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pamela81's Avatar
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22-07-2018, 12:45 PM   #1

where is everyone???

Hi everyone,

cant believe how quiet it is here now all the original members are away and no new people have joined in a while. Its so sad as this forum used to thrive, was full of chat and sunday night quizzes which used to be bustling. So ad to see it now likea ghost town

Would be nice to see people posting or even coming to have a look.

Looking at the bottom part of teh forum that shows who has been online in the last 24 hours, there is no one showing

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yola's Avatar
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24-07-2018, 02:44 PM   #2

Re: where is everyone???

I think unfortunately the site's social media policy has put paid to the forum. Most people I know have migrated to the Book of Face and network there. It's very sad as I have some lovely memories of Catsey, but you can't stop progress.

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Almost a Veteran Member
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29-07-2018, 05:45 AM   #3

Re: where is everyone???

Hi Pamela and Yola,
I'm back !!! Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. For the last couple of weeks, I have been suffering with pneumonia and haven't been able to put one foot in front of the other, let alone use the computer. I'm just starting to feel alive again, thank goodness, but I've been neglecting everything around the house and my poor kitties haven't been groomed for ages. I now can feel small knots underneath a couple of them and I'm going to have to cut these wee knots off. Don't think I can groom them out. Poor Snodgrass is the worse unfortunately as he matts up terribly if he is not brushed every day.I may have to take him to a groomer if I can't get them out easily but I'll do my best.

I do hope everyone is well on Catsey and all kitties are thriving.Pamela, I have been thinking of Barney's legs and hoping your boy is doing well. My Willow is still with me and has been lying in bed with me for the past few weeks. Not good for her bad arthritis as she gets very stiff if she lies down for too long, but she refused to leave me while I haven't been well.She wouldn't even go outside with my daughter to go to the toilet. I had to drag myself out of bed and take her out myself.Willow is still able to get up unaided, and even though she is a bit wobbly, she still enjoys life and eats well. I pray for her every day and so far, the medication she is on is keeping her comfortable. My wonderful vet visits once a month and keeps an eye on her.

It's been very cold here, which is to be expected as it is winter time. I hate to think what my power bill is going to be as I have had the heat pump on every day to keep the house warm. My cats hate this weather- luckily for them they are all long haired and have enjoyed spending their days lying on top of the piano which is directly under the heat pump. They look funny with their fur all blowing around.

i promise that I'm going to post at least once a week and I do so hope that others will too. I know it's easy to get sidetracked and life is very busy now, but this is a great forum with super people and it would be a shame to let it disappear.

Wish me good luck with the grooming tonight guys. I think I'm going to need it, especially if I have to use the dreaded scissors. !!! Love to you and yours ,Pamela and Yola and all other Catsey kitties and their guardians.

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pamela81's Avatar
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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29-07-2018, 08:03 PM   #4

Re: where is everyone???

Hi DInky,

Sorry to hear you havent been well, i do hope you are feeling better x

Glad willow is still with you x i have been thinking about you all.

Barney is fine, just a grumpy wee man now lol!! Mia is doing great. her confidence is amaing now, and we have her off lead whch is a massive step after 2 years!!

Cats are good, Harris will do anything to get outside now! HE loves being in the garden. We locked him in the kitchen with the dogs yesterday as he refused to come down from the top of the kitchen cupboards. When Hubby got home, he was looking for Harris and couldnt find him. He let the dogs out for a pee and Harris came out from under the BBQ!! The wee rascal had jumped out of the kitchen window whilst we were out! Skye is just her normal wee self. total mums girl!!

If your posting at least once a week, i will post to

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