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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,908
06-03-2018, 10:07 PM   #1

snowy days

evening everyone,

hope you are all good after the horible weather that has hit most of us. We stayed safe inside and only really walked Mia as she is younger and able for teh snow unlike Barney who has too many issues with his legs.

Cats were meowing at the back door out of curiosity but arris wasnt brave enough to veture out even on his harness!! thankfully it is starting to thaw here.

Heading to crufts this weekend so got a friend coming to check in on the cats twice a day and the dogs are going t kennels for a couple of days.

Hope you are all safe and cosy

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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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11-03-2018, 02:48 AM   #2

Re: snowy days

Hi Pamela and all who follow.Sorry I haven't been around for a few weeks as that troublesome disc in my back went crazy again. It's coming right now but I had to stay in bed for most of the time. I've been thinking of you all and wondering how you were coping with the shocking weather. Thank goodness you are all OK and the thaw has begun.I'm glad you didn't take Barney out as he may have fallen and hurt his legs. I no longer walk Willow as her back legs are not good despite all the medication and she does fall sometimes . Thankfully she is still able to get up unaided and I pray that she continues to do so.
I hope that all Catsey kitties and doggies are doing well and staying warm.I also hope that your job is going well Pamela.
Have a great time at Crufts and love to all Catsey members.

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