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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
21-03-2019, 10:48 PM   #1

March -a bad month for Christchurch, NZ.

Hi to everyone on Catsey,
Hope everyone is well and all fur babies are happy and contented.March has not been good for our city. Last Friday a gunman opened fire in two inner city mosques , killing over 50 people who had gathered for prayer.Our eyes have been opened to what is New Zealand's first terrorist attack and our city is in mourning.Many more are in hospital, some still in critical condition.This is something we never thought we'd see here in NZ and we pray it will never happen again.Unfortunately, our world today is so full of hatred. Isn't that the wonderful thing about animals - that they accept us for who we are and what we believe. They love us just the same.

On a different note, my kitties have fleas for the first time ever. !!!!!Or rather I have found flea dirt on them and being white cats, it's easy to spot.I must admit ,since I haven't been working, I haven't de-flead them as often as I should have but now I am prepared to do battle. !!!I vacuum every second day anyway and I wash all their bedding weekly and I'm going to get them some spot-on flea treatment. Can't afford it until next week though, so will keep brushing them each day with a flea comb and see what transpires.I can't stand fleas, but on a small benefit, it's hard enough to make ends meet without spending extra on expensive flea treatments. I usually use Activyl but may have to get something a bit cheaper this time like Advantage or Frontline. I've never used either of these on my cats. Other people seem to have good results with them so I'll give it a try anyway.

Willow is continuing to do OK. Her back legs go on her sometimes and she sits down rather quickly but she can always get up again and is happy guarding the whole street from behind the security door.

Pamela, I hope Barney is continuing to do well. You will be coming into your summer now, so hopefully the warmth will be good for his legs.I worry about how Willow will be this winter. It's been very mild so far. I've even had to turn the air con on in the evenings so long may it last.
Well, you're not going to believe this. My cousin has just called round and given me $100.00 to go buy some flea treatments today for my cats !!!!! She said it's an early birthday present and I don't have to pay her back. I will pay her back, of course, but her kindness means my cats won't have to suffer fleas over the weekend. I haven't actually found any fleas on them but they must be there.

I'm off to have a quick shower -my hair looks like a bird's nest - and then head out to the vet.

Hope everyone has a great day. Pamela hope your job is going well and all your kitties are happy. How is young Harris doing?

Love to all Catsey kitties and their guardians...........Dinky

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Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,907
24-03-2019, 06:33 PM   #2

Re: March -a bad month for Christchurch, NZ.

Hi Dinky, i have been thinking about you with all the recent troubles in NZ. Glad you are safe!!

Thats a shame about Willows legs but it is very similar to my barney. If he jumps from a couch, he will curl up on a ball as he has hurt himself and then get back up like nothing has happened.

That was nice of your cousin to give you the money for flea treatment. Hopefully it will do the job.

My lot are all doing great. I had Mia at crufts at the start of the month as a display dog at discover dogs. Was so proud of her!

Harris is doing amazing still. Loving his wee jaunts out in the big scary world.

Skye is still just a mums girl, Always will be.

I have started my season for snuffle mats today by attending my first event and hopefully line up more events with summer coming in.

I have also signed up for 6 run so far this year. 2 x 10kms and 4 x 5kms. Will look to do another couple though as i am loving my running

Better go just now as my dinner is nearly ready.

Glad you are all safe Dinky. Take care

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