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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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08-05-2018, 05:40 PM   #1

quiet catsey

evening everyone, its bee very quiet round here recently. hope everyone is ok and furries are all happy and healthy.

my lot are doing ok. Barney the springer is just getting old, he is 11 now and has issyes with his back legs and hips but we manage it. Mia the Brittany is doing well, loving life now she is off lead and loving agility too.

Skye the tortie shell is good, still a complete ums girl but that will never change.

Harris is doing well but has been sick tonight so rather cuddly tonight. He is eating well at the moment and is still maintaining a weight of approx 3.4kg which for him is good. Also not had a bout of his illness in 2 years!! ties in with it clearing just before we moved house. I think the house move has been great for all of us including the pets as they all seem alot happier since we moved.

I also now have 2 axolotls called George and Francis!! I have a golden and a green wild type which are thriving

Take care everyone, hoping the forum gets a bit busier

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Almost a Veteran Member
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09-05-2018, 01:12 PM   #2

Re: quiet catsey

Hi Pamela and all who may follow. Nice to hear from you . Yes, it has been quiet on Catsey. I haven't been on for a while as I poisoned my finger and now the nail is coming off. It's been very sore to use the computer keyboard, but I have been checking the forum.

Glad to hear that you and your furries are all doing well. I often think of Barney, as my Willow, age 10 now, also has bad problems with her legs.So far, she is managing to get up on her own and is on Nupentin and Tramol every day with good results. I do so hope that Barney will continue to do well.

Good news about Mia and her agility classes. I'm glad she enjoys herself. You must be very proud about how far she's come, Pamela.

It seems that your new house is good for both Skye and Harris and they are both doing well, especially Harris. What a relief for you.

Axolotis, eh? I don't know much about them but I hear that they can become really tame and can be hand fed with pieces of meat.Are your two tame? How do you keep the cats away from them? I don't think my cats would leave them alone. They're bad enough with our budgie, Damon, and we always have to be VERY careful.

My 5 fur babies are all doing well. Dickens and Frederick are so heavy and nearly 8 kg each. It's a real effort for me to lift them. The vet assures me they are not overweight - they are just big, heavy cats with huge paws.Miracle ,their mother ,is still feisty, Betsey-Mae is still very affectionate and Snodgrass, my special boy, snuggles up to me in bed every night.

Winter is fast approaching here and the nights are colder. Time for bed socks and electric blankets.

Well Pamela, lovely to hear your news and I'm glad you are all OK. Hope you're starting to get some nice weather .I do hope that everyone else on Catsey is doing well and that all Catsey cats and dogs are thriving. It's just after midnight here and I'm off to bed. Work tomorrow - oh rats !!!!!

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12-05-2018, 07:40 PM   #3

Re: quiet catsey

Hi dinky,

glad to hear your furries and of course you are doing well.

although not good about your finger, hope it is getting better now though x

My axolotls get fed frozen bloodworm as they are stil young so nee to be careful with worm sizes. they are pretty calm and always swimming around in their tank.

They re big cats!! Good that the vet has reassured you they are a good healthy weight. i thought skye was big at 5kg (she is a little overwieht though!!)

Had an emergency with Mia last night (friday) trip to the vet after work, she seems better now but back on monday. not sure what is going on, vet reckons potentially se has muscular pain but need to wait until monday to see if the anti inflammatory tablets do their job ver the weekend! will update on monday though

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Almost a Veteran Member
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13-05-2018, 12:29 AM   #4

Re: quiet catsey

Pamela, sorry to hear about Mia.I'll say a wee prayer for her that she will come right quickly. Do let me know after you return from the vet again.
It's Sunday here today, Mothers day and my eldest daughter , Brenna called round and gave me a beautiful mug with budgies on it plus $50 which will be put to good use.My youngest daughter, Janna, is still in bed (at 11am). She was out last night so probably is sleeping it off !!!!!.Willow is lying in the lounge snoring away under the heat pump. I hate to think what my next power bill will be.The cats have eaten their breakfasts and are now lying draped all over the cat towers in both conservatories.What a life.
Your axolitis sound amazing.They must make interesting pets and they'd be fascinating to watch. My son has a huge bearded dragon that is extremely tame (Jake) and he eats raw meat and mice(not live ones). He gives me the creeps but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Well Pamela, I'll be praying for your Mia. I'm sure things will be OK for her once the medication kicks in.
You have a great weekend and love to all your fur babies(and non fur babies).

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13-05-2018, 09:03 AM   #5

Re: quiet catsey

happy mothers day Dinky, i do hope you treat yourself with your daughters gift!!

Thanks for the kind wishes and paryers for Mia. Its always a worry hen they are poorly but hoping she wil be back to her old self soon. She is showing signs of getting less sore as she has started picking her toys up again but still not jumping up which isnt like her.

If i can get photos uploaded as it doesnt seem as easy as it used to, i will post updated photos of all the pets for you to see

I love bearded dragons but hubby wont let me have 1!

My husband has his porsche driving experience day today which i got for his 40th birthday in January so he is like a big kid today and really excited!!

I do hope your youngest isnt too fragile when she gets up later!

Have a lovely mothers day xx

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