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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,907
05-09-2018, 03:12 PM   #1

middle of the week

Hi anyone who may be lurking.

Not much been happening here. Picked the dogs up from kennels this morning as we went camping near alton towers for 2 nights for our 2nd wedding anniversary. HAd a great day at Alton towers

Mother in law and sister i law took it in turns to come over and spend time with the cats and feed them for us as a cattery s too stressful for Harris.

Dogs seem happy to be home now and Harris is happy we are home as he can get back outside again!

Take care everyone and hopefully see updates from you soon

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Almost a Veteran Member
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10-09-2018, 02:09 AM   #2

Re: middle of the week

Hi Pamela,
Happy Anniversary !!!!! I'm just home for lunch and have to leave to get back to work but will post tonight and let you know my news.

Have a great day.

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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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10-09-2018, 12:06 PM   #3

Re: middle of the week

Hi everyone. back from work again and just thought I'd let you all know that I have managed to get all of Snodgrass' knots off, without too much stress. Thank goodness !!! It's taken me a couple of weeks but finally he is matt-free and still has fur.I really thought he'd have to go to the vet and be shaved but my persistence paid off.

All my kitties are doing well and we are all looking forward to the warmer weather now that it is officially Spring. My dog, Willow, is OK, very stiff but is still able to get up on her own and go outside. She sleeps a lot during the day but that is probably due to the medication she is on, according to my vet. My vet is coming here tomorrow evening to give Willow another Synovan injection, which she has every month for arthritis, and that seems to help. I am so grateful to still have Willow with me as she is now 10 years old. She is still happy, eats well and is always so happy to see me when I get home from work.

Pamela, you must have had a lovely time camping.Two years already - it doesn't seem that long.I bet your dogs and cats were pleased to see you again though.You're lucky having in-laws close enough to help with the cats when you go away. Poor Harris would hate having to go to a cattery.

My cousin lost her young cat, Adolf, recently. He went out at 2am and didn't return. She searched all around the streets and posted flyers and went on social media sites but there was no sign of him anywhere. This was a cat that was a real home-body and never left the property.Last weekend, after 3 weeks missing, Adolf came back through the cat flap, starving, thinner and with very sore paws. We think he may have been chased away by a dog and got lost but we don't know for sure, and Adolf's not talking. My cousin is so pleased to have him back and she is now keeping him in at night, thank goodness.

Well, no more news here. It's now 11pm and I've got work tomorrow. I'm taking Thursday morning off work as I have to go to the dentist with one of my daughters. She's having a dreadful time with 2 wisdom teeth that keep moving up and down and making her very miserable. I think they will have to be removed.She's too scared to go on her own. Mums do come in handy sometimes !!!

Pamela, hope Barney's legs are all good and he is staying comfortable and your kitties are doing well. Sounds as if they are, especially young Harris who is discovering the great outdoors.
Kazz, hope that beautiful young dog of your is doing well and you are both having fun together and enjoying life.

Love to all furbabies on Catsey and their guardians. Have a great week everyone.

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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,907
12-09-2018, 08:11 PM   #4

Re: middle of the week

Hi Dinky, sorry to hear your cousin lost her wee cat but so happy they got him back!! i bet he doesnt go wandering again!! We are lucky, Harris doesnt tend to go too far.

Thank you for the kind anniversary wishes, we had a great time at the theme park

Glad to hear you wee kitties are doing well and also that willow although getting stiff (just like my Barney) she is doign well.

I have started going running at night after work as i am taking part in a 10k run at the end of the month so really need to train for it as i have never been able to run due to health reasons so it is a big challenge for me but i am getting there, not far off the 10k distance now

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