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12-04-2019, 08:13 PM   #1

Barney update

Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts Dinky, i definitely think they have helped xx

Barney got his operation today. We went for he consultation yesterday and they kept him in o do more scans to be able to get the right size for the plate he needs for his leg.

He had the op early this morning and everything has gone well from what we have been told. I was told though that his temperature dropped after th op so im not sure if it was just a reaction to the operation or a bit of shock but he is fine now.

We have to phone the vet hospital in the morning to arrange to go bring him home.

We have set the crate up beside us in the livingroom with pillows and blankets to make it comfy for him. Quiet weekend at home for us

I think Mia will be happy when he is home tomorrow as she was out of sorts yesterday when we came home without him. She has been allowed up to bed with us last night and also tonight so she isnt on her own in the kitchen

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12-04-2019, 09:57 PM   #2

Re: Barney update

Pamela, thank you so much for letting me know and I'm so very pleased that Barney has now had his operation and come through it with flying colours. The worst is now behind him and you will be looking forward to bringing him home again. Now it will just be a matter of time and slow healing for your lovely boy.I'm glad you have a nice warm crate for him to rest in where he'll be beside you .We could never find a crate big enough for Willow so had to block off a section of the lounge with an old play pen.

I'll be praying for Barney every day and I'm sure his recovery will be swift.You'll be able to relax a bit now Pamela. I'm really pleased for you and Barney.

Do please let me know how he's going when you have the time.

Give Barney and Mia, and the kitties a big cuddle from me and tell Barney that I'm thinking of him and wishing him a speedy recovery............................Dinky.

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13-04-2019, 07:43 PM   #3

Re: Barney update

Hi Dinky, we have him hoem. He is very sleepy just now in his crate. I am picking up a bigger crate tomorrow to give him a little bit more room to move about.

Is willow quite a big girl then? I mean as in height lol not wieght x

OH has found a really good diary of a dog who got their cruciate done and i is actually really interesting. He has been reading parts of it out to me and has sent me the link to look at it.

I will certainy keep you updated. Thank you soo much for your kind thoughs and prayers xx

I do hope you and your furry family are well and tha WIllow is doing well x

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14-04-2019, 05:07 AM   #4

Re: Barney update

Hi Pamela,
Wonderful news that Barney is now home with you.Just let him sleep as much as he can and each day, there'll be some improvement.. It's good you're getting him a bigger crate ,but hopefully he'll not want to move around too much for a while yet.It's just a waiting game now until he's able to move freely again. I'm keeping him in my prayers every day. This time next week, I'm sure you'll see a great change in him Pamela.

Willow is not only large but very tall for a female mastiff and none of the crates were suitable. The playpen worked just fine to barricade a section of the lounge off.

Mia will be pleased to have Barney home again, as I know you are too.I'll be thinking of your beautiful boy. Do please let me know how he's doing in a few days.

All the best Pamela and Barney.

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16-04-2019, 07:00 PM   #5

Re: Barney update

Hi Dinky. We have gotten theplaster off Barneys leg and exposing the wound. I was expecting it look really bad but it is a fine line of stapes down the edge of the front of his leg.

Would love to see photos of willow.

He has settled in the crate but isnt happy about it but accepting it. So hard to try keep him calm!!

Hope all of your furrie re doing well, please give willow a big hug from all of us x

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19-04-2019, 10:51 PM   #6

Re: Barney update

Hi Pamela, so glad that Barney is at least accepting his crate and that his wound is looking good. It must be hard for him as he's used to being very active. AND I know it's hard for you keeping him confined. At least he's on the road to recovery and every day, you'll start to notice an improvement.I'm praying for him every day.

I can't seem to get photos of Willow to download on this new computer. I will need to get my son-in-law, Jared ,to come and show me what to do, as he is an IT consultant. I'll then send you some photos of her and the kitties.

Willow is OK -she's just barked ferociously at James, the guy who delivers me beautiful free range eggs once a week. Willow, for some reason, has never liked him. That's not surprising as she was badly abused by a man before I got her and she's never forgotten it. She's not friendly with anyone, male or female now,and that's why I have a big steel security door which enables her to look out but keeps people safe if they come up the drive.

Well Pamela, thanks for keeping me up to date with Barney.Good luck with keeping him amused. Hard though it is, it's all going to be worth it in the end.

Have a lovely Easter ,won't you, and I hope you get a nice big yummy Easter egg just for you. I'm now off to have a chocolate hot cross bun. Yummy !!!!!

Love to you and Barney and do please let me know how he's doing.

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23-04-2019, 08:11 PM   #7

Re: Barney update

Hi dinky, i hope you had a lovely easter. Ours was quiet. The weather was lovely here so Barney was allowed out in the garden but right beside us on a lead so he couldnt move around.

We took Mia for a big walk which she enjoyed.

Looking forward to seeing photos of willow. I cant seem to get the uploading here worked out. Used to be really easy but not as much now.

Barney is doing alot better. Gets his staples out on MOnday next week so ive taken the day off to be with him as he might be sore after it and i cant stand the thought of him being on his own if he is sore.

Will let you know how he gets on

Hugs to willow and your furry family

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26-04-2019, 10:11 PM   #8

Re: Barney update

Hi Pamela, how lovely that Barney is doing so well and is able to go outside in the great weather. It's good that you're keeping him on a lead though.Hopefully his leg isn't too sore now and I'm sure he'll be a lot happier when he gets his staples out.Good for you for taking the day off work to spend time with him.It'll be all worth it in the end when he's able to run around freely again and enjoy being a dog again, doing what dogs do.

Mia must be wondering where her walking companion has got to.And poor Barney must wonder why he can't join her on a nice walk, but he's nearly there, Pamela.

It's a beautiful Saturday morning here- very mild at around 23 degrees, but meant to rain later unfortunately. My cousin is coming for lunch and probably will stay for tea. Willow adores her as she always brings her a treat, but the cats always run from her. They've known her since they were born but for some reason, they aren't friendly towards her.- probably because she has a Golden Retriever and they can smell it on her clothing.

Oh well Pamela, thanks for the update, and hope the taking out of the staples goes easily.I'm thinking of your beautiful boy every day and looking forward to hearing of his progress when you have time.

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07-05-2019, 06:43 PM   #9

Re: Barney update

Hi dinky, i hope you and the furbabies are doing well and that Willow is still doing well

Barney is doing ok. Got hs staples out last week with no grumps, growls or anything but he still has to be crated until his scans in the first week of June. He is a nightmare when he is out of the crate as my husband insists f letting him lie in the livingroom on the floor when we are i regardless of knowing that he has to be in his crate!!

the weather here hs turned and it is rather wet but it is good for the garden

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15-05-2019, 01:39 AM   #10

Re: Barney update

Hi Pamela, I've been thinking of you and Barney. I'm glad he's now staple free but gosh, it seems such a long time to go until June. It gets really hard, I know. Willow was meant to be crated for 6 weeks and that was so hard, even though mastiffs aren't really very energetic dogs. Poor Barney -I guess his breed are much more energetic. Still, the end result is all going to be worth it so hang in there.I guess your husband means well in letting him lie in the lounge with you.Just try and keep him as quiet as possible (Barney, I mean, not your husband).
I've been really unwell with shingles .It's the second time I've had shingles, despite having the vaccine. I seem to be a bit better today although I can't wear anything around my waist, just loose PJ trousers., as it's too painful against my skin.

I'm continuing to pray for Barney every day, Pamela. Not long to go now.He'll soon be able to go for lovely long walks again.
Love to you ,Barney, Mia, and your furbabies. Hope they are all doing well.

Stay nice and warm and dry.

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