen today and those on the eastern seaboard of USA and hoping all stay safe.

Kizzy is being particularly affectionate today. We've had our usual morning cuddles in bed but she wants more cuddles now and is sitting by my right hand as I am typing this. She's such a sweetie.

Lots of cuddles to all Catsey cats from me just to recognise how precious they all are! Have a good day everyone.

(That's a lovely present for your two Pamela - bet they will love it!)

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27-08-2011, 11:29 AM   #3

Re: skye blue saturday

Morning Pamela, Angie...

Overcast day here today. started fairly early as the next door's seem to have visitors, who were playing some female singing a 'wooooah' based song fairly loudly at 6:30am. Song's OK, but it's powerful, and I would have quite happily have slept on a little longer thanks. The walls are a bit paper thin I must admit.

That cat tree looks wonderful fun Pamela. Hope they do enjoy it when it arrives. And that Skye settles in fairly quickly for you. Not nice for them going away from home, or having to get inside those nasty cat carriers either.

Good luck getting Monty's bed dry in time Angie. I tend to have to dry everything on the clothes horse. Don't go outside, no idea why now, and no space in the kitchen for tumbler...

Have a good day all.

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27-08-2011, 03:37 PM   #4

Re: skye blue saturday

Good afternoon girls. I've had a busy morning shopping for shoes for Ceri. Took advantage of a dry day. No builders here today so neighbours have respite from the drilling,thank goodness.

Posh using her covered litter tray well now so have cleaned and put away the other type. She still miaows to go out though and pads around the lawn sniffing her territory. Scuttles back in a bit quick when she gets spooked by sudden loud noise like next door's garage door slamming.

Hope you get Monty's bed dried in time Angie, and give Kizzy a chinny tickle from me too
Pamela, the pressie looks fine, Squirrel, your morning serenade - oh well, no accounting for musical taste!

Thinking of our USA friends in Virginia, but they are more inland so hope they are good.

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dandysmom's Avatar
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27-08-2011, 03:58 PM   #5

Re: skye blue saturday

Hi people! Waiting for the hurricane to get here; rains will probably start before noon, and high winds; gradually increasing as the day wears on, should start tapering off by midnight or so; at least that's the latest prediction. Right now it's cloudy, windy and 24 C (76 F), nearing 11 am. It's the loss pf power potential that worries me. I'm stocked with flashlight, candles and plenty of food and water and do have a battery operated radio; hope the phone lines stay up so I can be on line. If I vanish that would probably be why. No other news, all's quiet as usual.

Pamela, what a great cat tree! Lots of pics when it comes. Angie, hope the dog bed dries, and give sweet Kizzy a chin tickle. Squirrel, not a nice way to waken on a weekend! PP, where in Virginia are your friends? Inland the big dangers are torrential rain, high winds and flooding .... hope they'll be OK.

Have a great day ..

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27-08-2011, 04:12 PM   #6

Re: skye blue saturday

Here's some info:

In the Northeast, unaccustomed to tropical weather of any strength, authorities made plans to bring the basic structures of travel grinding to a halt. The New York City subway, the largest in the United States, was making its last runs at noon, and all five area airports were accepting only a few final hours' worth of flights.The New York transit system carries 5 million people on weekdays, fewer on weekends, and has never been shut for weather. Transit systems in New Jersey and Philadelphia also announced plans to shut down. Washington declared a state of emergency, days after it had evacuated for an earthquake.
New York City ordered 300,000 people to leave low-lying areas, including the Battery Park City neighborhood at the southern tip of Manhattan, the beachfront Rockaways in Queens and Coney Island in Brooklyn. But it was not clear how many people would get out, or how they would do it.
In all, evacuation orders covered about 2.3 million people, including 1 million in New Jersey, 315,000 in Maryland, 300,000 in North Carolina, 200,000 in Virginia and 100,000 in Delaware. Authorities and experts said it was probably the most people ever threatened by a single storm in the United States.

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27-08-2011, 04:20 PM   #7

Re: skye blue saturday

I suspect that the government is over-reacting because of the appalling lack of any action at all to help people prior (or after) Katrina.

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dandysmom's Avatar
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27-08-2011, 04:54 PM   #8

Re: skye blue saturday

And I suspect you are exactly right!

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pamela81's Avatar
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27-08-2011, 07:57 PM   #9

Re: skye blue saturday

I hope everything is ok where you are eileen and that you dont lose power.

Keep safe x

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27-08-2011, 08:39 PM   #10

Re: skye blue saturday

Hope everything is OK with you and Leia Eileen. Busy few days for me and out for a haircut today. OH would prefer it long but life is so much easier with short hair!
Hope all are well.

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