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pamela81's Avatar
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04-02-2019, 09:50 PM   #1

february already

Evening everyone.

Hope you are all well and furbabies are all well

We are all fine here. Harris is still enjoying his wanders outside except when its snowing! He came back inside not long after he went out. Thankfully we havent had really bad weather.

We did get a bit of news about Mia!! She has been chosen to attend Crufts as one of the dogs in the discover dogs area for Brittanys!! Amazing achievement for a wee rescue dog Looking forward to it.

Barney is getting old now. His legs aret as good as they used to be and he is sleeping alot longer and in deeper sleeps. He is still happy and healthy in every other way but just getting old

Skye is still a mums girl! Will not leave my side especially at bedtime but she has competition just now as Harris is enjoying his cuddles at night just now at bedtime.

Hope to hear from you all soon

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07-02-2019, 09:43 AM   #2

Re: february already

Hi Pamela and anyone else who might be around,
Glad to hear that you and your furbabies are all doing well. My, Harris is a brave boy, going outside now and enjoying himself, apart from the snow. Who can blame him? I really wish we could have a bit of snow, or at least some rain to cool things down as it's been sooooo hot here, especially at night and it's very hard to sleep.

Congrats for Mia. You must be so proud of your beautiful girl. You certainly have put the work in with her and it's paid off.Make sure you take lots of photos. We have had Crufts on TV here, so I'll keep a lookout for it.

Poor Skye, having to compete with Harris at bedtime. You'll have to give her special cuddles when Harris isn't looking.

Sorry to hear that Barney's legs are not good, Pamela.Willow is not good also. She'll be 11 soon, a good age for a mastiff and every day I have her is a blessing. Her back legs sometimes give way on her and she sits down rather quickly but she can still get up on her own. She can't get up on the couch now and I've put my mattress on the floor so she can still get up on it and sleep with me. She's on a lot of meds and they make her drowsy and she sleeps a lot like your Barney does BUT she is still happy and eats well and still guards the whole street from behind the security door. I love her to bits and I know that you will understand how I feel as you also love your Barney, Pamela.I wish we could both turn back the clock and have them young again.

In one way, I'm glad I'm not working at this time because I really can't leave Willow on her own now in case she falls. She's also got used to me being at home and misses me terribly when I do go out.

Anyway, on a happier note, my kitties are all fine and love going out on the lawn at night.I don't take them out in the day time because it's too hot and because they are white ,I worry about their ears getting burnt.

I do hope everyone on Catsey is well and getting through your winter without stress.I can't wait for winter. We have a total ban on all fires at the moment due to the high fire risk in Canterbury. If anyone can do a rain dance for poor old Christchurch, it would be much appreciated !!!!!

Well, Coro Street is just starting so I'll go and watch it. Love to all furbabies and their guardians and Pamela, all the very best for your Barney.I'll be thinking of him. I'm sure he will be a lot better when the weather warms up.

Take care everyone...................Dinky

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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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12-02-2019, 03:47 PM   #3

Re: february already

Hi Dinky, i hope you enjoyed coro street the other night i havent really watched the soaps in quite a while.

I hope Willow is ok. it is good that you are at home for her just now when she needs you It would be amazing if we could turn the clock back especially as we got Barney when he was 6.

Glad the kitties are doing well. mine are just the same

Hope al is well with other catsey members

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