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Kazz's Avatar
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20-02-2014, 09:22 AM   #1

Not recycling Thursday

Morning all.

Really tired this morning and off to bed shortly.
Had to go the Docs on Tuesday about my knee and then hospital on advice of the GP - Been prescribed co codamol 30/500 and offered antibiotics as I have an infection in my knee I have taken the tablets but refused the antibiotics as they have taken a sample of the fluid on my knee and I do not want to take a "general" antibiotic to discover they are just masking the symptoms (had that scenario with my knee following surgery.
I have to go back to see an ortho consultant on Friday.

Anyhow off I go following my moan. See you all later or maybe tomorrow, have a good day all.

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cats' staff's Avatar
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20-02-2014, 09:36 AM   #2

Re: Not recycling Thursday

Morning Kazz, I have to remember to put the recycling out tonight!
Sorry to hear about your knee- I think you are very wise to wait for the specific antibiotic. I hope the painkillers work in the meantime.
I'm chuffed as I managed to give blood last night- the last twice I tried failed. Once they couldn't start it off and the next time it stopped flowing. The advice is to drink plenty during the day which I diligently did, unfortunately I was at some training in London so spent much of the day nipping to various loos!
Working at home today waiting for a delivery of Smudge's food. I love the Dpd service and am currently tracking my driver online - he is due between 12:12 and 13:12!
Poor Cleo has a bout of cystitis so life is complicated at the moment as we have to inject Smudge and pill Cleo twice a day. Luckily if I dampen a Cosmo snackie I can wrap one round a pill and Cleo eats it with no problem. We've told Tolly to stay well!!!!

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20-02-2014, 12:44 PM   #3

Re: Not recycling Thursday

morning ladies, its another bright sunny one here.The dogs and myself saw crocus, minature daffs and snowdrops this morning, oh and two giant silver christmas baubles that must have blown off someones tree, Malaika was very suspicious of them,lol.
Going to do some more tidiying up in the garden in a minute.
Karen, sorry to hear you are still having problems with your knee, hope the painkillers are ok for you, i know they can send some folks loopy or make them sick.
CS, sorry to hear you have a hospital ward for cats at the moment, but good on you for giving blood.

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angieh's Avatar
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20-02-2014, 12:52 PM   #4

Re: Not recycling Thursday

Morning all ....... from an overcast and wet south coast (again)! Two very wet dogs and a wet OH came back from their walks a while ago and Monty Bogle had to have the hair dryer! He has had a touch of pink eye lately .... right eye looked very sore but is now better after treatment (with left over ointment that Dora had last year) and now his left eye is starting to look watery.

Kizzy has nearly finished her antibiotic pills and would have already have finished if we hadn't missed a couple of doses. She is fine though. I'm not sure whether you need to finish a whole course of antibs as humans would?

So sorry about your knee Kazz. Let's hope this time they can determine exactly what is causing the infection and prescribe the proper jallop. Hope the pain killers give good relief in the meantime.

CS - sorry to hear Cleo has cystitis, poor girl. Hope she improves soon. Tolly, keep free of poorliness and don't forget to treat your less fortunate furry friends with respect. Could that have been why he was chasing her around the other day??? Animals seem to pick on a sickly comrade, it's not nice to see.

Shelley, we have snowdrops out and narcissus coming out here, no crocus yet but that could be because Dora seems to like to dig up bulbs and I'm not sure if she's had all those already.

Have a good day folks.

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cats' staff's Avatar
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20-02-2014, 01:20 PM   #5

Re: Not recycling Thursday

Hi Angie, the vet was very insistent that Cleo take all of the antibiotics - it may be different for an injury though?

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20-02-2014, 02:43 PM   #6

Re: Not recycling Thursday

Hi all.

So sorry to hear that your knee is still playing up Kazz, you're wise to wait for the analysis of the fluid before taking the ABs but hope the painkillers offer some relief.

Poor Cleo, hope her cystitis clears up soon, kisses for Kizzy too. My word, our girls have lined the vets pockets lately haven't they! Still won't have them sickly, no matter what goes.

No sign of any daffy, croci or snowdrops here, too cold it seems. My african violet is going strong, likes the kitchen windowsill I expect, fingers crossed it will continue. It is nice to see a cheerful bit of colour. Still waiting to hear about my car, it went in for a service this morning. It didn't need an MOT yet, not until June, but there's issues with the brakes I think.

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20-02-2014, 06:31 PM   #7

Re: Not recycling Thursday

Evening everyone.

Was off work today as I intended getting things done in the house but didnt happen as I went out and about with OH. Also at opticians. Home now and I think barney may have managed to eat a jaffa cake as they fell and I thought I had gotten them all obviously not!! Will need to keep an eye on him though but he seems fine.

OH doing more tiling tonight. Not much else happening.

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angieh's Avatar
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20-02-2014, 11:24 PM   #8

Re: Not recycling Thursday

I wouldn't worry too much about that Jaffa cake Pamela. The chocolate isn't that good!!! (Although have to say I like them!)

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