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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,911
18-08-2017, 07:52 AM   #1


good moring

Hope you are all well.

Its starting to look sunny here today. Nice change from the rain we had this morning!!

Life here has been quiet. Just work, cycling and the gym as well as giving lots of cuddles to my 4 furries Also been concentrating on my new business and trying to promote it as well as getting prepared for my stall i have on Sunday.

Lots of hugs to all furbabies

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Almost a Veteran Member
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19-08-2017, 11:26 AM   #2

Re: firday

Good evening Pamela and anyone else who might be around.It's Saturday evening here and absolutely pouring with rain so a good night to be indoors with the heat pump going. I'm glad that you're getting some sunshine. How exciting about your new business.I do hope that it is successful for you . Having a stall must mean that you have a lot of preparation to do, but I hope it goes smoothly.

I've finally got a pay out from EQC and I am getting a bathroom after 3 years without hot water or a shower /bath.Building work has begun but will take a few weeks yet as all the plumbing has to be replaced. I'm lucky that my godson is a builder and his son is a plumber so they are able to do the work for me at a reduced price. My poor cats are terrified at the noise but it has to be done.

Pamela I do hope your fur babies are all well and happy.

I'll post photos of my new bathroom when it's completed. Oh it will be sheer bliss to have hot water again. !!!!!

You enjoy your weekend, Pamela and best of luck with that stall.Do let us know how it goes.

Love to all Catsey kitties and their guardians.

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Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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21-08-2017, 09:09 PM   #3

Re: firday

That great newx about the water dinky x what did you do for the last 3 years without it? Excellent that you have family who can help keep cost down.

My furries are all good. Young Harris (although he is 7.5 now!!) is doing exceptionally well this year. Thats beenjust over a year since he was last poorly. I think the house move has really helped his ealth. Long may it last!!

The stall went exceptionally well!! came home with 1 unsold snuffle mat and no liver cake left very productive day. i took my 13yr old niece with me and she quite enjoyed seeing all the dogs at the event.

Thinking of all our furries and hoping they are well

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