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23-06-2011, 08:13 PM   #11

Re: Thundery Thursday

Hellooooo again. Got back just before teatime. Got a bit wet, but not too wet. Sudden showers that cleared up fairly quickly. Amazing sculpture and found out about an art organisation that I had never heard of before .... Red Earth. Will post something on a different thread. Have to admit to becoming a sculpture nut! Monty Bogle had wet paws, but otherwise did not need to be made to look like a little white towelling wriggly ghost of a pup

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23-06-2011, 08:16 PM   #12

Re: Thundery Thursday

[quote=cats' staff;649539]I didn't get too wet but there were some spectacular showers which made the drive interesting. OH rescued me at the end of the day so I didn't have to cycle the 9 miles home.
Kazz, my Dad was ill some years ago and it totally knocked his confidence for a while. It took him a while to get it back as he wasn't used to his body letting him
down so it was a real shock.[

My first reaction was to say that it is a guy thing, as my Dad was exectly the same. But on second thought, I think it's any one who's aways been super healthy, like me. Other than childhood illnesses and the rare cold, I was never sick, so when I suddenly came down all together with COPD, anemia and cancer I couldn't believe it and feel betrayed! How dare this be happening to me! Am I making sense?

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23-06-2011, 08:33 PM   #13

Re: Thundery Thursday

I would think that shock may play a part .... if you have been super fit all your life and your body has never let you down, illness would be a huge shock and an affront. I, on the other hand have been "sickly" since a baby, so nothing much surprises me in the way of ill health. I hope I will get better, although I know that my COPD can only get worse. I sometimes wonder what life would have been like if I had been healthy, but do realise with humility that there are those much worse than I.

Old age and trying to adjust to the feelings that brings is a difficult adjustment to make and also feelings of guilt that I am not yet of retirement age and so therefore are not technically "old". I have huge respect for those who live young and go along without complaint.

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23-06-2011, 10:25 PM   #14

Re: Thundery Thursday

Angie, I'd say anger more than shock, and affront is the perfect word I was looking for, thanks! Technically old: good expression again, many are, but not emotionally/mentally. Why should you feel guilty? I don't quite follow your reasoning there ....

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23-06-2011, 10:41 PM   #15

Re: Thundery Thursday

Well, it's just that I feel I should not actually be having "fear of getting old thoughts" when I am not yet officially old. Mind you the way the economy is going, I suspect no-one will be allowed to be old enough to retire which is a nonsense as it stops the natural progression of the young getting jobs.

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